west african beauty

  1. M

    Where are the West African women at?

    :mjcry: Something in my heart is calling me towards a West African soulmate. I took a DNA test and found out I'm 41% Ivorian/Ghanaian & 23% Benin/Togolese, and ever since I can't get them off my mind. For some reason I can't find NONE in Miami:why: There's a teller at my bank from Benin, she's...
  2. B

    BAD Season 2: Day 29 - Rank Bissau-Guinean women!!(West side is the best side)

    Alright we're back.... Yesterday's Results Seychelles women-8.303 Yesterday Seychelles women took the Coli by the surprise for a new contestant where they gathered a great score of 8.303. The Coli found this Island women from Africa to be exotic. A good showing for a entirely new contestant...