craziest cac crime you ever read about?


cats rule, dogs drool
Mar 11, 2022
im taking some vacation days so ive been laying around the house, and i end up watching these crazy youtube documentaries. the weirder the better... mass shooters, fetus abductions, kidnappings, etc. ive seen some sick shyt. but this latest one was so disturbing i thought i'd make a thread about it.

dont read this if you're eating :ufdup:

from Gone Too Soon wiki:
On the evening of November 19, 2012, Dylan was reported missing by his father Mark in Durango, Colorado.

Months later, on June 26, 2013, parts of Dylan's remains were found around ten miles from Mark's home on Middle Mountain with Mark later being named a person of interest and his son's cause of death being declared as undetermined.

Dylan was murdered by his father after he had discovered unsettling photos of his dad in lingerie and wigs, eating what appeared to be feces from a diaper. This revelation made Dylan uncomfortable around his father, and he was not looking forward to spending time away from his mother because of it. He then decided he was going to confront his father about the photos to try and improve their declining relationship. Their texts turned angry however, where Dylan told his father, "hey beautiful, you are what you eat; look in the mirror."

Eventually it was time for Dylan to be picked up by his father at the airport, opting to stay with his friends instead to no avail. He spent the night with his father. When Dylan hadn’t been heard from the next morning, his mother grew immediately suspicious. Mark had a history of making homicidal threats before, so his mother took action.

On November 1, 2015, Dylan's skull was found, with the autopsy reports showing that his cause of death was actually blunt force trauma to the head. Almost two years later, on July 22, 2017, Mark Redwine was arrested in Bellingham, Washington, charged with second-degree murder and child abuse in regards to Dylan's death. After several postpones, Redwine's trial began on June 14, 2021, with him being found guilty of all charges on July 16. On October 8, he was sentenced to forty-eight years in prison

Cory and Dylan Redwine


Mark Redwine

I poked through the case files and it was horrifically violent. Apparently Dylan and his brother Cory found these photos by accident on their dad's MacBook, when they were supposed to use the Dell. They took photographs of this, and kept it to themselves, wondering what do, while feeling uncomfortable about the prospect of future visits.

The day of Dylan's death, his father picked him up from the airport for a visit.

According to witnesses, the father and son “had argued and fought on their previous visit” and “had not been getting along.” At one point, Mr Redwine had confronted older son, Cory, with photos of empty liquor bottles left around the home while Cory was staying there with a girlfriend. Cory had responded, “I’ve got some pictures, too,” and attached photos of his father cross-dressed and eating feces, which he had obtained from younger brother Dylan. “Hey beautiful, You are what you eat, look in the mirror,” Cory texted his father at the time.

Prosecutors argued that, on the night he was killed, Dylan and his father may have gotten into a confrontation over the “compromising photographs.” Colorado Bureau of Investigation agent Joe Clayton, an expert in blood-splatter analysis, crime-scene investigation and serology, testified that the numerous areas that tested positive for blood indicated movement around the living room during a bleeding event. The defense countered that Dylan must have run away from home and been attacked by wild animals.

Looking at the crime scene photos, he dragged the boy around the house multiple times, beating his head against the furniture. Official cauuse of death was blunt force trauma. And while it's never brought up in news stories, it appears from the looks of things that he may have dismembered the boy either in the woods or sometimes before he put his body in the car.

It was just a particularly brutal and disturbing case. :demonic:

heres a link to all the court documents. they are EXTREMELY graphic and NSFW. he's eating out of a.. well, i wish i hadn't looked at that one. :picard:

If you have others, please share them.


Duke Dixon

Aug 12, 2017
The story from this thread is pretty crazy.

Video in thread not graphic.

Cliff notes
-Video gets posted online of a guy's mom boyfriend pointing a gun at him
-The man shoots at the guy and misses, maybe hitting his ear.
- The moms boyfriend kills himself before police arrive
-The guy that gets shot at, is identified as being a sexual predator to minors by his victims.

Not included in thread

-Mom dies from fentanyl overdose in hotel room. The guy posts photos of his dead mom on the internet.
-Son gets arrested for his crimes against minors.
Apr 3, 2014
Raping black people (both men AND women) for centuries and then attempting to make US the face of rape.

Cutting babies out of mothers during slavery.

Tying a black man or woman between two horses and then beating the horses to make them run and split their body in two.

When babies were born, they would throw the baby on the ground and bash their head with their boot and kill the baby.

They would organize events for the community called "picnics" where they would PICK a nxgga to hang and they would hang him and cut pieces off of his body for souvenirs. White men, women and children attended those events.

They would tar black men and women and set us on fire.

They would breed black people like animals, forcing fathers to sleep with their daughters and mothers to sleep with their sons.

And so much more.

And all of that we are still dealing with to this very day because what they did to us caused generations of psychological impact that we still haven't unpacked.