Attractive 45 yo female posts that she thinks men are feminized, shyt storm ensues


Thunderbolt Them Suckers
Oct 13, 2012

45 F • /r/AmISexy

skinny, fit 45 yr old women posts pictures to a subreddit, redditor asks how to approach her, she says she would be impressed if a man approached her in general, men are feminized and that she wants a the guy to be dominant and approach her. Absolute shyt storm ensues.


To begin with, a decent looking, fit 45 yo lady posts pictures in a sub dedicated to asking 'am i sexy?' (surprising, but she looks 10x better than the fat 20 yo feminists running all over the place).

A redditor compliments her and asks:

In what way's should a guy approach you? Or do you want to catch more guys check you out?

She responds with:

If guys just made the first move at all id be impressed these days. Men are feminized now though, those days are done.

My first thought was, "yeah sounds about right, you might be 45, but you look decent enough to be approached", reddits responses was as follows:

Why should we have to? If you're interested in a guy, why can't you make the first move?

Whiny-ness levels are off the charts, her reponse (yes its worth the read):

Because its a turn off to me, and if im turned off from the first second how would it ever work. A huge part of my attraction to a man is his masculinity and dominant nature... If i have to make the first move those things are gone for me right from the start, then there is no sexual tension or attraction. Polarity gets me, feminine/masculine, dominant/submissive, aggressive/receptive, otherwise the energy is dead... If i make a move it would be subtle, nothing more than eye contact, maybe a slight smile, a tilt of the head. If a man doesn't pick that up and make a move its dead in the water. It is what it is. You can't help what you are sexually attracted to. Its like trying to tell a man to be attracted to an overweight woman because its 'whats inside that counts' regardless of the fact that he normally gets hard for slim fit women, its not going to happen. Same for us, women are generally attracted to strong masculine men, especially beautiful feminine women, thats how nature made it.

I don't think you could get much more honest than this. This is the unspoken attraction that women experience and if you haven't picked up on this by now, then what are you even doing when you talk to a women. Their response just screams of butthurt, she gave you great advice, to grow some balls and be the one to initiate and of course the response was:

You're hot. You're just very entitled and judgmental.

Apparently saying that fit men like fit women is being judgmental. I'll end the discussion between them with this last response:

You asked me why i wont make the first move, i told you, sorry it wasnt the answer you wanted but it was the truth. Im naturally attracted to what im attracted to, its not a choice... i just asked for a man to take a risk and make the first move. 20 years ago this wasnt even a debate.


If you haven't already, learn how to initiate with girls. It should be obvious by now that a dominant, goal oriented guy is going to be more of a turn on than one who sits back and expects them all to chase him. I know that some may complain by saying, "she's a 40 yo who hit the wall, she just wants attention from guys, this doesn't prove anything!!", but really her point stands pretty clear and it obviously applies pretty well with a lot of our new generation of 'men' and the fact that it strikes a nerve with so many people just stands to prove it even more. In general, great read, and shows reddits reaction to a feminized women.[/quote]
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Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
A 45 year old women posting pictures on Reddit seeking attention. If she was getting attention in real life she wouldn't be posting thirst lingerie photos on a site that houses all sorts of weirdos. There is something off about her mentally, most likely. She is single for a reason.


Thunderbolt Them Suckers
Oct 13, 2012
Best post from the thread:

