A List of White Supremacists in the porn industry (how pornography fuels the alt-right part deux)

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006

As the lefties lay in a street, Dillon allegedly drove up behind them, reportedly shouting, “If you want to go to the hospital, here you go,” and “you will have health care if you people stop protesting” as he guns his ride through the crowd.

The protesters rolled out of his way before anyone was hit, and cops cuffed him — only to give him a reckless driving citation.

The meathead, who’s social media is full of workout vanity pics and snaps of himself with porn stars including Ron Jeremy, is a vocal Trump supporter who frequented a Facebook group called White Privilege Club.

In one since-deleted post, he boasted to the group that he could not be racist because his he has an Asian wife, the Mail reported.

“Yell ‘White Pride’ and people look at you like ive got a clan outfit on… I married a slant eye import, so you know i aint racist :wink:” the post reportedly read.

An Instagram post of Dillon standing next to an enormous-breasted woman is captioned: “The porn industry boss posted a photo with with a busty woman captioned: ‘I don’t usually take pics with talent but these were impressive.”

Gay-for-Pay, White Supremacist Adult Film Actor Cameron Diggs Arrested in Meth SWAT Raid in Dallas

by Andy Towle
February 11, 2017 | 10:14am


Gay-for-pay adult film actor Cameron Diggs (aka Timothy Harper) was arrested with three others on Thursday in a SWAT drug raid in the Dallas gayborhood of Oak Lawn, the Dallas News reports:
Gay-for-Pay, White Supremacist Adult Film Actor Cameron Diggs Arrested in Meth SWAT Raid in Dallas - Towleroad

Neo-Nazi and EURO head Bruce Breeding has an alter ego that runs a porn magazine with accompanying website — and has become 'the Munkay.'

Among the many sins neo-Nazis like to ascribe to their mortal enemies, "the Jews," few inspire more righteous invective than pornography and sexual depravity. David Duke, the former Klan leader currently imprisoned for gambling away his followers' donations, has even blamed Jews for inspiring "obscene poets."

Leading Neo-Nazi Peddles Pornography

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Jenna Jameson

Jenna Jameson’s Shocking Alt-Right Transformation
The former porn star and adult icon now spends her days retweeting conspiracy theorists, sharing anti-Muslim scare stories, and defending Milo Yiannopoulos. What happened?
03.04.17 8:46 AM ET
Jenna Jameson is once again the talk of the porn industry. An icon with close to 200 adult films under her belt, Jameson is still idolized by many women getting their start in the biz. But there will never be another Jenna. The former Queen of Porn has achieved more mainstream recognition than any female porn star, despite remarkingat the 2008 AVN Awards, “I’ll never, ever, ever spread my legs again in this industry. Ever.” While shaming the adult industry is apparently forgivable, a series of alt-right social media tirades has forced even Jameson’s most ardent supporters in the XXX world to reexamine the woman who’s come to represent it.
Jenna Jameson’s Shocking Alt-Right Transformation

Meet the Bodybuilding Neo-Nazi Porn Star Who Embalms Dead People for a Living

Maureen O'Connor
08/03/10 05:10PM

The internet is full of strange people. Corinna Burt may be the strangest. The prominent white supremacist is an undertaker, bodybuilder, and former torture porn star. By phone, she discussed her unusual life and how racism "saved her" from porn.

Corinna Luray Burt is "the most prominent National Socialist Movement organizer in the Pacific Northwest," according to a watchdog group that monitors the activities of the neo-Nazi organization. She's been photographed in Nazi uniform on countless occasions. She's given presentations with titles like "Treblinka Was Not a Death Camp." But under a different name—"Cori Lou"—she has been whipped, gagged, bound, flogged, and electrocuted on camera.

Burt's porn-filled past was recently the subject of a series of articles by anti-fascist groups in the Portland area. By phone, though, Corinna tells us she's "puzzled" by the articles outing her past life as a hardcore torture porn star. (And bodybuilder, and undertaker.) "I didn't consider this to be some sort of secret," she explains. "I raise gerbils, too," she adds. She's a renaissance woman from hell.

Meet the Bodybuilding Neo-Nazi Porn Star Who Embalms Dead People for a Living

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Art and Law
French Porn Star Vandalizes Public Mural with White Supremacist, Anti-Immigration Slogans
Combo claimed the mural was bait, and the far right took it.

Alyssa Buffenstein, June 23, 2015


Electre, the French right-wing political activist porn star.
Photo: via Electreunleashed.fr
French porn star and far-right political activist Electre has vandalized a mural by French street artist Combo with far-right slogans in Paris’s 11th arrondissement, Le Figaro reports.

The mural, commissioned by a state-funded public art committee, depicts a haloed and helmeted Joan of Arc holding a red flag with the words “liberté, egalité, humanité,” a riff on France’s national motto, coined during the Revolution. Next to her is the far-right slogan “La France aux Français” (“France for the French”), written in black, crossed out in red, with “Les Françaises aux Africains” (The French (women) to Africans”) written underneath.


Combo’s mural pre-vandalization.
Photo: Combo Culture Kidnapper via Facebook

The intentionally-provocative mural was painted on June 14, and was quickly controversial, on display for less than two days before political opponents vandalized it. On June 15, two men flung gray paint at the mural, covering the phrase “Les Frainçaises aux Africains.”

On June 17, Electre uploaded a video to her YouTube channel of herself spray-painting the phrases “antiracism is the codeword for antiwhite,” “collabos,” and “résistance” across the mural in blue. The vandalism happened in broad daylight, and Electre took full ownership of her actions, signing the mural and posing in front of it, before being confronted by passersby and patrons from a nearby restaurant.


Combo posted this photo of his mural being vandalized to his Facebook page.
Photo: Combo Culture Kidnapper via Facebook

The next day, an anonymous graffitist sprayed an anti-black slogan across the mural in orange. In France, contemporary art and politics have a complex, volatile relationship ranging from petty offense to deadly violence.

The same day of Electre’s video upload, Combo posted a photo of the adult actress caught in the act (of graffiti) to his Facebook page with the caption “Voila, la fresque a été detruite par les militants du fn #autodafe” (Voila, the mural was destroyed by supporters of the fn ‪#‎autodafe). FN refers to ‬France’s National Front party.


Electre posing in front of Combo’s mural after vandalizing it.
Photo: via Elektreunleashed.fr

“The goal was to make people from the far right react, and it certainly worked,” he told the AFP. “If these militants had ignored me, they would have been smarter than me, but they fell for it.”

Combo’s oeuvre is marked by its pacifist yet provocative, leftist political stance. It is not the first time he has attracted backlash from the far-right, and he told Le Figaro that he expected vandalism on this mural.

Watch Electre’s video below:

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White Supremacist Porn Star Vandalizes Mural - artnet News