Black Unemployment Rate Remains More Than Double Whites While National Number Drops


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
When the devils don't even want you as slaves for their "labor" force...... then you know we late on Black Power and Black survival.......

Here's the so so "politically correct" article...I just politically incorrected what the sister couldn't say^^^......:francis:


^^Thats disgusting, and here you are in 2015 Amerikkka, supposedly the land of the free and prosperous, home to the great system of Capitalism.....:scust: Exactly why I say what I say:

Black Unemployment Rate Remains More Than Double Whites While National Number Drops - Atlanta Blackstar

The proof is in the numbers.

According to a recent report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national unemployment rate fell to 5.3 percent. Economists and policymakers eagerly discussed how close the current average is to the 5.0 to 5.2 percent Federal Reserve analysts say will signal full employment in the nation.

However, that percentage masks the unemployment disparities between white Americans and minorities across individual states.

Right now the national unemployment rate for white Americans is about 4.6 percent, for Hispanics, it’s 6.5, and for Blacks, 9.1.

On the record, Washington, D.C., hit the peak of Black unemployment with a 14.2 percent rate. New Jersey followed with 13 percent, South Carolina was at 12.8 percent, and Illinois at 11.5 percent. Tennessee holds the lowest state of Black unemployment, which is equivalent to the highest rate of white unemployment in West Virginia.

Historically, Black unemployment has exceeded white unemployment nationally in every single month since the Bureau of Labor Statistics began keeping records. It has been at least two-thirds higher, every month.

Valerie Wilson, the director of the Program on Race, Ethnicity and the Economy at the Economic Policy Institute, expressed that recovery only began for Black and Hispanic Americans in 2014. “That’s when you saw the greatest improvements in the unemployment rate, the employment-population ratio and labor-force participation,” she said.

Many factors are linked to why unemployment in the Black community is so high. Some include education and previous work experience. But even as the younger generation of Black students is graduating college at higher rates, a piece of paper is no match against systemic racial discrimination in the workforce.

Researchers at the Center for Economic Policy Research conducted an analysis in 2014 and found 12.4 percent of Black college graduates aged 22 to 27 were unemployed, compared with 5.6 percent of all college graduates in the same age group.

A famous 2009 study by Devah Pager, Bruce Western and Bark Bonikowski used actors, one Black, one white and one Hispanic, to apply for entry-level positions in New York City. The study found that Blacks without a criminal record had the same chance as whites with a stated criminal record (i.e., who listed their parole officers as a reference). “The findings suggest that a black applicant has to search twice as long as an equally qualified white applicant before receiving a callback or job offer from an employer,” the authors wrote.

It proves that the state of Black unemployment is not linked to inactivity but to the discriminatory behaviors of employers across America. Blacks with degrees, no criminal history, previous work experience are still less likely to be called in for job interviews or hired compared to white or Hispanic counterparts.

Wilson’s analysis shows that only 11 states had a Black unemployment rate below 10 percent. Eight states have seen unemployment rates fall below pre-recession levels. In Alabama, the African-American unemployment rate is more than twice what it was pre-recession: 10.9 percent, compared with less than 5 percent throughout 2007.

Out of all racial groups in America, the Black community took the worst hit in the recession, each household losing an estimated one-third of its wealth. As the nation’s economists celebrate progress, some of those same Black families are still looking for work today.

The Coochie Assassin

Feb 15, 2013
and it will stay that way until we employ our own...unfortunately i dont see it happening anytime soon cuz I still hear the same game plan from young and old black people

"go to college and get a good job"
"join the military"


no we all cant own a business, but for the ones who want to and are working towards it, all employed blacks should be giving 100% support and not call them "hustlers" or "con artists" just cuz they selling their own books or clothes or food.....a legit business is not just a physical storefront or a damn barbershop/hair salon

looking at u Tariq haters :sas2:

of course black entrepreneurs better be hiring and spending the money they earn with other blacks too, no fake ass pro black business owners allowed

with that said check out my blog that has a lot of great information for brothas interested in traveling to Brazil and learning about the real BRAZIL.....if u see anything on the sidebar u might wanna click on, go right ahead :sas2:


Sep 2, 2014
This is what happens when you consistently look for help from those who actively oppress you, rather than creating jobs for the community. This is what happens when you consistently spend money outside of the black community. Bu bu but black businesses are unprofessional :martin:

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
The stats are probably worse... considering the govt puts out "fake" unemployment numbers. So double whatever percent the govt is giving out
whites are probably at 10%
hispanics 10-15%
blacks 20%

Blacks had better start waking up, get on this unity tip, and do business with each other :whew:
cause it's all downhill after o's ass is outta office


All Star
Oct 10, 2013
I believe a lot of this is due to the lack of access to high quality education and meaningful employment opportunities.

Then add on the fact that a lot of black boys don't have strong role models in their lives and this is a recipe for disaster.

