Be afraid of vaccines but you're a fata*s, brehs....

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
If you got ill after the vaccine your body has a physical flaw and needs attention ie you don't hydrate properly or you don't get enough vitamins and minerals. Or you are sick in a way and don't know it. You have folks' ducking the vaccine but have fast food 20 times a week. Saying it's dangerous and 'they dont know whats in it'. If I told them it came with a side of fries would they trust it then?

Getting a vaccine isn't a 'get out of jail free card' from getting the virus in question. It strengthens your immune system against the virus. Now if you have something else going on healthwise ie no frequent veggies in your diet....not taking food more than 5 times a week....overweight....poor hygeine.....guess what? You are still up to get sick. But the virus in theory will do less harm to you.

The primary issue is how new this strain of virus was, how quickly it initially spread and its danger to certain groups especially the elderly. People kill me saying 'Well I didnt get sick so fukk it'. Everybody isn't you!

I got all vaccines and never missed a beat. Never got ill. Never got even a sniffle. But I know it might kill someone I come in contact with if I'm asymptomatic and am a carrier. Everybody's case is different. If you ducked the vaccine you are basically saying "Everybody's case is the same!"

Justin Nitsuj

Jan 23, 2018
Dallas, TX
People who took the Covid vaccine keeps going on and on about taking the shot, just only lets me know that y'all still mad at the people who didn't follow government orders and ran out and got the shot like most of y'all did.

Speaking of the elderly, my 90 year old grandmother was recently sick with Covid and she never took the vaccine AND she still managed to survive it. So the virus isn't as "dangerous" like you say it is.

The Guru

May 2, 2012
People who took the Covid vaccine keeps going on and on about taking the shot, just only lets me know that y'all still mad at the people who didn't follow government orders and ran out and got the shot like most of y'all did.

Speaking of the elderly, my 90 year old grandmother was recently sick with Covid and she never took the vaccine AND she still managed to survive it. So the virus isn't as "dangerous" like you say it is.

BK The Great

Nov 21, 2015
All I know is that I’m not taking another shot again :manny: I’ll be masked up as long as this thing keeps being around. Y’all can have your 5th booster shot. So many people have dropped their masks and are going about their lives. The administration in office failed the people just as much as Trump’s dumbass did.

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
This is a completely new and original topic never discussed before on the coli :unimpressed:

It's getting late in the game and folks are starting to get lax on taking covid seriously. Probably not a bad idea to remind folks that people are still dying from this and that with the holidays in effect a new surge is right around the corner.

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
People who took the Covid vaccine keeps going on and on about taking the shot, just only lets me know that y'all still mad at the people who didn't follow government orders and ran out and got the shot like most of y'all did.

Speaking of the elderly, my 90 year old grandmother was recently sick with Covid and she never took the vaccine AND she still managed to survive it. So the virus isn't as "dangerous" like you say it is.

She also may have gotten it from someone who was vaxxed which made it into a weaker strain that she had to deal with vs getting the full brunt from someone that wasn't

NPR: Breakthrough infections might not be a big transmission risk. Here's the evidence

Conventional wisdom says that if you're vaccinated and you get a breakthrough infection with the coronavirus, you can transmit that infection to someone else and make that person sick.

But new evidence suggests that even though that may happen on occasion, breakthrough infections might not represent the threat to others that scientists originally thought.

Ross Kedl, an immunologist at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, will point out to anyone who cares to listen that basic immunology suggests the virus of a vaccinated person who gets infected will be different from the virus of an infected unvaccinated person.

That's because vaccinated people have already made antibodies to the coronavirus. Even if those antibodies don't prevent infection, they still "should be coating that virus with antibody and therefore helping prevent excessive downstream transmission," Kedl says. And a virus coated with antibodies won't be as infectious as a virus not coated in antibodies.

Scant evidence for easy transmission of breakthrough infections
In Provincetown, Mass., this summer, a lot of vaccinated people got infected with the coronavirus, leading many to assume that this was an example of vaccinated people with breakthrough infections giving their infection to other vaccinated people.

recent study from Israel of breakthrough infections among health care workers, the researchers report that in "all 37 case patients for whom data were available regarding the source of infection, the suspected source was an unvaccinated person."

How A Gay Community Helped The CDC Spot A COVID Outbreak — And Learn More About Delta
It's hard to prove that an infected vaccinated person actually was responsible for transmitting their infection to someone else.

"I have seen no one report actually trying to trace whether or not the people who were vaccinated who got infected are downstream — and certainly only could be downstream — of another vaccinated person," Kedl says.

There's new laboratory evidence supporting Kedl's supposition. Initially, most vaccine experts predicted that mRNA vaccines like the ones made by Pfizer and Moderna that are injected into someone's arm muscle would generate only the kinds of antibodies that circulate throughout the body.

