Asian gets cac'ed on Air BNB

King of Creampies

Hop in. You coming too!
Feb 18, 2017
Wild Hunt
I don't know what to say....I want :mjlol:to but I really want :yeshrug:to but I should :lolbron:

Airbnb Bans Host Who Dumped Guest Because She's Asian | The Huffington Post

Airbnb Bans Host Who Dumped Guest Because She’s Asian
“I will not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners,” the host texted. “It’s why we have trump.”

This ski trip went downhill and took a racist turn fast.

Airbnb says it has permanently banned a host from the platform after she canceled a guest’s reservation minutes before her arrival because the guest was Asian. And we know that was the host’s reason, because she said so.

“One word says it all,” the host wrote in a text message to the would-be guest. “Asian.”

Airbnb told The Huffington Post the incident happened in February near Big Bear, California. It has gained traction now after a video taken of the tearful guest the night of the racist exchange has gone viral. Airbnb declined to identify either the guest or the host to HuffPost, citing company privacy policy.

“The four of us made a reservation on Airbnb about a month ago,” the denied guest says in the video as snow falls around her, “and I asked the woman who is the host if two more friends would be OK ... she said that’s fine, we just have to pay more money.

I wouldn’t rent to u if u were the last person on earth.

“So we’re driving up, we think everything is fine, we’re ready for this ski trip in Big Bear ... there were flash flood warnings all day, [and] I asked the woman again, is it OK if my two friends come, like, should we give you cash, or how much did you say it was again?

“And she says, ‘Absolutely not.... You must be high if you think that that would be OK in the busiest weekend in Big Bear.’ Then she said, ‘No, we’re done,’ and she canceled the trip.”

Taken aback, the guest responded by informing the woman her actions would be reported to Airbnb, to which she replied in a text: “Go ahead. I wouldn’t rent to u if u were the last person on earth.” Then she texted, “One word says it all. Asian.”

One word says it all. Asian.
In additional screenshots of the conversation, provided by the guest as proof, the host wrote, “And I will not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners. It’s why we have trump.”

In the video, the distraught guest says she’s an American citizen. Not that that mattered to the host, who apparently deemed her a foreigner based only on her profile picture.

“What they see is that I’m Asian. What they see is my race,” she said, sobbing, “and this is how we get treated. It stings.”

In a statement to The Huffington Post, Airbnb spokesman Christopher Nulty called the host’s behavior “abhorrent and unacceptable.” Nulty added the company reached out to the guest as soon as it learned of the incident and offered to rebook her somewhere else, but she’d already made other plans.

“We have worked to provide the guest with our full support” Nulty said, “and in line with our non-discrimination policy, this host has been permanently removed from the Airbnb platform.”


Jun 21, 2013


Respectful Fade Runner & Card Puller
Jan 25, 2015
this is just another thursday for black folk... :coffee:

gotta be strong to be a black person in amerikkka, the shyt that causes other races to feel as if their rosy world has imploded is what nikkas literally go through on a daily basis w/ zero sympathy. :coffee:

Dr. Acula

Jul 26, 2012
this is just another thursday for black folk... :coffee:

gotta be strong to be a black person in amerikkka, the shyt that causes other races to feel as if their rosy world has imploded is what nikkas literally go through on a daily basis w/ zero sympathy. :coffee:
Yep yep
cry more gook
Unneccessary :francis:
Oct 15, 2014
this is just another thursday for black folk... :coffee:

gotta be strong to be a black person in amerikkka, the shyt that causes other races to feel as if their rosy world has imploded is what nikkas literally go through on a daily basis w/ zero sympathy. :coffee:

This, other non-whites feel black folks are eternal complainers and whiners, blacks know very well how racist a lot of cacs are, but these non-white immigrants who arrived after 1965, when America dropped the overt racism and instead choose undercover covert racism, think racism is a thing that was wildly exaggerated, never existed(since most of them descend of recent immigrants or are recent immigrants themselves, them or their ancestors never knew the America before the 1960s) or they think racism is a a convienient excuse used by blacks to avoid being a productive citizen (welfare)or assimilating to mainstream society. I dont feel bad for asians, latinos, indians, arabs, getting wake up calls.

''But but I'm an american citizen''! I bet she dates exclusively cacs and felt she was accepted as white.

Old white cac woman saw her asian face and put her :mjpls: on.
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