Black Business Statistics (if you dislike the topic, don't enter)


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
If you already know you don't like the topic then :camby:don't come in whining

This is from a black site, with various demographic sections not just business, before i get accused of "cac propaganda". Everyone knows I dislike cacs and I'm not a cac...Coli members who know me outside of here could vouche for that.


Yo...some brehs on here (and elsewhere) believe and claim that Hispanics are so behind us economically, are such bums, etc. I told them before, Hispanics do have more businesses, but brehs don't believe it. But the good thing is if more black men go into business for ourselves, even though it would take some time, we could surpass them. It's not impossible, it would just take a lot of work. We create around 1 million jobs, while they're at around 2.5 million.

As for Asians...well you already know how that goes.

Enough of "b-b-but everybody does it :to:..." No, they don't shun and loathe entrepreneurship and group economics...that would be us.

"At least we're doing better than the Mexicans (hispanics)" :francis:

Brehs need to stop living in LaLa Land, claiming we're doing so much better econonically as a group than we really are. I'm talking about as a group, not individually. That's part of the reason Hispanics are coming up and doing it fairly quickly, nikkas let their guard down thinking that these "lowly" Hispanics wouldn't be able to compete with us, let alone surpass us. Carlos could care less about you clowning him for living with his relatives, and wearing wrangler jeans, all that working together and sacrificing eventually pays off, esp if he and his family put their money together and starts a restaurant or store etc which is what many are doing *not all, but yes many)

They came here, laid low and plotted. Then executed the plots. And i'm definitely not saying they did it "honestly" but they did it is the point. And they're not slowing down or stopping anytime soon either. Their business rate is going to continue to grow. While some of us suspected nothing, and laughed at the way they did things. Ppl will say i'm "bashing" black men but i'm not. I want black men to wake up and stop thinking we're in a better position as a race than we really are. Yeah, some of us have a "good job" individually but when it comes to actual ownership there is DEARTH...The reality is, other groups are all doing better BUSINESS wise including Hispanics. We also have the lowest rate of business ownership. It's not "b-b-but everybody is the same way" anymore, hasn't been for awhile.

If you're one of those "idc about the race/other black ppl, only myself" types of nikkas then you probably will have a problem with this post but
:yeshrug:if you only care about yourself and not the race as a group then this isn't for you or about you anyway. So you shouldn't take offense.



Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
In his book “The Miseducation Of The Negro,” Carter G. Woodson laments on how black children are not being taught to create and build their own businesses, but to seek careers working for and maintaining other peoples businesses instead.

This is why teaching our history to our children is so vitally important. Blacks have a rich and storied past of business ownership but through the years we have become mislead, lulled into believing that entrepreneurship somehow is less desirable than having a career.

These two quotes are extremely true.

The reality is, black people desperately need more entrepreneurs. We need more black companies who hire blacks, so that we can work in and for our communities and circulate our money. Those of us who actually give a fukk about our future children and other black people as well, know this is the truth.
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Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
shyt can be look at very simply. We are consumers to the extreme and spend our cash elsewhere without regard for where the $ goes when it leaves the community. Meanwhile, everyone else can set up shop in (and outside) of the community, have tons of contempt for black faces but still have zero problem raking in those black dollars. To make it simpler, when you have your own shyt, you can create shyt and lay down a platform for others to create. these other groups keep it in the family and go out of their way to cockblock others but are welcoming for any dollars you are willing to trade for goods


Jul 30, 2015
You'll probably get a lot of hate, a huge portion of the coli hates discussing black businesses and entrepreneurship, but it's the truth.

One problem with the black community is that there's too much emphasis on getting a "good job" (usually from a white employer) and not enough emphasis on entrepreneurship. Only around 3% of black ppl are employed by a black business. That's an extremely low amount. I know someone will say "but not everyone can be an entrepreneur" of course not everyone can be an entrepreneur, and no one is even remotely saying that. Just there needs to be more of a balance because right now there's not one. There needs to be more of us creating jobs and more of us working in black business that WE created. How long do nikkas want to work to strengthen a WHITE society?

Your job might be "good" but don't we know by now that black kids can't inherit their parents "good jobs" from white ppl? Which is why when a lot of them get old enough to work they'll have to beg some old white man for an opportunity. We need to create more of our own.