But that might not be the whole story.

"I think what was the big surprise here is that the mRNA vaccines are going beyond that," says Michal Caspi Tal, until recently an instructor at Stanford University's Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine and now a visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

has found is that in addition to the circulating antibodies, there was a surprisingly large amount of antibodies in mucosal membranes in the nose and mouth, two of the primary entry points for the coronavirus.

The vaccinated aren't "sitting ducks"
Immunologist Jennifer Gommerman of the University of Toronto found this as well.

"This is the first example where we can show that a local mucosal immune response is made, even though the person got the vaccine in an intramuscular delivery," Gommerman says.

If there are antibodies in the mucosal membranes, they would likely be coating any virus that got into the nose or throat. So any virus that was exhaled by a sneeze or a cough would likely be less infectious.

Gommerman says that until now, it seemed likely that a vaccine that was delivered directly to the mucosal tissue was the only way to generate antibodies in the nose or throat.

"Obviously a mucosal vaccination would be great too. But at least we're not sitting ducks," Gommerman says. "Otherwise everyone would be getting breakthrough infection."

I got a 'mild' breakthrough case. Here's what I wish I'd known
Now, these studies by Gommerman and Tal have yet to undergo peer review, and some have already suggested that the antibodies they have described may not confer true mucosal immunity.

But there's other evidence that a vaccinated person's breakthrough infection may not transmit efficiently to others.

Marion Pepper, an immunologist at the University of Washington, says a recent study from the Netherlands looked at how well virus from vaccinated people could infect cells in the lab.

Pepper says the answer was not well.

"If you actually isolate virus from people who are getting a secondary infection after being vaccinated, that virus is less good at infecting cells," Pepper says. "It's not known why. Is it covered with an antibody? Maybe. Has it been hit by some other kind of immune mediators, cytokines, things like that? Maybe. Nobody really knows. But the virus does seem to be less viable coming from a vaccinated person."

More studies are emerging that suggest there's something different about the virus coming from a vaccinated person, something that may help prevent transmission.

Whatever it is, the University of Colorado's Kedl says it's one more reason that getting vaccinated is a good idea.

"Because you're going to be even more protected yourself. And you're going to be better off protecting other people."

Kedl says that's what you call a win-win situation.


In Sauce We Trust!
May 1, 2012
Big Gete Star
Dudes won’t take a vaccine, but got aluminum in their deodorant. Eating foods loaded with preservatives with an ingredient label they can’t read. Smoking cigarettes :why:

People are clowns.

I got vaccinated and boosted twice. I don’t have an extra arm growing out my a$$hole.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Dudes won’t take a vaccine, but got aluminum in their deodorant. Eating foods loaded with preservatives with an ingredient label they can’t read. Smoking cigarettes :why:

People are clowns.

I got vaccinated and boosted twice. I don’t have an extra arm growing out my a$$hole.
also shower with Products that have Formaldehyde in it.

Stir Fry

Dipped in Sauce
Mar 1, 2015
All I know is that I’m not taking another shot again :manny: I’ll be masked up as long as this thing keeps being around. Y’all can have your 5th booster shot. So many people have dropped their masks and are going about their lives. The administration in office failed the people just as much as Trump’s dumbass did.

I won't be running out and getting the booster the first day it's available every year, but I will be getting it around peak season just like I've always done with the flu shot.

Though I wish they would, I'm fine with folks not getting the shot as it's their choice and everyone is entitled to their beliefs. I do however feel like when folks gotta show out extra hard about it, the reality is that it just shows that they're the scared ones and are the type to not contribute anything when shyt actually needs to get done (not directed at you (@BK The Great ). I'm willing go scar for scar with anyone that thinks they got bigger balls than me when it comes to taking this "jab" too.

BK The Great

Nov 21, 2015
I won't be running out and getting the booster the first day it's available every year, but I will be getting it around peak season just like I've always done with the flu shot.

Though I wish they would, I'm fine with folks not getting the shot as it's their choice and everyone is entitled to their beliefs. I do however feel like when folks gotta show out extra hard about it, the reality is that it just shows that they're the scared ones and are the type to not contribute anything when shyt actually needs to get done (not directed at you (@BK The Great ). I'm willing go scar for scar with anyone that thinks they got bigger balls than me when it comes to taking this "jab" too.

I got my two shots, but when they were rolling back the mandates it looked funny in the light for the ones who were basically ''forced'' to get it. I'm waiting it out to see what is really the motive behind all of this. I had little side effects like twitching at the heart area when i did take it and sometimes still feel a bit weird at times. It just doesn't make any sense the way they were really pushing this onto people that hard and just stopped caring about it.