Black Children, Musicianship and Nurturing For Success

Nov 17, 2016
Sands Of The East
Black People need to get back into traditional music again. I cringe when i think of all of the Charlie Parkers and Art Tatums that have slipped through the cracks in the black community because they were deprived of private music instruction. And yes i know there's still tons of black instrumentalist out there but learning in the church and learning via Classical/Jazz instruction are two totally different things.

I personally feel music training should be prerequisite for every black child. At this point in my life I would rather see a brotha or sista playing the crap out of a Rachmaninoff etude or Phineas Newborn's Oleo instead of them trying to bust a rap.

First lets look at this from a business standpoint. Music is a field alot of black people seek out professionally therefor shouldn't we focus dominating all aspects of this field. Black people are the greatest musicians in the world so i'm tired of black artists running around with white session musicians, i'm tired of Mike Dean being praised for hacking his way through a guitar solo on a couple of Kanye songs. I love Anderson Paak but fact that he has two latino's in his band slightly annoys me.

We should be trying our damnest to keep these people out of our music not employing them to do something that black people are far more capable of doing. This is why acts like Snarky Puppy are an utter pain in the ass it's nothing more than audio gentrification. The thing is we can easily stop this.

Black people have a infinite amount of talent and nothing is out of our reach so why not nurture these gifts especially in our children while they're still young. Black youth are the ones who should take the mantle of black musical expression, not a bunch of non black imports.

Now to the cognitive benefits music has. Learning an instrument especially via Classical or Jazz instruction has been proven to have incredible positive impact on overall brain function.

Music-making engages both halves of the brain equally. By stimulating the left brain, which is the more mathematical, calculating and syntactic hemisphere, and the right, which is the more creative, musicians build a strong corpus callosum, which acts as a neural bridge between the two hemispheres. Musicians who begin their training around 7 years old have a significantly larger corpus callosum than others without the same training. That means that the two halves of musicians'brains can communicate with one another more quickly and along more diverse routes across their expanded corpus callosum. As a result, musicians are more likely to be inventive problem-solvers.

increased memory, better hand-eye coordination, more neuroplasticity are all things said to occur as a result of playing music. The benefits of learning music seem to be endless and they carry over to other fields so even those who don't seek a career in music greatly benefit from properly learning an instrument. All these things considered you start to see clearly why many Asian parents insist that there children take up Classical music when they're only 5 yrs old.

I personally think black people should follow suit. We've heard about the "Achievement Gap" between black students and others. Perhaps a solution to this was right in front of our faces the whole time. We'll be essentially using one of our most noted strengths to help us excel. Perhaps what i'm saying is somewhat lofty but i'm thinking in terms of black exceptionalism and dominance over every facet of society, not simply being "Good Enough". We're way better than just good enough

Quite frankly i want to see black people (kids & adults) winning piano competitions, scoring films as well as excelling in academia, business, literature, film and teaching those skills to the next generation of black kids.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
its in our blood.. music was a way to escape slavery.

A lot of the biggest artists have black people doing the music and writing behind them. Theres no way cacs could come up with some of the songs they come up with

Lot of music producers are competent musicians.. theres a reason them joints sounding more and more like intricate soundscapes now


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
@Saint Denson I think this is the first post of yours I see (for whatever reason) but what you said right here is terribly underrated imo. Daps and reps. You already provided all the receipts, let me just add something : in the modern euro-centric world, music has been kind of relegated to the art and entertainment world, while it indeed has huge benefits even on your health but also, and especially a African cultures, it has a very important social, cultural and historical aspect. Music is rythm and rythm is life. When you reduce music (and more generally art, but especially music) to only "entertainment" you reduce a big part of our creativity (as humans, but particularly as Black people) to something seen as "futile" or "just for enjoyment". No, music is fundamental to being a complete person imo and indeed should be heavilly encouraged in kids. I would argue that sound and rythm, thus music, is our first contact the world (we yell before we open our eyes) and in all religions music is fundamental to ceremonies. There's a reason for that. Music takes you higher.
Nov 17, 2016
Sands Of The East
its in our blood.. music was a way to escape slavery.

A lot of the biggest artists have black people doing the music and writing behind them. Theres no way cacs could come up with some of the songs they come up with

Lot of music producers are competent musicians.. theres a reason them joints sounding more and more like intricate soundscapes now
Which is why we should have a vested interest in being the absolute best. And giving our children a guided opportunity to explore that aspect of their talent even if they don't become a professional musician the benefits for doing so can possibly aid them in what ever field they decide to go in


Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Some people are gifted musically, so it comes easier to them than others. For those who aren't, I wouldn't push music instruction on them, but find their natural talent and nurture that.
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Nov 17, 2016
Sands Of The East
so basically get out there and entertain these white folks

all that aside I wonder what instruments should I look into for children under 10

It's to aid in brain function,

It boost self esteem, it steers our youth away from negative stimuli aka the streets,

It help ensure our place in our own artforms no need for white session musicians when the blacks around you can play better

The striving for virtuosity encourages a healthy competitive nature in black children which is needed because after all it's Us vs Them

And like @mbewane said for black people music goes well beyond mere entertainment.

And i personally would start a child off with piano as their primary instrument and anything else as secondary. If they have a affinity for other instruments they'll naturally transition away from the piano. But it's the instrument most people learn music theory on in college you have to pass keyboard profientcy even if you play a different instrument.
Nov 17, 2016
Sands Of The East
my son is 4 and loves music. for Christmas I bought him a guitar and amplifier. I caught a good sale on black Friday man. he's gonna flip
Totally agree. My kid will 100% be taking up an instrument
Awesome i would suggest classical or jazz music lessons even if only once a week, they will help
Nov 17, 2016
Sands Of The East
Totally agree. i've heard several people say that music has spiritual implications and One of the reoccurring themes i hear from those in tune with Black/African identity is the importance of vibrations and frequencies and as we all know pitches in music is measured by vibrations and frequencies.

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