
  1. FAH1223

    Julian Assange’s lawyer: Trump offered a pardon if Assange says Russia had no role in DNC email leak

  2. FAH1223

    WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange arrested in London; Extradition to US underway

  3. GPBear

    Julian Assange Arrested

    :francis: Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange arrested Ecuador withdrew his sanctuary after seven years in their British embassy and the met police swooped in. I don’t know if he’s being extradited to Sweden or the US.
  4. ill

    Microsoft speaks out against NSA/CIA stockpiling computer exploits

    The need for urgent collective action to keep people safe online: Lessons from last week’s cyberattack - Microsoft on the Issues Brad Smith President and Chief Legal Officer Early Friday morning the world experienced the year’s latest cyberattack. Starting first in the United Kingdom and...
  5. ExodusNirvana

    WikiLeaks to US government: Stop leaking secrets!

    On Thursday, NBC News broadcast a report claiming to have exclusive details from the top-secret version of the intelligence community report on Russian hacking and information warfare activities delivered to President Barack Obama—a report scheduled to be delivered by intelligence officials to...
  6. FAH1223

    Julian Assange: "Donald? It's a change anyway"

    Julian Assange: "Donald? It's a change anyway" LONDON – When they appeared on the scene for the first time in 2006, few noticed them. And when four years later they hit worldwide media headlines with their publication of over 700,000 secret US government documents, many assumed that Julian...
  7. John Hull

    Keep It A Buck, Nobody Really Gave A Fucc Bout Wikileaks

    Being the non partisan free thinker I am I tried to give those "exposal" documents a cursory glance whenever these Trumpites would roll around posting links, and the language in those emails is so wonky and nebulous nobody ain't readin them shyts like that :pachaha: you know gatdamn well these...
  8. loyola llothta

    WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Knew She Was Helping Islamists Move Into Power In Libya

  9. FAH1223

    Exclusive interview by John Pilger with Julian Assange

  10. FAH1223

    Julian Assange is selling a book featuring Hillary Clinton's paid speeches

    :russ: Hillary Clinton: The Goldman Sachs Speeches $10 e-book, $16 paperback
  11. FAH1223

    Illuminati comes up in John Podesta's Emails :russ:

  12. C

    WTF is up with Julian Assange now?

    Why is Canadian Pam Anderson bringing him vegan meals if Assange is anti-vegan? Why is she allowed anywhere near him? What do you think are in the John Kerry emails about to drop? When Assange says Hillary lacks judgement and will plunge the US into multi worthless wars, I believe him. I...
  13. SirReginald

    SPIN: How Will We Ever OBTAIN World Peace? (We Are ABOUT To Have WW3 With Russia)

    Man, I told you all months back this shyt was gonna happen :snoop: Some of these politicians are PURE EVIL :pacspit: Russia did NOT hack into the DNC. It's government agents leaking that info I'm telling you :snoop: We need to protest these punks. I told all of you and you thought I was...
  14. FAH1223

    Wikileaks releases thousands more John Podesta emails

  15. Jimi Swagger

    WikiLeaks cancels highly anticipated Tuesday announcement due to 'security concerns

    Someone must really be on his ass or Assange's leak will be equivalent to Dr. Dre's Detox album release :stopitslime: ‘October Surprise’ Thwarted? Wikileaks Cancels Highly Anticipated Tuesday Announcement Due to ‘Security Concerns’ By Heat Street Staff|12:56 pm, October 2, 2016 Wikileaks...
  16. New Username

    BREAKING NEWS: #DNCLeak, Hilary & DNC Exposed, Deray Is A Plant....OP UPDATED

    WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
  17. BlackManLiveFromLondon

    DNC emails leaked - its a hot summer guys - Presidential fukkery :banderas:

    WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database They also wanted to use Bernies belief (hes an atheist) against him New Leak: Top DNC Official Wanted to Use Bernie Sanders’s Religious Beliefs Against Him -They pretty much used Deray and BLM in order to secure the black vote -They planned on...