
  1. ORDER_66

    this abc homegrown WHITE domestic terrorism documentary is LIT...:ohhh::mindblown:

    I'm sitting here just absorbing all the information... they also point out a solid connection on the infiltration of law enforcement by the same white supremacist entities...:ohhh:
  2. Hugs

    Cac prankster getting sued by In-n-Out

    This isn't even a prank, this is straight lying. What's the irony of pretending to be someone else to get free food? A prank would be pretending to be a health inspector and giving them a surprise inspection or pretending to be the new CEO and having them wear different outfits.
  3. ORDER_66

    San Antonio gets it popping... 2 officers shot...Yee-Haawwww!!! :trollol:

    2 San Antonio officers shot; 1 in "grave, grave condition" - CBS News But Black people commit ALL the crimes in America tho...:sas2::troll: