
  1. Days of Future Piff

    Let's pour some out for the shoe that got dipped in Roger Rabbit :mjcry:

    That shoe wasn't doing anything to anybody to deserve to get dipped like that :to: Christopher Lloyd is such a dope actor. Classic movie :salute:
  2. CopiousX

    For $1000 per day, who's henchman would you be?

    And why do you pick them? :jbhmm: Who would give you the best work-life balance? Who gives PTO? :lupe: Who do you think throws the Best office parties? :ld: Joker? kingpin? Lex luthor? Bane? Thanos?
  3. Rhapture

    Can Villains truly be redeemed?

    And I'm not talking about characters who are Anti heroes, Anti Villains or rebooted back stories. I'm talking about characters who were straight up unapologetically Villains who get treated as heroes later on in the story. Negan brutally killed Glenn, Abraham and Sasha but is now being...
  4. Rhapture

    Which horror villains are you?

    Fashion Horoscopes: The Signs as Horror Movie Villains Based on your astrological sign? I got them two cats from Scream.
  5. Kairi Irving

    Who's your favorite fictional villain? (Spin Thread)

    Inspired by this thread What cartoon character are you? (fits you) Mine From a video game doe :mjgrin: To you, entering this thread was greatest moment of your day..... For me it was a Tuesday :wow: Psycho Crushin' hoes :wow: Shadaloo the Army better yet the Navy
  6. Days of Future Piff

    SPIN: What's your top 10 fictional villains looking like?

    Shout to @MillionMills and his thread on which DBZ Villain is the GOAT. My personal favorite fictional villains of all time:
  7. Benjamin Sisko

    Why Black Villains Matter

    Shabazz Malikali Shabazz Malikali10 hrs ago7 min read Why Black Villains Matter There’s the world before the cinematic realization of T’Challa aka Black Panther, and then there’s the world after. In a little more than a year and a half Marvel will release Black Panther, a film about an...