There are just some things mothers can't do. Yeah, it's not gonna break black youth that there are a few kids with single mothers but when there are huge swathes of kids without a stable home, it's going to create children that are going to grow up without any discipline or structure. They are going to lack the skills needed to go out there and work, interact with and earn with the rest of society. That is why there is such a huge stigma against single mothers in nearly every culture.

One advice I have for my black brothers is try and find any opportunity to work and work your ass off, get to know your coworkers and learn professional skills. A lot of white managers pull that "Well black people don't work as hard as other workers and they act ghetto and unprofessional:troll:" bullshyt to keep businesses white but you need to prove them wrong even when there are plenty of lazy ass white coworkers who never get ire from management. Outwork any fukker that get's placed next to you and do not brag or complain about it. Make it seem like it's a sunny day in the park for you. Get your paper up, get yourself financially settled and use the work experience as a jumping off point. When you're one of the best workers, it makes some of the white workers jealous but fukk them. They aren't the type you want to associate with them anyways. There will be white people who will see you working hard as a black guy/girl as an underdog and will save you from the racist ass dikkheads who want to see you gone. I had this happen on several ocassions where racist idiots outright LIED and tried to get me in front of the firing squad and it ended up backfiring on them and THEY ended up in trouble as well as making an ass of themselves in front of everyone while I looked at them with the :smugfavre: face. Chess not checkers. Outsmart those fukkers and embarrass them professionally. Other racist idiots will also see you aren't the type of guy to be fukked with and will leave you alone.

Build your resume by continually getting your foot in the door and make sure you help out your fellow brothers and sisters.

I noticed one of the black guys I was working with was about to get shyt canned and a lot of people were talking behind his back about how he was on his last legs. I reached out to him, let him know that I got his back and helped encouraged him to get it together and not let these people get to him. I tried making him feel welcome despite the fukkery. The uncle toms couldn't care less if this dude was shyt canned but I knew I had an opportunity to look out for a brotha. To everyone's surprise he got his act together and pretty much did a 180. I realized that he wasn't lazy, he was just discouraged as a black man that has to grow up in a white world. :whoo:

We gotta be our own keepers and look out for each other as well as use your talents to work our way up the ladder.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Which is why I encourage any black person who makes it to start a black or support a black business so we can employ and support our own.

We need more people into starting and supporting black businesses.


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
Which is why I encourage any black person who makes it to start a black or support a black business so we can employ and support our own.

We need more people into starting and supporting black businesses.
A market, money and credit is needed for a business. I, personally, want to practice biglaw first then start up a practice to help brehs. Black women are alright. This is hitting young, black males. Black males want to live comfortably and provide but theyre closed off to a lot of those opportunities.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
A market, money and credit is needed for a business. I, personally, want to practice biglaw first then start up a practice to help brehs. Black women are alright. This is hitting young, black males. Black males want to live comfortably and provide but theyre closed off to a lot of those opportunities.
If you want to start off big and can do it then more power to you.

It's just that Its known what you need to start a business. A lot of our people have money that gets used on materialistic things.

It just takes you deciding to try starting a business before you jump ahead claiming that it will be a failure.


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
If you want to start off big and can do it then more power to you.

It's just that Its known what you need to start a business. A lot of our people have money that gets used on materialistic things.

It just takes you deciding to try starting a business before you jump ahead claiming that it will be a failure.
Yes, money is spent foolishly by Americans as a culture no matter skin tone. The issue I say with a lot of black people who get some money finally is it hard for them to sacrifice after living their life so f'd up for so long. Creating a business takes selflessness and sacrifice. For 5 years after paying for the costs of employees' pay, to run the business, and the bare essentials of one's living expenses, anything left over is reinvested into said business. That's a lot of discipline from a person who never had ish. If enough can climb over that hill then they'll be alright.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Yes, money is spent foolishly by Americans as a culture no matter skin tone. The issue I say with a lot of black people who get some money finally is it hard for them to sacrifice after living their life so f'd up for so long. Creating a business takes selflessness and sacrifice. For 5 years after paying for the costs of employees' pay, to run the business, and the bare essentials of one's living expenses, anything left over is reinvested into said business. That's a lot of discipline from a person who never had ish. If enough can climb over that hill then they'll be alright.
All we would have to do is get our people into saving beforehand so they can cover the costs throughout those times.

If we introduce saving and business mentality back into our culture then discipline can be implanted into them from their youth so they could do it in their older years.

Financial responsibility is key
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Hijo Del Ray
Nov 19, 2014
i own multiple businesses and what we need is more black businesses coming together to create new businesses not just coming together to cross promote each other. The black community doesn't put its money together to progress as a whole. If you own a business hmu lets build.


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
A market, money and credit is needed for a business. I, personally, want to practice biglaw first then start up a practice to help brehs. Black women are alright. This is hitting young, black males. Black males want to live comfortably and provide but theyre closed off to a lot of those opportunities.

Breh, Black women are not that alright....they in the same fckin boat breh....lets not start that divisive bullshyt.....