Cocain Cowboy My Stories ahead with pics of thots & strippers included PICS PG.7 N VID ON 10&17

1970s HeRon Flow

Takin Penitentiary Chances
May 1, 2012
Down Slauson Ave
I've told limited versions of my story before,but never the whole thing
Recovering Off a 24hr coke and alcohol binge,I thought I'd share my story:ld:
I've only been in what I consider one relationship my whole live,27 years young at the moment,1st relationship I wouldnt count,i was kind of forced into one from a crazy mixxed bytch that only got crazier the longer i stayed with her(but thats another story for another day).tryna figure out where to start as I right this,I have a gift and a curse that has allowed me to sleep with alot of attractive women with very very little effort,its always been thrown at me,most of the time I didnt even know they liked me till my dikk was in their mouth,every job ive slept with every girl worth fukking,it never ended bad,because I never lead them on,and they knew what it was.That is until I met my ex,and the only girl I have ever loved :to:
Another thing about me,Im mexican,lived in south LA all life,in predominantly black neighborhoods.I was a troublemaker so I ran with the wolfs as a pup growing up,I say this because I've ALWAYS had a preference for black girls,specially mixed black girls,those are my weakness :ohlawd:,I also say this because I beleave for the reason that ive lived in black neighborhoods,Mexican girls,and basically all hispanic girls never really fukked with me,i was'nt a typical hispanic male,atleast in their eyes,so we couldnt relate much,but back to my story,a few years into my LAX job,after fukking every 7+ up girl there,I walked in to work,and say this young pretty girl,mixd looking,hair done make up done,and I immediately was like :ooh: ,come to find out she the supervisors niece,honduran,but her father was a black honduran so thats what gave her that "mixed look".little by little we talked,but man she had me :wub:,and i told myself I HAD to make her mine,not fukk or hook up,I wanted to be with her,but one problem was,I didnt know how,Ive never chased girls,I had no game,girls just understood my story,word to my man nas.Fast forward a bit,after months and months of lite simpin and gaining her trust,we got together,and immediately things were great,relationship wise,she had a close relationship with her family,and they loved me,I went everywhere and I was introduced with high praise to all her extended fam.I was also her first,we had a 6 year age difference,its not always a good thing,but it worked in my case,cuz she was raised to obey her parents every command,and to never disobey her father,and I told her early on I wanted a serious relationship and would expect the same respect she gave her father,since one day I would marry her and her father would hand her to me to take care of her.Things werent always good at work,with everyone knowing I was a dog at work,and know seeing that I was officially dating the supervisors niece,it didnt take long for the jump offs to throw shade at her,even the older women or ugly women i didnt fukk,they all would make remarks out loud every time I walked in,the worse was her older sister,biggest bytch I ever met,on god.This lead to quite a few arguments,I could understood her frustration,having to go to work every day knowing I had previously slept with most of the girls their,and knowing she got side eyed from them for that very reason,I would always make sure to reinforce that I didnt want anyone but her,because it was true,I had everything i wanted,I already had gotten all that fukking around out of my system,and then her cousin started working there...

thats her cousin,it was hard to even go on her FB and download and upload a pic,as she is part of the reason I am no longer with my ex,but in reality its all my fault,I gave in and gave up
(Im takin a little break as i write this to finish a few cups of patron and oj,a breh needs to get a little more :drunk: if imma keep writing this)

