Blacks are only race that is strong individually but weak as a group


Nov 30, 2015
No other group is subject to their identity being quantified/qualified by their peers either...



Nov 18, 2016
right on time proving OP right

dodge, duck, dive and deflect from the truth at all costs.

our people have to leave their own folks when they make it. our disorganization makes us ripe for the picking from outside interests and exploitation.

I see little India, China towns, Little Italys, Little Portugals etc.. people hustling together coming up taking care of their own interests, situating themselves. But soon as you put too many brehs in a community it's a bad hood and kids wanna treat it as such for clout. No organization no code and definitely no leaders. Priding individual goals above collective pursuits means even if YOU make it YOUR KID still has to deal with the problems that were never addressed. Other people are making it so their kids have better opportunities not the same systematic issues to deal with generation after generation.

neg me


When i talk to brehs about stacking money and paying off my house, for my kids can to get a leg up. They talk stupid saying "YOLO!!" and "you cant be sure yo kids gonna do the right thing with the money".. :what:

So they buy Benz's and harleys to ride to the picnics, to impress nikkas and bytches, who don't give a shyt about them.

Just to let a mfer know they doing good..

Worthless and miserable mindset at the end of the day..


Sep 17, 2014
Man, woman, and child
right on time proving OP right

dodge, duck, dive and deflect from the truth at all costs.

our people have to leave their own folks when they make it. our disorganization makes us ripe for the picking from outside interests and exploitation.

I see little India, China towns, Little Italys, Little Portugals etc.. people hustling together coming up taking care of their own interests, situating themselves. But soon as you put too many brehs in a community it's a bad hood and kids wanna treat it as such for clout. No organization no code and definitely no leaders. Priding individual goals above collective pursuits means even if YOU make it YOUR KID still has to deal with the problems that were never addressed. Other people are making it so their kids have better opportunities not the same systematic issues to deal with generation after generation.

neg me
Your right. But our psychological state is way different than the other groups you mentioned. Also the fact that it seems every time we try to build or have a positive movement it gets infiltrated

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
Your right. But our psychological state is way different than the other groups you mentioned. Also the fact that it seems every time we try to build or have a positive movement it gets infiltrated
All facts, not even taking into account differences amongst Black people themselves

Being under one ambiguous racial umbrella is unrealistic as fukk and yet it affects our daily lives.

Race is a cultural currency in modern society. It will open and close doors and it has less to do with what we think of ourselves as opposed to how others view us. The only way I know to mitigate systematic oppression is to insulate ourselves from within and create a way of life that depends less on the system working and has more to do with what we can do despite of it by taking control. That community and common goal approach is the only way. And you are right again they will come and try to destroy and infiltrate but we can never stop building or lose sight and focus.

I also don't believe we all have to be "friends" to achieve this just civil. Ain't shyt friendly outside...

The Connoisseurs

Jun 15, 2018
Lol nearly every other post is like fuel to the fire which id proof that the OP is right .

We have generational trauma which impacts our mental health so as people we have to heal ourself individually and collectively.

Will it ever happen ...


The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
A lot of us think we have super powers and we can take on the world by ourselves.

Everyone else gets in rank and puts together a phalanx

Breaking formation/rank gets you routed and flanked by opposing cavalry


Oct 17, 2012
right on time proving OP right

dodge, duck, dive and deflect from the truth at all costs.

our people have to leave their own folks when they make it. our disorganization makes us ripe for the picking from outside interests and exploitation.

I see little India, China towns, Little Italys, Little Portugals etc.. people hustling together coming up taking care of their own interests, situating themselves. But soon as you put too many brehs in a community it's a bad hood and kids wanna treat it as such for clout. No organization no code and definitely no leaders. Priding individual goals above collective pursuits means even if YOU make it YOUR KID still has to deal with the problems that were never addressed. Other people are making it so their kids have better opportunities not the same systematic issues to deal with generation after generation.

neg me

I agree with you there's just one thing alot of these cultures didn't have to deal with slavery. Yes the act of slavery isn't there but the remenants of the damage still plague the black community until this day. These cultures look at America as an oppurtunity so they have same view and are able to practice group economics. It's not the same for us slavery has fukked up the family dynamic with black people, with have a colorist problem. Once we are willing to fight for our own independence that's the only way we will be good.


