Blaxit: Tired of Racism, Black Americans Try Life in Africa

papa pimp

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I've never been to Africa but I can imagine why a lot of Black people would feel more at ease living in Africa.

It goes back to what I said how living and being surrounded by people who like you and make up the majority of the population can make you feel more at ease. So the issues you speak of would feel minimal and low in comparison to what is felt and seen in America, that's not saying it's not as much as a problem as it would be in the US but, It makes a difference from a mental perspective.

Of course Africa isn't a utopia and there are issues with racism and class in certain parts but that difference in the population can bring peace to a person's mental health.

Ah ok visit first
Seeing blackness is definitely comforting won't deny it but as a seasoned traveler of the motherland aint shyt "minimal or low" about the the challenges you'll face living there. Will still be worth it for a lot of people even after weighing the pros and cons but folks gotta stop minimizing reality.


Feb 21, 2015
However it goes back to what I said how living and being surrounded by people who like you and make up the majority of the population can make you feel more at ease. So the issues you speak of would feel minimal and low in comparison to what is felt and seen in America. It makes a difference from a mental perspective.

This is main character syndrome. Thinking the problems you face are the end all be all of all problems. Race is not the biggest issue in America and not the biggest issue for all black Americans. Race is wielded as a tool for capitalism to subjugate and exploit and as a barometer to distinguish the in group from the out group.

Humans are humans. And are going to find ways to divide and deprive whether race is present or not. Tell the Hutis and Tutsis that their tribal conflicts are minimal compared to racial problems in America. Tell Northern Nigerians and the Sudanese whose religious conflicts between Muslims and Christians are killing more black Africans than black Americans are being killed by racism, that their issues are minimal.

African immigrants come here and alley oop over black Americans and will tell us to our face that we're exaggerating our problems. That race is not as big of an issue that we're making it out to be. It is wrong for them to minimize our problems on the same way it is wrong for us to minimize theirs. We don't live in their world and so don't share the same frame of reference and they not ours.

Grand Cru Boo

May 8, 2012
New Yawk New Yawk
Not trying to throw salt in the game but this is the equivalent of integration. It’s nothing more than a money move. It’s not genuine love, it’s not about harvesting roots, it’s about the GNP.
Business is business but this is not it. We should want to connect with what had been stripped from us because it will heal some of the destruction that this country has bestowed on us, but even the ones we should hold in regard as our own only see $$$

Rant over