Rathadin comments on 45 F

Man, you mother fukkers are all a bunch of Elliot Rodgers in the making I see.
Here you have a woman that, for her age, is still attractive. There are plenty of guys her age that would go out with her in a heartbeat. There's a lot of you thirsty mother fukkers - and you know who you are... - who would gladly let her jump on your dikk.
But she won't have you. She won't have you because you won't have yourselves. You're all sheep, conditioned into believing the bullshyt the media's told you that Yes Means Yes and Consent is Sexy. Itsbullshyt, you tards. I recount the a precursors to two one of the wildest sex encounters I've ever had. The first one, I was throwing a pre-game party at my apartment in a college town when I got out of the Navy and went back to college. A lot of my friends were richer than my family, so they went straight to college out of high school. I had no such luck. I had to finance college through the GI Bill. There were three girls, and four guys there. The game was the next day in the afternoon. I cooked, made a bunch of party food, and I had a lot of alcohol.
One of the girls there admitted to having a crush on me in high school. We joked about it a bit, and everyone sort of went off doing their own thing, with two of the guys and one of the girls playing poker at the kitchen table, the other girl and guy catching up on the couch. I wasn't drunk yet, nor was The Girl Who Liked Me, but we were both tipsy and well on our way to drunkenness. She's a nerd... the classic nerd who was ignored by guys and grew up to be hot. She's a solid 7 in the face, but a 10 body... she goes to the gym religiously. She's also tiny. 5' 2" and 105 lbs. She said she wanted to see my "book collection". I do collect books, I have about 1700. I had about 450 at the time. My two bedroom apartment was two stories with a staircase, so I threw her over my left shoulder and walked her up the stairs and set her down in the spare bedroom where my bookshelves were. She stood on her tiptoes to try to see the top of one 6' shelf. So I put my hands on her hips and picked her up so she could see. She turned around after I put her down, and we kissed. She and I went into my bedroom and literally fukked until we passed out and woke up the next morning around 11 a.m.
You know why she kissed me? Because I made the first move. Showing that I was physically her superior by not only picking her up, but tossing her over my shoulder like a sack of flour made her wet. You think that's bullshyt? Ask OP. /u/abicus4343, what do you think? How would you respond if a guy from high school who you liked met up with you, and tossed you over his shoulder and took you into one of his spare bedrooms, and consistently showed you he can throw you around like a rag doll? And for all you fukking dikkless manginas who think, "Well that only works with stupid bimbos!" This woman is the intellectual superior of 95% of Reddit. She graduated high school two years early. She has a bachelor's in English, a J.D. (that means she's a lawyer, for those who don't know), she went back to school and finished a Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at one of the most prestigious schools in the country... a year early.
It works on women because the vast majority of women want to surrender to a man. Let me retype that for you gentlesirs. They want... to surrender to a man. A man that is their equal or their superior. When you stumble around asking, "Uh... please milady, if it pleases you, I would like to kiss thine lips..." you might as well stuff a roll of paper towels into her vagina, because you'll be drying her up just as effectively.
Jesus Christ, wake up boys... you don't deserve to be called men. Wake the fukk up. You've been told by so many people that, "This is way things should be!", its like you never stopped to ask, "Is this the way things actually are?"
Do you honestly believe what Elliot Rodgers believed? You fukkers are spitting out his manifesto so expertly, its like you all helped him write it... it goes a little something like this:
All of the hot, beautiful girls walked around with obnoxious, tough jock-type men who partied all the time and acted crazy. They should be going for intelligent gentlemen such as myself. Women are sexually attracted to the wrong type of man.
That's what you idiots sound like... wake the fukk up and grow some balls and actually take charge of your life. Jesus.


Aug 12, 2015


The one true gym gawd...
May 24, 2014
She is 100% correct and I've stated it here several times before. A lot of men nowadays are soft and feminine as fukk

Look at how many "men" here are concerned about women liking thugs like its some epidemic out here. Like i said, women don't want to be with other women unless they're lesbo. Why the fukk would a women want a soft ass borderline female nikka


Jun 6, 2013
Thats all very well, problem is modern women are enormously fickle when it comes to who they don't mind approaching them ,they can actuallly get offended if it's the wrong type of guy, and it can be very little things that turn them off , and many men don't pick up on subtle signs. Then you have women elsewhere who regard men approaching them even respectfully as harassment and ought to be criminalised.

I agree with her actually that far too many men are feminised, but she really ought to point the finger at the women ,some of whom are in very powerful positions who want to beat down men ,and if they could would want to force men to sit down to take a piss. Maybe the next time,these women start ranting about men for even existing ,she and others who like masculine men should shout them down.

It is a mystery

Tory Lanez Stan
Aug 20, 2013
"Yes!!! Porn has ruined men on so many levels, dont get me started on that one!! I am part of the last generation that knew life pre and post internet porn and its not pretty. If i could say one thing to younger men to improve the quality of their lives it would be to never watch internet porn again. Porn has killed men socially and sexually, they don't approach real women anymore, they dont get turned on by real women, they are terrible at sex, they are wasting their sexuality in basements by themselves watching homo erotic images day in and day out. Its the saddest thing. Straight porn has nothing to do with feminine sexuality, its all male centric. Men should be learning about sex with real women, not online. Men used to be romantic, intense, sexual and masculine, not anymore. Now when a man sees a hot woman in real life he just stares at her longingly, does nothing, then just goes home and jerks to porn. Such a waste. Dont get me wrong, women are also fukked up now to in their own way and its bad on both sides but im talking about porn. If i meet anyone again i hope he doesnt watch porn and i hope more and more men wake up and join the nofap or noporn movements. Sorry, bit of a rant there."

"If guys just made the first move at all id be impressed these days. Men are feminized now though, those days are done."

Oochie wally wally or is it 1 mic? :jbhmm: