Black Men Need To Hit The Gym Pronto

Nov 17, 2016
Sands Of The East
In light of everything going in the world regarding black society i'm going broach this subject to the best of my abilities because i feel like this doesn't get discussed enough and that black people, especially black men currently lack the proactivity needed for survival. So with out further ado let's get into it.

Alot of black men talk sh*t about black women being obese which is valid... But brothas we are very much in the same boat which is obviously a yacht because what else could hold our fat asses. i walk out my door and see my fellow black men and quite frankly i'm disappointed. A lot of brothas are either fat af, embarrassingly stick bony or some weirdo combination of fat and skinny. This is unacceptable, particularly for black men for whom physical fitness has been a historical trademark.

Black men are the leaders in mortality in the United States with heart disease, diabetes, stroke & prostate cancer being the primary culprit all of which are linked to unhealthy living and personal negligence. You're honesty not living your life to the fullest if your not operating at optimum performance and it's impossible to be at peak performance when you're out of shape. Not only does being overweight have a bodily impact but a mental one as well. The brain is 75% water so lack of water intake has a direct impact on cognitive function.

Also there are studies that link obesity with decreased memory recall and greater risk of depression. Poor physical health impedes your cognitive and physical performance, which hinders your ability to utilize those things to make a living for yourself, which in turn limits your ability to afford food, shelter, weaponry and other things integral for survival and that brings me to my next point.

Being out of shape makes you a target. The recent attacks on black people have highlighted the fact that black men to a certain extent are not feared as warriors anymore and as such other races have become embolden and have gone on the assault. While black men are busy sippin lean or stuffing their face full of bullsh*t these krakkas are hitting the gym and taking up martial arts with the sole purpose of dominating your black ass.

In the last week i've come across multiple white men in comment sections concerning the Michael Drekja shooting and the Oakland stabbings boldly proclaiming that they've been planning for a race war for the past decade, pretty much daring us to do something. When i was young krakkas weren't anywhere near as bold as they are now obviously black men are slippin and desperately need to regain our footing. So i say to you black man are just going to be a sitting duck or are you going fight to survive and if your answer is the latter that starts with conditioning yourself physically and mentally. Nutrition and Exercise are going to be your trump cards.

Now to Tackle the subject of women. Humans are visual creatures and women are no exception anyone who says women don't care about looks is simply in denile. With that being said if you don't present yourself in a appealing manner don't be suprised when they exclude you as a possible mate. You can't let yourself go and then have the gall to turn around and complain about women not liking you, especially considering when people ask about the women that you like you don't cite equally outta shape women instead you bring up a bunch of Instagram chicks who either eat healthy and spend a significant portion of their time in the gym or who've been sliced & and diced into what you see before your eyes.


Either way those women are out of your league yet you take personal offense to them excluding you from their dating pool even going as far as to frame such as her simply having a "No Nikkas Policy". Let me tell you something in 2018 you'll be hard pressed to find woman of any race that whole sale excludes black men solely on the grounds of being black from their dating pool matter of fact many attractive women are actively seeking brothas. It's your stomach that hangs over your belt or the fact you look so skinny and frail it seems a slight breeze could send you flying into the nearest building that causes them to shutter away from you not your race if anything that's a plus.

As i've stated before black people have have the absolute best genes but we have the worst habits. White and other non black men are constantly talking about how stick bony or grossly overweight black men step into the gym and immediately lose fat and gain muscle in a fraction of the time it would've taken them to do so and also marveling at the fact that these brothas were largely doing this without any of the supplements and foreign chemicals that would've been necessary for them to achieve such a transformation. A healthy lifestyle seems benefit us more than anyone so why shun it?

Black men have gifts that other men would kill for so seeing brothas not make use of these talents is especially disheartening. Scarfing down Dave's Double's and chilli cheese coneys from Sonic isn't conducive to survival nor is undereating and substituting food with drugs. Brothas make as change our women need us, our children need us and quite frankly this planet needs us.

Rise to the occasion Black Man.
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King Poetic

The D.O.G.( Disciple Of God)
Feb 15, 2013
Bottom of the Lake
Black Men over 30 like I am , always need to stay in shape..

I don't Care if u walk 30 minutes a day 4 or 5 times a week

Lay off that fast food greasy pizza, burgers, et...

I know it's hard with many brothers and sisters living in the hood....

Most importantly go to the doctor every year

King Poetic

The D.O.G.( Disciple Of God)
Feb 15, 2013
Bottom of the Lake
Gotta take care of our health in general.

All of us - men, women, kids...

Stop drinking pop/soda, stop eating greasy shyt, exercise, stop with the alcohol...

Yup...alcohol and smoking is really killing brothers and u mix that with prescriptions many brothers be taking u asking for a early death..

My female cousin works as a pharmacy technician and she said it's crazy how many young brothers in their 20s be getting Viagra prescription or high blood pressure medicine filled
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Off the Onion

No tolerance for the fatherless
Jan 14, 2017
In light of everything going in the world regarding black society i'm going broach this subject to the best of my abilities because i feel like this doesn't get discussed enough and that black people, especially black men currently lack the proactivity needed for survival. So with out further ado let's get into it.

Alot of black men talk sh*t about black women being obese which is valid... But brothas we are very much in the same boat which is obviously a yacht because what else could hold our fat asses. i walk out my door and see my fellow black men and quite frankly i'm disappointed. A lot of brothas are either fat af, embarrassingly stick bony or some weirdo combination of fat and skinny. This is unacceptable, particularly for black men for whom physical fitness has been a historical trademark.

Black men are the leaders in mortality in the United States with heart disease, diabetes, stroke & prostate cancer being the primary culprit all of which are linked to unhealthy living and personal negligence'. You're honesty not living your life to the fullest if your not operating at optimum performance and it's impossible to be at peak performance when you're other of shape. Not only does being overweight have a bodily impact but a mental one as well. The brain is 75% water so lack of water intake has a direct impact on cognitive function.

Also there are studies that link obesity with decreased memory recall and greater risk of depression. Poor physical health impedes your cognitive and physical performance, which hinders your ability to utilize those things to make a living for yourself, which in turn limits your ability to afford food, shelter, weaponry and other things integral for survival and that brings me to my next point.

Being out of shape makes you a target. The recent attacks on black people have highlighted the fact that black men to a certain extent are not feared as warriors anymore and as such other races have become embolden and have gone on the assault. While black men are busy sippin lean or stuffing their face full of bullsh*t these krakkas are hitting the gym and taking up martial arts with the sole purpose of dominating your black ass.

In the last week i've come across multiple white men in comment sections concerning the Michael Drekja shooting and the Oakland stabbings boldly proclaiming that they've been planning for a race war for the past decade, pretty much daring us to do something. When i was young krakkas weren't anywhere near as bold as they are now obviously black men are slippin and desperately need to regain our footing. So i say to you black man are just going to be a sitting duck or are you going fight to survive and if your answer is the latter that starts with conditioning yourself physically and mentally. Nutrition and Exercise are going to be your trump cards.

Now to Tackle the subject of women. Humans are visual creatures and women are no exception anyone who says women don't care about looks is simply in denile. With that being said if you don't present yourself in a appealing manner don't be suprised when they exclude you as a possible mate. You can't let yourself go and then have the gall to turn around and complain about women not liking you, especially considering when people ask about the women that you like you don't cite equally outta shape women instead you bring up a bunch of Instagram chicks who either eat healthy and spend a significant portion of their time in the gym or who've been sliced & and diced into what you see before your eyes.


Either way those women are out of your league yet you take personal offense to them excluding you from their dating pool even going as far as to frame such as her simply having a "No Nikkas Policy". Let me tell you something in 2018 you'll be hard pressed to find woman of any race that whole sale excludes black men solely on the grounds of being black from their dating pool matter of fact many attractive women are actively seeking brothas. It's your stomach that hangs over your belt or the fact you look so skinny and frail it seems a slight breeze could send you flying into the nearest building that causes them to shutter away from you not your race if anything that's a plus.

As i've stated before black people have have the absolute best genes but we have the worst habits. White and other non black men are constantly talking about how stick bony or grossly overweight black men step into the gym and immediately lose fat and gain muscle in a fraction of the time it would've taken them to do so and also marveling at the fact that these brothas were largely doing this without any of the supplements and foreign chemicals that would've been necessary for them to achieve such a transformation. A healthy lifestyle seems benefit us more than anyone so why shun it?

Black men have gifts that other men would kill for so seeing brothas not make use of these talents is especially disheartening. Scarfing down Dave's Double's and chilli cheese coneys from Sonic isn't conducive to survival nor is undereating and substituting food with drugs. Brothas make as change our women need us, our children need us and quite frankly this planet needs us.

Rise to the occasion Black Man.

women too.

King Poetic

The D.O.G.( Disciple Of God)
Feb 15, 2013
Bottom of the Lake
Oh and it may sound cliche and (hopefully) obvious, but make sure y'all drink an appropriate amount of water each day.

Does wonders for your digestive health.. You'll be shytting long soft logs like the gods...:ohlawd:

Purified water do wonders..

Take vitamin b 3 a.k.a. Niacin detox your body and kills the fat cells of what u eat..
Nov 17, 2016
Sands Of The East
Oh and it may sound cliche and (hopefully) obvious, but make sure y'all drink an appropriate amount of water each day.

Does wonders for your digestive health.. You'll be shytting long soft logs like the gods...:ohlawd:
This is my primary problem, i fu*king love soda .A few months ago i tried to drink a gallon of water a day and almost went a week without sleep because my bathroom trips were so frequent. i'm going to give another try by starting with half a gallon a day and working my way up


May 2, 2012
Getting into cardio is the best thing that happened to me

I just need to start weight training
(Push ups is what I’ve been doing now)

Be a little more disciplined

Cardio has helped my sex life and dress game
Pushups make my shoulders look nice
All my clothes look nice when they are fitted
I look better now in med than large to show of my physique

Also drink lots of water

I’m 32 but every girl I run across think I’m in my 20s
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