Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
1. Regions: The UK is like that too. To the point Scotland might leave the UK and northern English people think the UK is too dominated by London/the South (the North & Scotland vote drastically different to the south), so I wouldn't say that's a primary reason for the divisiveness. My point is: black people in the UK rep London, Manchester or Birmingham super tough. Tougher than wherever they're from.

2. Commonwealth/colonies - here I always thought this was perhaps the root cause. A larger number of the former French colonies are "war torn" and the way France & Belgium left is probably a large reason why.

I believe the UK has sold the dream of being British and integration much better than France. I heard about the Maghreb thing, doesn't that kinda prove my point that minorities in France really feel oppressed? There's never protests of that type in the UK. When there are protests its social classes. But on the flip side - like I said before British black people are more likely to be c00ns so perhaps they/we take the shyt in silence. I'm not an expert on French people but they also seem more rude/upfront than British people. British people are very "politically correct". Many of the most racist people would never be caught talking racist shyt.

I remember that "race quota" thing the French FA had. The shyt is just wild.

3. I'm not saying they don't feel French at all.. just not to the extent blacks in Britain do. It's the "beef" aspect that's troubling when those countries play France.

4. Fair do's but one question: there's no official stats on race in France are there? The blacks as Ministers is :salute: worthy. I never knew that. There's none in the UK that I am aware of.

Now reading my posts in this thread you may think i'm saying it's brilliant for blacks in the UK. I'm certainly not. It's an institutionally racist country. In general, black people don't do as well as white people by some distance. However, relations in general are positive. The people aren't as racist as American cac's but that' historical.
1. Well, Scotland is a country already so I support their claim :mjpls:. I tend to say the UK when I want to talk about England but I was talking about the latter in my previous post. But I got your point though I would never accept my country being some dependency of another one. And above all if their king or queen reign supreme above me. But maybe that's because I'm french and because we beheaded our king in 1793 :lolbron: (though we couldn't with the following emperors :ld:)

2. Yeah that's the root and will always be. But no minority are "oppressed", well, maybe Muslims but I think it's a general sentiment in Europe about them unfortunately since 9/11.
Anyway, I can't tell you whether we are more rude than British people but maybe, I don't know.
And about the "race quota" thing in French FA : the idea was about bi-national youth who needed to be limited in numbers because we have plenty of french youth who grow up trained in France, in the U13, U16, U18 teams etc. then leave for their homeland when they see they can't make it for France. It was more about that even if there was a clear and undeniable racial undertone aimed at Black People. And that was only talks in a few debates between french heads but there was no law, no policy, no whatever accepted. Though I considered it was blew out of proportion, it was still shocking yes, but nothing more than that IMO.

3. I think that's it. They don't feel 100% french but that's because of the troubled past that France have with its colonies mostly. And honestly I couldn't care less. People view their nationality as they want, that doesn't make them less French. I do feel French (in sports mostly) but I also feel very European and part of humanity. In France, we don't really the salute french flag like in the US for example (except for sports events) but we don't disrespect it. It's just that being French is more in the culture, in our history, our supposed grandeur and glorious past and in our language than in our symbols. I don't have a french flag at home and I don't plan to get one, I only have french football kits :russ:

4. Nope it's illegal. You don't have the right to ask about somebody's ethnicity, religion because as our constitution says "the (french) Republic is one and undividable" which means that there are only french regardless of their ethnicity, religion, ancestry, wealth etc. Once you're French, you're French and I like that way really even though it's not really like that ultimately. But I like not being categorized as Carribean-French or Black-French or African-French like they do in the US.
Like every "white" country, there is some kind of "institutional racism" as you say. There is some in France but I feel we are slowly overcoming it as you can see more people from foreign ancestry visible in the media, in politics (more slowly for that one), in the cultural world etc.. The finance and industrial world are difficult to enter as many great French industrial groups are owned by industrial families from fathers to sons...


Jul 12, 2012
And what is this based on? Nothing. I thought so. Stop making baseless assumptions and just accept that Amerikkka isn't that great of a country.
Lmao fukk outta here!
I made it clear what it's based on; my own experience. If you want specific stats and figures about education, living standards, wealth etc. then those have been posted throughout the whole thread.
I didn't say the USA is the greatest country in the world, but it's definitely in the rank of "great" countries as far as those criteria go.