So yeah,about half a year into our relationship,a second cousin of hers started working their,little by little we talk,since we have same shifts,no flirting or anything, one thing led to another,and pretty soon we were spending 8hrs at work together,and then about 2 hours doing heavy work outs at the gym a walking distance from work,she was serious about her work outs too,wanted to be a fitnes model,would go heavy on lower body and not too shabby on upper body,I liked training her,it caused me to be in the best shape of my life,cuz she would never let me skip a day.this lead my ex to start getting very jealous,and insecure.My GF was beautiful,and so was her cousin,but in diffrent ways,her cousing was 5'8,slim and a nice work out body,my gf was 5'2,slim waist,thick thighs,big breast and ass.but still,she was insecure,that I related more with her cousin,that I got along better with her cousin,people at work being fukked up and saying it within her ears that her cousin and I looked better together,that lead to her breakin down in tears asking me why am I with her when I would be with her cousin, it hurt me that it bugged her,when none of that ever crossed my mind,I was in love with her,tunnel vision and all,only had eyes for forward another year,getting closer to the end,we would argue every now and then,I hated arguing,never been good it,i felt that was for the females,it was always more or less about power struggles,she wanted it to be 50/50 i said it had to be 51/49 otherwise we would argue all day being stagnant,some times I would get so upset i would get these nasty headaches,my life for the most part was drama and argument free,but now I had a new life,and these discussions that lead to arguments were part of it.I blame myself,I wanted,needed things to be my way and she would ask me sometimes to compromise(took me a minute to remember this word ,had to google synonyms :russ: ya boy is sauced right now) and I wouldnt when she always would,a few times it got soo bad i said I told her I was done,that i couldnt do this anymore,and i couldnt be with her anymore,I felt this was my way to be alone for the day to cool down and not argue any further,as we were always connected one way or another,texting,calling,and being next to each other.I never took into account how it would make her feel,breaking up with her,then the next day showing up at her house,her all depressed lookin,like everything is good,and being like "hey babe,im sorry about yesterday,but we back together now":hug:.I never thought about the emotional roller coaster she went though cuz of me,this beautiful girl with an amazing smile,that would AND did any and everything for me,I didnt deserve her:mjcry:.
2 and a half years into our relationship,the company closed,and a few months passed while I decided what my next move was,money was drying up,and it caused my inner downward spiral,I didnt feel like a man,how could I provide for her down the line when i cant even provide for myself, I didnt wanna go back to my old ways for money,I had to live a square life,this caused alot of arguments, I had no one else to take out my frustration on.n I had to go to my dad to let me borrow a rack to hold me over,I hated asking anyone for anything. Soon I had two jobs,Strip Club bouncer,got hooked up my cousin,and weed shop security, was working 60hr weeks,started seeing her less and less from the fact that her mom bought a house that was like 22mils away from me,all this caused a rift,weeks went by without seeing her,i was getting off at 6am from strip club,waking up when she was going to work,and heading to work when she was getting off,weeknds i was working 10hr shifts at weed shop. e had our final argument over me saying that she wasnt making time for me,that I never saw her anymore,and told her I was done,this time she didnt put up much of a battle,she had finally gave up on tryna save us,but i didnt know, i thought she would take me back,like always. few days passed and im like wtf,she hasnt hit me up,so I drive to her house and pick her up,we talk she tells me shes done,shes not takin me back, at the moment,so i leave shell shocked. I leave her alone,give her space,but weeks pass,and i dont know how to function,i went from having a life that revolved around us,wakin up every morning and rolling over to check my phone for her text or missed calls,to complete nothing from her,I text her that one day telling her to please think about it and lets fix it together. I told her the whole reason i broke up with her was for lack of time,and now i dont see her,hear from her,nothing,and I feel dead inside, she tells me I need to learn to appreciate her,and she needs time to fogive me for everything i done,and most importantly forgive herself for allowing me to treat her that way. I loose it,I start drinkin at work and on my free time,then the nail that hit the coffin happens...
Part 2 comming
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1970s HeRon Flow

