Color Photos of Native Americans in the 1800s


Dec 16, 2015
This is for yall cape artists

Slavery among Native Americans in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Native Americans interacted with enslaved Africans and African Americans in every way possible.[2][13] In the early colonial days, Native Americans were enslaved along with Africans, and both often worked with European indentured laborers.[2][4][33] "They worked together, lived together in communal quarters, produced collective recipes for food, shared herbal remedies, myths and legends, and in the end they intermarried."[13][34] Because both races were non-Christian, Europeans considered them other and inferior to Europeans. They worked to make enemies of the two groups. In some areas, Native Americans began to slowly absorb white culture.[2]

The adoption and adaptation of Euro-American institutions in cruel irony did nothing to shield Native Americans from U.S. domination and created divisions within the tribes themselves.[18] Benjamin Hawkins, Superintendent of the tribes south of the Ohio River from the late eighteenth century through the early nineteenth, encouraged the major Southeast tribes to adopt chattel slavery in order to have labor for plantations and large-scale agricultural production, as part of their assimilation of European-American ways.[23]

In 1827 the Cherokee developed a constitution, which was part of their acculturation. It prohibited slaves and their descendants (including mixed-race) from owning property, selling goods or produce to earn money; and marrying Cherokee or European Americans. It imposed heavy fines on slaveholders if their slaves consumed alcohol.[2] No African Americans, even if free and of partial Cherokee heritage, could vote in the tribe.[2] If a mother was of partial African descent, her children could not vote in the tribe, regardless of the father's heritage; the Cherokee also prohibited any person of Negro or mulatto parentage from holding an office in the Cherokee government.

The Choctaw bought many of their slaves from Georgia.[36] The Choctaw held laws in their constitution which also mirrored the "Deep South".[18] The Choctaw in Indian Territory did not allow anyone with African heritage to hold office even if they were of partial heritage.[18] The Choctaw 1840 constitution also didn't allow free African Americans to settle in the Choctaw nation meaning they were not allowed to own or obtain land, but white men who could get permission in writing from the Chief or the United States Agent to reside in the Choctaw nation.[18][36] The Choctaw nation further barred those of partial African heritage from being recognized as Choctaw citizens, but a white man married to a Choctaw woman would be eligible for naturalization.[18]

The Chickasaw obtained many slaves born in Georgia, Tennessee, or Virginia .[18][36] In 1790 Major John Doughty wrote to Henry Knox, Chickasaws owned a great many horses & some families have Negroes & cattle.[18] Among the Chickasaw who were slaveholders many had European heritage mostly through a white father and a Chickasaw mother.
[18] The continued assimilation heavily came through intermarriage as some assimilationists viewed intermarriage as another way to expedite natives' advancement toward civilization, and supported the underlying belief in white superiority.[18] A number of Chickasaw with European heritage rose to prominence because they were related to already politically powerful members of the tribe, not because of racial makeup.[18] Though the Chickasaw did not necessarily prize Euro-American ancestry they did embrace a racial hierarchy that degraded those with African heritage and associated it with enslavement.[18]


Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015


I wanna see more these breh:feedme:

Micheal Vick

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015
That's what an American looks like. It's grating that they need to add native to it but whites don't need to add white or Caucasian. fukk that. The people in the OP are American, cacs can be called Caucasian-Americans at most, but never should be called just Americans. This isn't their land.