And i'm not saying somebody needs to just roll out of bed and go start a black Microsoft, but more small businesses is a good start. Starting with more black owned corner stores, car washes, delis, etc hire black ppl, support the businesses, and then keep expanding from there...this is what other groups do

I have a clothing/shoe store in my hometown, it's not huge, it's decent sized. The other dudes with stores similar to mine are all white, hispanic and arab out here.
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Jul 30, 2015
shyt can be look at very simply. We are consumers to the extreme and spend our cash elsewhere without regard for where the $ goes when it leaves the community. Meanwhile, everyone else can set up shop in (and outside) of the community, have tons of contempt for black faces but still have zero problem raking in those black dollars. To make it simpler, when you have your own shyt, you can create shyt and lay down a platform for others to create. these other groups keep it in the family and go out of their way to cockblock others but are welcoming for any dollars you are willing to trade for goods



Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
The truth hurts, get prepared to be called a c00n. But we need more business minded black people. And the black people who already own businesses barely ever hire other blacks:mindblown:.

Yep, i'm expecting it. When it comes to black men who are against black entrepreneurship, talk down on it and try to discourage it, i'm starting to view them the same as cacs. They sound and think like cacs. They don't want the race to elevate economically. They want most of us to be dependent on white ppl for employment forever, don't want us to create our own, and are fine with that as long as they get their check Friday.


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
One problem with the black community is that there's too much emphasis on getting a "good job" (usually from a white employer) and not enough emphasis on entrepreneurship. Only around 3% of black ppl are employed by a black business. That's an extremely low amount. I know someone will say "but not everyone can be an entrepreneur" of course not everyone can be an entrepreneur, and no one is even remotely saying that. Just there needs to be more of a balance because right now there's not one. There needs to be more of us creating jobs and more of us working in black business that WE created. How long do nikkas want to work to strengthen a WHITE society?

Your job might be "good" but don't we know by now that black kids can't inherit their parents "good jobs" from white ppl? Which is why when a lot of them get old enough to work they'll have to beg some old white man for an opportunity. We need to create more of our own.

And i'm not saying somebody needs to just roll out of bed and go start a black Microsoft, but more small businesses is a good start. Starting with more black owned corner stores, car washes, delis, etc hire black ppl, support the businesses, and then keep expanding from there...this is what other groups do

I have a clothing/shoe store in my hometown, it's not huge, it's decent sized. The other dudes with stores similar to mine are all white, hispanic and arab out here.



Jul 30, 2015
I noticed the Hispanic thing too. I remember thinking some years ago, some brehs are going to be surprised when the Mexicans they laugh at, really start taking over jobs, getting into trades, and then using the money to start their own businesses. I think a lot of brehs didn't expect it to be happening this quickly. And like you said, they aren't slowing down either.


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
I noticed the Hispanic thing too. I remember thinking some years ago, some brehs are going to be surprised when the Mexicans they laugh at, really start taking over jobs, getting into trades, and then using the money to start their own businesses. I think a lot of brehs didn't expect it to be happening this quickly. And like you said, they aren't slowing down either.

I remember some cats would crack on them selling oranges and shyt....then next you saw a lot of them doing construction...and construction is a good career to get into...i remember some brehs being like :ohhh:"yo these mexicans filling up construction" like they didn't see it coming...and now seeing more of them popping up with businesses and eating good, especially Mexican restaurants and stores. They're not stopping at "i got a job from boss man, i'm set", they're going to keep building, within the next few years some ppl will finally realize it


Jan 16, 2015
I agree with you OP. As a group, we can become stronger overnight by simply being largely indiscriminate with our financial inflows and much, much more discriminant with our financial outflows. That is to say, we need more of our people with quality, irreplaceable jobs and more of our people starting businesses in every industry (with the full support of the community). On the flipside, we need to support one another's businesses and services whenever possible and only when left with no other choice do we let the money leave our community. It's truly that simple.


Hate is Rising, Love is Dying....
Jul 27, 2012
Atlanta, Ga
:wow: If only this discussion could do numbers. Its up to us to "wake" them all up brehs. We have to....We have to show these people that the effort you put into your business whether it fails or succeeds, will be the motivational guideline/standard for a lot of black people who believe running a business requires XYZ. Anyone can do it. Look no further than fresh off the boat immigrants. I know business loans are a HUGE factor in this but if you have to save your bread from your "good job" to build your business up then so fukking be it. Great thread++