Takin Penitentiary Chances
May 1, 2012
Down Slauson Ave
part 2
her cousin one day randomly text me,asking me how im doing,i dont know if she smelled blood or someone told her,so she ask me if i wanna hang out for a drink,my dumb ass just heard liquor and says okay,we end up not going to bar,just getting a henny bottle and going to my place,we get drunk,and one thing leads to another and we end up fukking,raw no less :snoop:. she confesses to me thats she liked me all along,and that she knows that im still in love with her cousin,and that if i wanna fix things with her she wont get in the way,and wont ever mention it. I believe her,shes a good genuine person inside. I still cant live with that lie,and for some reason i think its a good idea to go to my ex new job after her shift and tell her I slept with her cousin she always suspected wanted something with me :snoop:. so i show up and i tell her,and she has this emotionless face to her,and i try and stop her from getting into her car,telling her i can fix this,she replies asking me how am i gonna fix this,how am i gonna unfukk her cousin? she said its one thing to fukk a co worker,(i forgot to mention that we had a 1 month break up about one year into our reationship,and about 2 weeks into our break up i fukked a new bad co worker,she literally walked up to me and asked if its true that i broke up with my gf,i said yeah and by second day we talked i smashed,stayed over the whole night smashing,showed up with her to work with bite marks all on my neck,im a piece of shyt :wow: but in a way this caused my ex to hit me up to fix it,she forgave me,im loyal tho,never cheated or flirted with anyone when we were together) its another thing to fukk her family,she told me to leave her alone and that she hated me,she never told me that before,i was :sadcam: inside,so i let her in,and then went on a high speed chase on freeway to catch up to her,she pulled in to parking lot,and i kept begging,she then started to cry and begged me to leave hr alone,and i did,i left her alone,I decided to go back to the dark side.
working at a strip club,is the pefect money making environment,and i went all in,i got in touch with my people and had the trap boomin,i was Mr.fukkWithMeYouKnowIGotit, i seriously had people going to club just for me :blessed:,not only that but i gave in to the dancers there,before I admitted to my GF i smashed her cousin,i rejected all the advances from dancers,they saw me as the new handsome bouncer that never flirted with any of them,plus he was a d boy and with the shyts. half a year passed and my ex b day was commin up, im getting money,fukking skrippers like nothing,but no mstter what i cant forget her,shes always on my mind,so i decide to go all in.long story short, show up at her job,lookin fresh as a mothafukka draped in burberry from head to toe :takedat: and wait to catch her on a lunch break,im walkin around her job(macys) on some sneaky shyt to see where she at,got all the hoes there lookin,i stick out since im tatted up with gold chains on and designer clothes cuz its in the outskirt burbs in SoCal,i find hr from a distance with some inportant lookin white lady givin her some kind of walk around like they was talkin about the lay out of store or some shyt,so no way am i gonna walk up to her infront of her,so i ask a female their if she knows her and around what time she goes to lunch,she tells me,and i wait outside on bench nervous as fukk waiting on her. im sitting there more then an hour,and i finally see her,my heart dropped,shes as beautiful as i remember her:mjcry:,but shes with a male co worker,dont think much of it tho,he aint got shyt on ya boy. She walks up to me and ask what am i doing here,i tell her i came to see her,i wanna fix it,that i changed alot and things are going good for me and now we can start something good(i dont mention the drug dealing part) she said all that we had is over with and never comming back,i ask her is she seeing anyone and she tells me no,that seeing anyone isnt a priority right now,she just focusing on her,she tells me i been doing a good job of leaing her alone and to keep it that way and tells me se has to go cuz she on lunch and just walks away,i was heart broken.but soooo emotionless. i ended up getting really sick for like a week,and i only get sick once a year so i know it had to do with her,this starts my final transformation to what i am now,a drug and alcohol fueled amorous narcissist .
I had givin up all hope,started drinkin heavily,before work,on my way to work,and at work,did a few lines of coke to even me out on drive there,then did coke with all my customers,back then they would all offer me,patrons and dancers,cuz they never wanted to do it alone after copping from me,and i always said nah,i dont fukk with it,now i was doing rails all night long,plus smoking blunts and drinking, all at work,and still functioning to fukk people up :smugdraper:
Its been more then half a year since then,and im only getting deeper and deeper in the wrong shyt,still cant make myself move on,still just hooking up with dancers,even more now that i got fired a few months ago and now im posted at all the clubs and i run into old dancers ive messed with. I cant even talk to regular girls,they seem so boring and stuck up,specially when im like "i fukk way badder bytches on call to be putting up with these regular females that think they the shyt:childplease:"
I guess my lesson i try and tell my coli brehs is if you got someone good,dont fukk it up,i try and tell the few guys that im cool with,but they just laugh at me on some "you out every night making stacks,fukking skrippers cuz you that dude and im supposed to feel sorry for you?:russ:" steeze,anyways heres a few pics from last night and a few others ive smashed have way more pics somewhere but nothing close to what i should have since i dont take much pics,thanks for takin the time to read this coli brehs
im still hopeful one day she reaches out to me :mjcry:



