Alex Jones Loses Defamation Case for Sandy Hook


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks

(Reuters) - Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist and founder of the right-wing website Infowars, has been found liable for damages in a trio of defamation lawsuits filed after he falsely claimed that the 2012 Sandy Hook school massacre was a "hoax."

Judge Maya Guerra Gamble in state court in Austin, Texas, ruled that Jones repeatedly failed to comply with court orders to hand over documents to the parents of children killed in the attack.

Jones claimed the shooting, in which 20 children and six school employees were shot dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, was fabricated by gun-control advocates and mainstream media.

In response, several parents sued Jones and Infowars, as well as its parent company, for defamation in both Texas and Connecticut. Infowars is based in Texas.

In a deposition linked to one of the suits, Jones eventually acknowledged the massacre had occurred, though he denied wronging the children's parents.

Last year, Jones and Infowars were ordered by a different Texas judge to pay more than $100,000 in court costs and legal fees in one of the cases.

In her ruling this week, Gamble wrote that Jones had engaged in a "consistent pattern of discovery abuse" in numerous cases stemming from the shooting.

Gamble's decision means the defendants will have to pay a still-undetermined amount of damages to the parents of two six-year-old boys killed in the shooting. Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, whose son Noah died, filed one lawsuit, while the other two lawsuits were brought by Scarlett Lewis and Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse died.

In a statement, Jones and an attorney for Infowars, Norm Pattis, called the decision "stunning."

"We are distressed by what we regard as a blatant abuse of discretion by the trial court," the statement said.

Social media companies including Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have banned Jones from their platforms, citing policies against hate speech and abusive behavior.

(Reporting by Joseph Ax; Editing by Daniel Wallis)


All Star
May 30, 2012
it's odd that this false prophet still walks free around the globe* ( earth could be flat for all i know :flabbynsick:)

plus, these white people don't talk shyt about easter eggs, like they don't tell people that bunnies don't lay eggs:flabbynsick:

conspiracy theorists = #SillyGang


Feb 21, 2015
There are so many posters, I don’t even have time to quote them all. Interestingly, most of these posters are bushed/banned. Coli mods doing their job. :ehh:

Man this story is literally changing by the hour. Not to go conspiracy theorist but things are definitely getting fishy. This Adam Lanza is turning into a true ghost character. They don't even have a clear picture/photo of him. First they say he shot his mom at the school, then she was shot at home and she never taught at Sandy Hook. Adam hasn't been seen in three years, he was a loner with mental problems, now he had friends & and a girlfriend, etc, etc :whew:

I'm not in a position to suggest anything......but sometimes (quite a bit) the MSM fails to provide certain details of things that were overlooked and or not re-examined ..and their supposed to have the "best" journalists and the most resources of any the news organizations.... that's what this article does....check it out..

Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control | Veterans Today

But my question(s) is just as basic as apple pie a la mode.....................................and I've yet to hear it answered, and when I look online I don't see it asked or answered.......especially if he came through the front door??........simple

Where are the cameras from outside and inside the school??........ search engine that question cause maybe I overlooked it...

At this point every educational facility has a camera(s) on the would be hard pressed not to find a facility in the U.S. without one or several....

So where is the footage and/or what has the press heard about any footage?? Is this one of those schools without them??

sandy hook and yes I do I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything but no death certificate for him seems fishy as fukk.

Actually Sandy Hook was the shooting that really made me start questioning these events

Nice try though :ufdup:

Real or fake, these mass shooter events are pregnant with consequences.
After the Sandy Hook shooting, Connecticut passed strict gun laws and they’re trying to pass invasive homeschooling laws because alleged shooter Adam Lanza was reportedly homeschooled.

This is bothering me. In the age of the internet, virtually (no pun intended) all information is available if you know where to look for it, including pictures.

  • I'll start with Sandy Hook. Search google for crime scene photos. There are none. I was looking to see something conclusive. There are none. Then I thought, maybe its because its kids. But there are thousands of OFFICIAL crime scene photos released showing murdered children. We have nothing but interior photos of shattered glass and two blood stains. And now the school has been demolished :patrice:

  • The Nice , France attack bore no crim

Totally disagree. Sandy Hook was definitely a fraud (in before ad hominem about being a conspiracy theorist) but banning semi- rautos because some stupid cac shot up a church and some fake autist shot up a school is downright retarded. Everything Ben said is 100-percent on the money.

Gun control is just a flatout retarded solution.

The retarded acts of a couple citizens, one of which is very likely a complete fraud, should not justify taking away the rights of millions of law abiding citizens.

Wrong, illumanati isnt what it used to be and the earth is round.

However, 9/11 was a inside job for the government to make whatever moves they had to make in the middle east and Sandy Hook was false flag for gun control.

Until one of you muthafukkas explain building 7 i dont want to hear shyt that it wasnt a inside job.


Go and look up the video of that father who supposedly lost his kid laughing with others off-camera, thinking the camera wasn't on. Then when he got up to the camera getting in character and then crying. It was the most obvious crisis actor I've ever seen. That was the smoking gun for me that proved it was fake. No real parent who just lost his kid a day earlier would behave like that guy did.

I can't find the video right now on the internet. There used to be tons of clips of this on YouTube. But like all the other Sandy Hook conspiracy material, its been scrubbed from the internet. Obviously the power at be don't want this stuff seen by the public because of how explosive it is. Nobody could watch that video of that supposed father of one of the killed children and believe he was an actual parent that lost a young child just one day earlier. Dude was too happy and having too much fun before the cameras started rolling and he went into the fake tears.


May 1, 2012