Culture Junkies: I am the Black Sands developer and this is my game document on cultural breakdown


Apr 24, 2016
Cultural Development of Black Sands

**This is a copy written game document. Be sure to cite it if you use it.**

The Black Sands universe is a vision of the world as it was around 3500 BCE. Although we take liberties with the amount of science fiction we incorporate into mythology, the demographics of world cultures, locations, and regions are accurate. This is not a Hollywood production in the sense that we will not be using the social norms we expect to see today from places like ancient Egypt.

So let’s talk about the various regions in the world of Black Sands.

Ancient Kemet (Egypt): In ancient Kemet, the population is 95% African. Their skin complexion is very dark and the royalty are slightly lighter due to the cultural norm of “Not having a tan = not having to work outside like a commoner.” To not have a tan was a universal status symbol to say “I am not a worker, people work for me.” As such, we may find African citizens of extremely dark color and royalty that has the complexion of American Blacks AKA slightly browner. 4% of the population is Middle Eastern and the reason for this is trade. Many of the settlements in the Nile Delta are trade hubs. The Kemetic royalty allowed these settlements to be established specifically to promote trade. Those that settled on Kemetic land were given citizenship and equal protection under the law. 1% of the population was a mix of refugees. These were people from Greece, Persia, and other places who learned of the abundance of Kemetic resources and their hospitality to those who conformed to Kemetic life.

An additional note is a lot of the standing military of Kemet is of Kushyte descent as Kush was the more battle ready nation and traded/shared/warred with Kemet throughout history.

Diplomatic Status:

Allies: Byblos

Tentative: Minoa, Kush

Rivals: Canaan, Greece

Ancient Kush: Kush is a pure African Nation. This extremely wealthy part of the Nile greater region has deep ties with Kemet in both cultural norms and military tactics. Foreigners are seldom seen here and most trade is facilitated between Ethiopia and the Nile Delta. Their gold is sought by everyone in the world due to its scarcity and its status. Most trade in Kemet and Kush was facilitated with the barter system but on rare occasions, gold was used.

Diplomatic Status:

Allies: Ethiopia

Tentative: Kush, Medjai

Rivals: Kush (Constant state of civil war)

Ancient Canaan: The ancient Canaanites were of Arabic descent but had a mix of foreign settlements. The population was 80% Arabic and had similar religious beliefs. 10% of the settlements were Persian with an Asian influence and 5% was Greek/white. Cultural norms varied between the nations of Canaan. 5% of the people of Canaan were African and mostly were there to facilitate trade.

Diplomatic Status:

Allies: Sumer

Tentative: Byblos, Greece, Minoa

Rivals: Kemet, Ethiopia

Ancient Byblos: Byblos is a coastal society. Their population is varied greatly and cannot be considered one specific race majority. Even though their population is varied, their beliefs resemble that of Kemet. The city takes in refugees so long as they are willing to dedicate their lives to the seas. Byblos helped spread Kemetic, Canaanite, and Sumerian ideologies around the world while they facilitated trade.

Diplomatic Status:

Allies: Kemet, Minoa

Tentative: Sumer, Canaan, Greece, Ethiopia, Kush

Rivals: Nephilim (A race of giants in Canaan)

Ancient Sumer: Ancient Sumer is close to 100% Arabic. They developed their own culture and ways of writing to both improve their nationalism and allow for a more exclusive society. The architectural discipline and public works created a culture of cooperation in the nation. Their epic architecture and strong cultural base influenced the surrounding regions.

Diplomatic Status:

Allies: Canaan

Tentative: Minoa, Byblos

Rivals: Greece

Ancient Greece: The Greek region is 90% white with an Arabic influence in their northern region. Being surrounded by waters and mountain ranges, the culture was protected from too much outside influence. Greece did not have a cultural center at the time period and adopted the beliefs of the surrounding areas in their travel of the seas. Many chose to leave the main land and settle the islands scattered around the region, namely Crete. The Greeks were considered a lesser people by other cultures at the time.

Diplomatic Status:

Allies: Minoa

Tentative: Byblos, Canaan

Rivals: kemet, Sumer, Titans (ancient gods)

Ancient Minoa: The Minoans was an isolated culture located on the island of Crete. They are believed to be descendants of the Greeks but did not truly affiliate themselves with the mainland due to having an established belief system and strong cultural norms. Their population was 85% white, 15% other. They traded openly with Kemet and Byblos and sent their masons to both areas to teach them advanced building techniques for housing. The reason they developed these techniques was due to a lack of real estate on the island forcing multi-floor architecture.

Diplomatic Status:

Allies: Greece, Minoa

Tentative: Sumer, Canaan, Kemet

Rivals: N/A

Ancient Ethiopia: Not much different from Kush although they did allow Arabic people to have settlement on their outskirts to facilitate trade.

Feel free to pick apart my game document regarding the cultures. It is well researched but you never know.

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Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
One tiny note, I wouldn't say the Canaanites(and Sumer) were of Arab descent because not only did Arabs not exist yet during that time, but they are from Arabia and not the Levant. Canaanites were just ME. Anyways I don't want to derail your thread.

Anyways how do you plan to market the game more?


Apr 24, 2016
One tiny note, I wouldn't say the Canaanites(and Sumer) were of Arab descent because not only did Arabs not exist yet during that time, but they are from Arabia and not the Levant. Canaanites were just ME. Anyways I don't want to derail your thread.

Anyways how do you plan to market the game more?
once we have the trailer, we will be hitting every black news outlet and gaming site that covers PC and PS4. In the meantime, we may do light reaching out to more die hard editors

Also, regarding the arab comment. Arab is just a generic term I use to say non-white, non-black people in the middle east.