this was sunday like 5am at jacuzzi room,one is german and black,other is white jamaican and mexican,and last one is mexican and russian,all A1 wet wet:ohlawd:


shes jamaican and dminican and i forgot what else,the most amazing ass i ever seen in person,that was on her b day at hotel

my birthday in jacuzzi room,the other one is mexican,with a fat bubble ass,good times that night :noah:


more recent,started letting go a bit so gained some weight,she black and guatemalen,we was kayaking off malibu drinking and doing coke next to dolphins :bryan:
have more somewhere for now this will do,i might post some more depending on how this thread goes

Knuckles Red

Jun 22, 2015
part 2
her cousin one day randomly text me,asking me how im doing,i dont know if she smelled blood or someone told her,so she ask me if i wanna hang out for a drink,my dumb ass just heard liquor and says okay,we end up not going to bar,just getting a henny bottle and going to my place,we get drunk,and one thing leads to another and we end up fukking,raw no less :snoop:. she confesses to me thats she liked me all along,and that she knows that im still in love with her cousin,and that if i wanna fix things with her she wont get in the way,and wont ever mention it. I believe her,shes a good genuine person inside. I still cant live with that lie,and for some reason i think its a good idea to go to my ex new job after her shift and tell her I slept with her cousin she always suspected wanted something with me :snoop:. so i show up and i tell her,and she has this emotionless face to her,and i try and stop her from getting into her car,telling her i can fix this,she replies asking me how am i gonna fix this,how am i gonna unfukk her cousin? she said its one thing to fukk a co worker,(i forgot to mention that we had a 1 month break up about one year into our reationship,and about 2 weeks into our break up i fukked a new bad co worker,she literally walked up to me and asked if its true that i broke up with my gf,i said yeah and by second day we talked i smashed,stayed over the whole night smashing,showed up with her to work with bite marks all on my neck,im a piece of shyt :wow: but in a way this caused my ex to hit me up to fix it,she forgave me,im loyal tho,never cheated or flirted with anyone when we were together) its another thing to fukk her family,she told me to leave her alone and that she hated me,she never told me that before,i was :sadcam: inside,so i let her in,and then went on a high speed chase on freeway to catch up to her,she pulled in to parking lot,and i kept begging,she then started to cry and begged me to leave hr alone,and i did,i left her alone,I decided to go back to the dark side.
working at a strip club,is the pefect money making environment,and i went all in,i got in touch with my people and had the trap boomin,i was Mr.fukkWithMeYouKnowIGotit, i seriously had people going to club just for me :blessed:,not only that but i gave in to the dancers there,before I admitted to my GF i smashed her cousin,i rejected all the advances from dancers,they saw me as the new handsome bouncer that never flirted with any of them,plus he was a d boy and with the shyts. half a year passed and my ex b day was commin up, im getting money,fukking skrippers like nothing,but no mstter what i cant forget her,shes always on my mind,so i decide to go all in.long story short, show up at her job,lookin fresh as a mothafukka draped in burberry from head to toe :takedat: and wait to catch her on a lunch break,im walkin around her job(macys) on some sneaky shyt to see where she at,got all the hoes there lookin,i stick out since im tatted up with gold chains on and designer clothes cuz its in the outskirt burbs in SoCal,i find hr from a distance with some inportant lookin white lady givin her some kind of walk around like they was talkin about the lay out of store or some shyt,so no way am i gonna walk up to her infront of her,so i ask a female their if she knows her and around what time she goes to lunch,she tells me,and i wait outside on bench nervous as fukk waiting on her. im sitting there more then an hour,and i finally see her,my heart dropped,shes as beautiful as i remember her:mjcry:,but shes with a male co worker,dont think much of it tho,he aint got shyt on ya boy. She walks up to me and ask what am i doing here,i tell her i came to see her,i wanna fix it,that i changed alot and things are going good for me and now we can start something good(i dont mention the drug dealing part) she said all that we had is over with and never comming back,i ask her is she seeing anyone and she tells me no,that seeing anyone isnt a priority right now,she just focusing on her,she tells me i been doing a good job of leaing her alone and to keep it that way and tells me se has to go cuz she on lunch and just walks away,i was heart broken.but soooo emotionless. i ended up getting really sick for like a week,and i only get sick once a year so i know it had to do with her,this starts my final transformation to what i am now,a drug and alcohol fueled amorous narcissist .
I had givin up all hope,started drinkin heavily,before work,on my way to work,and at work,did a few lines of coke to even me out on drive there,then did coke with all my customers,back then they would all offer me,patrons and dancers,cuz they never wanted to do it alone after copping from me,and i always said nah,i dont fukk with it,now i was doing rails all night long,plus smoking blunts and drinking, all at work,and still functioning to fukk people up :smugdraper:
Its been more then half a year since then,and im only getting deeper and deeper in the wrong shyt,still cant make myself move on,still just hooking up with dancers,even more now that i got fired a few months ago and now im posted at all the clubs and i run into old dancers ive messed with. I cant even talk to regular girls,they seem so boring and stuck up,specially when im like "i fukk way badder bytches on call to be putting up with these regular females that think they the shyt:childplease:"
I guess my lesson i try and tell my coli brehs is if you got someone good,dont fukk it up,i try and tell the few guys that im cool with,but they just laugh at me on some "you out every night making stacks,fukking skrippers cuz you that dude and im supposed to feel sorry for you?:russ:" steeze,anyways heres a few pics from last night and a few others ive smashed have way more pics somewhere but nothing close to what i should have since i dont take much pics,thanks for takin the time to read this coli brehs
im still hopeful one day she reaches out to me :mjcry:



