Baltimore Police Shoot 13 Year Old playing with Toy Gun

Big Daddy

Fight or die fighting, no surrender.
Oct 25, 2014
13-Year-Old Boy with Toy Gun Shot by Baltimore Police Officers
Police commissioner blames child's mother for allowing him to leave the house with a realistic looking toy gun.

Posted: April 27 2016 7:44 PM

A 13-year-old boy was shot Wednesday afternoon by two Baltimore, Md. police officers who believed that the toy gun the child was carrying was real. The boy's injuries are reportedly not life threatening.

The incident happened on Baltimore's Southeast side around 4:00 p.m. ET. near a local community center.

According to Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis, the child ran after police officers identified themselves, forcing them to open fire.

Davis called the toy a "dead-on ringer" for a Beretta 92FS, which the gun's website describes as "the world’s most trusted military and police pistol," and placed the blame for the shooting squarely on the child's mother:

"If it's a BB gun, projectiles can be fired from a BB gun," Davis said. "We see people who arm themselves with replica handguns for the purpose of committing crimes with that replica handgun. It happens all the time in Baltimore, it happens elsewhere as well.

"I can't speak as to what was going through that young man's mind," he continued. "I've got two 13-year-old twins at home and I'm trying to imagine my two 13-year-olds at home leaving my house with a replica semi-automatic pistol in their hand.

"The mom knew that her son left their house with a replica semi-automatic pistol in his hand," Davis added. "I can't wrap my head around that right now."

The victim's mother is being questioned by police.

Today's shooting comes on the one-year anniversary of Freddie Gray's funeral. Gray, 25, died in a trauma center on April 19, 2015, one week after suffering extensive injuries to his neck and spine while in police custody.

After Gray's funeral on April 27, 2015, protests that became known as the #BaltimoreUprising occured across the city. Alleged police agitation of peaceful protesters led to hundreds of arrests and the image of a CVS burning to the ground played on a mainstream media loop.

To commemorate those events, city officials, state leaders and community organizers declared today a Day of Reconciliation.

"...I just felt compelled to be here today because I was here a year ago, more importantly, stood on the corner every day of the unrest and my message never changed about it, how this city needed to be more inclusive and how we didn't condone violence in any way, but we knew that there were problems that this city was facing and we could work on them together," said state Sen. Catherine Pugh, the Democratic nominee for mayor of Baltimore.

Pugh has not yet issued a statement on today's shooting, which also comes on the heels of the city of Cleveland settling with the family of 12-year-old Tamir Rice for $6,000,000.

As previously reported by The Root , on Nov. 22, 2014, then Cleveland police officer Timothy Loehman shot Tamir after allegedly mistaking the toy gun he was playing with on a playground as real. Tamir died the next day from his injuries.

1. All it says is that the kid ran. How does simply 'running from the police' warrant the use of deadly force? :mindblown:
If he pointed at them, fine. If he had just shot a bunch of people, thereby making him a threat to shoot someone else, then okay. But all it says is that he simply ran from them.

2. If true, what type of parent allows their 13 yr old Black male child to leave the house with a gun that looks just like a real gun, in the inner city, with today's police/community climate? :mindblown:

King Poetic

My Richness is Life Forever
Feb 15, 2013
My Life My God
1.. doesn't toy guns have the Orange tip

2.... kid running away from the threat and did the kid turn around and yell im going to shoot?? Probably not... has a ccw carrier u told that if a person run away your not allowed to shoot, don't that shyt apply to cops... I guess not, so they will walk

3. What happen at just shooting a kid in the leg or tased his ass


Not who you think
Mar 7, 2014
The mother knew he had a toy gun and let him play outside with it:francis: Why a mother in the ghetto would let a kid play with a toy gun, I don't know :ufdup: but the kid got shot in the lower body and will survive
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May 15, 2012
seems like a lot of cops these days are straight bytch-made. the use of deadly force should be a final straw, not the first thing that comes into your mind.

they shot him because they wanted to kill them, keep thinking these pigs are afraid, who is gonna be afraid of a kid runnning away