ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club {Update 5/1/23}


Nov 1, 2015

Saucon Valley School District to pay Satanic Temple $200K in legal fees over After School Satan Club legal issue​

Saucon Valley School District

A legal settlement has been reached between the Saucon Valley School District and the Satanic Temple.

According to court paperwork, the district has agreed to pay the Satanic Temple $200,000 in legal fees.

The Temple was represented by the ACLU in the suit, which claimed the district unfairly stopped the After School Satan Club from meeting at Saucon Valley Middle School.

The agreement also states that Saucon Valley has to allow the club the same access as other clubs to facilities going forward.

Back in February the club claimed Saucon Valley Schools were preventing the club from meeting at the middle school.

That led to months of back and forth between the groups.

The club was eventually allowed to meet on school ground this past May, after the lawsuit was filed.

The Saucon Valley School District issued the following statement Friday about the settlement:

"Yesterday afternoon, the District resolved litigation brought by The Satanic Temple, Inc. and the After School Satan Club. The District denies that it discriminated against the TST, the ASSC, or the approximately four students who attended ASSC’s three meetings last spring. As always, the District’s priorities are the education of its students and the safety of its students and staff. By enforcing its policies regarding the use of facilities, the District maintained a safe educational environment for its students in the face of credible threats of violence that had already caused closure of the schools and panic in the community. The District’s agreement to pay a portion of TST’s attorneys’ fees and costs, which included the work of three attorneys from the ACLU and two attorneys from Dechert LLP, will be paid by the District’s insurance coverage as opposed to the taxpayers of Saucon Valley. The District is pleased that this matter has resolved and that all organizations will be following the District’s Facilities Use Policy in the future."