Feb 12, 2015
I mean there are reasons for this. It’s not like outside forces haven’t cultivated this division for like centuries to justify the creation of a slave class and get rid of people from a landmass that’s has some of the highest numbers of natural resources in the world...

I mean we can’t discuss the blk community without discussing the shyt done to us. Like entire thriving blk communities literally bombed and razed to the ground.
Jul 24, 2018
right on time proving OP right

dodge, duck, dive and deflect from the truth at all costs.

our people have to leave their own folks when they make it. our disorganization makes us ripe for the picking from outside interests and exploitation.

I see little India, China towns, Little Italys, Little Portugals etc.. people hustling together coming up taking care of their own interests, situating themselves. But soon as you put too many brehs in a community it's a bad hood and kids wanna treat it as such for clout. No organization no code and definitely no leaders. Priding individual goals above collective pursuits means even if YOU make it YOUR KID still has to deal with the problems that were never addressed. Other people are making it so their kids have better opportunities not the same systematic issues to deal with generation after generation.

neg me
I half agree. Making a little Africa is impossible though, far too many cultures. I have heard of say Le petit Senegal, Little Nigeria, Little Ghana etc.
Even when we do that we're missing a thing that many other ethnicities, nationalities etc seem to do:
1. Pass on our cultures to the next generation
2. Create a buffer class i.e. African men getting with non African women creating mixed kids, encouraging their mixed off-spring to mate with each other while teaching them and retaining whatever African culture they descend from.

The second objective is very important.
Want examples:
Jews in Europe (Ashkenazim and Sephardim) and the Maghreb (Maghrebim).
Whites in the New World (The multiple mulattoes and mestizos through out the Americas)
Whites in South Africa (The Cape Coloured, Oorlams, Basters).
Lebanese in West Africa.
The Chinese in the Malay peninsular.
Arabs in the Maghreb.

Now is the perfect time for African men to start the second objective. Anybody that objects to this, fukk 'em. You're seeing the grand scheme of things.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
I agree with you there's just one thing alot of these cultures didn't have to deal with slavery. Yes the act of slavery isn't there but the remenants of the damage still plague the black community until this day. These cultures look at America as an oppurtunity so they have same view and are able to practice group economics. It's not the same for us slavery has fukked up the family dynamic with black people, with have a colorist problem. Once we are willing to fight for our own independence that's the only way we will be good.
We know enough now to know that people inherit things genetically including behaviour and trauma so that is encoded in your DNA. But expecting "others" to understand that is far fetched. Even other Black people (Africans) don't readily understand the full effects of Slavery or systematic oppression. Living in the West is a learning experience that comes with an awakening of the race conscious and also a begrudging acceptance of the role it plays in our collective lives... For those who been here it's more of a what is understood doesn't need to be stated type of thing. Most humans have a knowledge base that comes from their lived experiences so their understanding is limited to that extent. Every year that I've been on this earth I seen Black history month relegated to the back burner more and more. Is it even part of curriculum? not really.. :mjpls:

I can only marvel at what Black people achieved in the past with limited resources to get all of us here today. I can't say that we have it hard in comparison so we need a legacy for our time here. We have to sow something for the next gen to reap. That is all.


Oct 17, 2012
We know enough now to know that people inherit things genetically including behaviour and trauma so that is encoded in your DNA. But expecting "others" to understand that is far fetched. Even other Black people (Africans) don't readily understand the full effects of Slavery or systematic oppression. Living in the West is a learning experience that comes with an awakening of the race conscious and also a begrudging acceptance of the role it plays in our collective lives... For those who been here it's more of a what is understood doesn't need to be stated type of thing. Most humans have a knowledge base that comes from their lived experiences so their understanding is limited to that extent. Every year that I've been on this earth I seen Black history month relegated to the back burner more and more. Is it even part of curriculum? not really.. :mjpls:

I can only marvel at what Black people achieved in the past with limited resources to get all of us here today. I can't say that we have it hard in comparison so we need a legacy for our time here. We have to sow something for the next gen to reap. That is all.

I think it's coming I mean for the first time we have made repairations a conversation in politics which we still need to keep our foot on the gas on. I don't want to here no one saying that we need to stop on this because we shouldn't. We built this country from the ground up for what it is today. We have contributed so much to the American culture and are etched in. White supremacy is noticing that we are starting to wake up that's why there are promoting black men to be gay and promoting interracial dating on another level. Some of us see the okie doke while others are following suit to it in means of survival. No other race on the planet has to deal with shyt like that.