this was sunday like 5am at jacuzzi room,one is german and black,other is white jamaican and mexican,and last one is mexican and russian,all A1 wet wet:ohlawd:


shes jamaican and dminican and i forgot what else,the most amazing ass i ever seen in person,that was on her b day at hotel

my birthday in jacuzzi room,the other one is mexican,with a fat bubble ass,good times that night :noah:


more recent,started letting go a bit so gained some weight,she black and guatemalen,we was kayaking off malibu drinking and doing coke next to dolphins :bryan:
have more somewhere for now this will do,i might post some more depending on how this thread goes

In your avi are you wearing Jason's Mask?

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
I read it all, good story, man I lost two chicks this way, the 2nd one I got back, the first I couldn't cause I had waited too long.

2nd took me back like in an instant, which is strange, cause we hadn't talked in months, it's like she was waiting for me.

But yeah you lost your ex for good due to fukking her cousin, you ain't supposed to cross them lines from a woman who has pride.

1970s HeRon Flow

Takin Penitentiary Chances
May 1, 2012
Down Slauson Ave
I read it all, good story, man I lost two chicks this way, the 2nd one I got back, the first I couldn't cause I had waited too long.

2nd took me back like in an instant, which is strange, cause we hadn't talked in months, it's like she was waiting for me.

But yeah you lost your ex for good due to fukking her cousin, you ain't supposed to cross them lines from a woman who has pride.
I still feel maybe cuz I took her virginity and her first serious relationship and her fam loved me that I would always have a chance,but if she were to know what else i been up to and how i been living,she would look at me with even more hate and discust :mjcry: