Democrats Introduce Bill Banning Hedge Funds From Owning Single-Family Homes


Nov 1, 2015

Democrats Introduce Bill Banning Hedge Funds From Owning Single-Family Homes​

The bill would force hedge funds to sell all of their single-family home stock over the next 10 years.

Sharon Zhang ,
December 7, 2023

A sale pending sign is posted in front of a home for sale on November 30, 2023, in Larkspur, California.

A "sale pending" sign is posted in front of a home for sale on November 30, 2023, in Larkspur, California.


Democrats have introduced bicameral legislation this week to take a step toward getting Wall Street out of the housing market amid a crisis during which house prices have soared to record highs.

The bill would ban hedge funds from buying and owning single-family homes. The legislation would require hedge funds to sell off their stock of single-family homes over the next 10 years and would then implement an outright ban. For every single-family home a hedge fund owns over a certain limit each year, it would be subject to a tax penalty, the revenues from which would be used for down payment assistance programs for those seeking to buy their first home from a hedge fund.

The End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act of 2023 was introduced by Rep. Adam Smith (D-Washington) and Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Oregon). The lawmakers say that the only purpose for hedge funds to own homes is to make profits and that such investing has only made it more difficult for working class Americans to afford to buy a home.

“In 1971, my father was able to buy the house I grew up in for $15,000 on the salary he earned as a baggage handler at SeaTac Airport. That same house would cost nearly $500,000 today yet wages for workers like my father have not kept up,” Smith said in a statement. “Congress must take action to crack down on corporate greed and get hedge funds out of the single-family home market.”

The bill, if passed, could provide some rare relief to people seeking to buy a home. According to National Association of Realtors data, the median price of a single-family home in November 2019 was $271,300 — while, in November of this year, the median home price was $400,000.


A person stands in front of several boarded up public housing units in the Lincoln Heights area in Washington, D.C., on September 23, 2022.

Big Real Estate Says Regulations Caused Housing Crisis, But They Wrote the Rules

The problem with our housing system is that by design some people stand to make a lot of money from the lack of supply.
By Brendan O’Brien , TRUTHOUT
September 9, 2023

Skyrocketing home prices are due in part to an increase in investor purchases of homes that have squeezed out would-be homeowners, especially during the hot housing market shortly after the pandemic began. As house prices rose over the past years, so did the share of houses being bought by investors, hitting an all-time high in 2022. Similarly, rents have been rising in part due to corporate-driven housing shortages and corporate profit-seeking.

“The housing in our neighborhoods should be homes for people, not profit centers for Wall Street,” said Merkley. “Yet, in every corner of the country, giant financial corporations are buying up housing and driving up both rents and home prices.”

The lawmakers cite research by the Urban Institute done earlier this year that found that, as of June 2022, hedge funds and institutional investors owned an estimated 574,000 single-family homes in the U.S. And, while no single group owned more than 1,000 single-family rental units in 2011, large institutions are projected to own more than 40 percent of all single-family rental units in the U.S. by 2030, according to a MetLife Investment Management estimate.

The End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act has been cosponsored by Representatives Linda Sánchez (D-California) and Nikema Williams (D-Georgia) and Sen. Tina Smith (D-Minnesota). It also has the support of a number of housing and consumer rights organizations, many of whom emphasized that corporate investors are making it ever harder for individuals to buy a home.

“Very large private equity companies are buying up thousands of affordable houses that traditionally are the homes for first-time-homebuyers, and converting them to long term and high priced rentals,” said National Housing Resource Center Executive Director Bruce Dorpalen in a statement. “Homeownership is one of the best ways to build wealth in the United States and these private equity investment companies are shutting that out for too many of our families.”

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Interesting. :jbhmm:

Most democrat articles I don't even bother because of shills. But this right here is real work if it says what I think it means. It's one step in the right direction, if this passes, the next step would be banning big business and corporations. I think they own even more than hedge funds.

This 100% needs to pass. I'm about to read this article now.


Sep 2, 2014
Bookmarking. If this goes nowhere, unlike other disingenuous pieces of shyt, I want to be able to come back and name names. Its going to committee and the house is run by Republicans currently.

IF this goes nowhere, again, there will be a record or who did what on and I will blame the very mothafukkas who kill it. None of this blanket shyt cause this would actually be a transformative bill.


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
Outstanding idea, unfortunately this is being pushed after they have lost the House. This will probably not pass at this time, because the Republicans are now pretty much purely the no party for anything that works to the benefit of the average American. So Hopefully, they retry once they control the legislature.

My problem a lot of times with the Democrats is that they wait until after they lose control of a part of the government to push forward bills that will drastically aid the American people. So I don't give them credit when they push forward a great bill they already know will not be passed. Especially since it seems once they do have the power to pass it, they forget all about the great bills they tried to pass when they did not have the seats to get it through.

If this bill fails, which I am pretty sure it will because of the Republican majority in the House, I will see if they try again when they actually are in a position to pass the bill. If they do try again when they have the power to get it passed, I will give them their laurels.

I remember what happened with Abortion Rights, and how they could have had it codified when they had control of all branches of government, but always refrained from doing it because it was such a good voting wedge issue for them. So I am leary about great bills being pushed forward when there is no real power to get them passed.