Dr. Wesley Muhammad - Understanding the Assault On the Black Man, Black Manhood & Masculinity


Jan 9, 2017
i updated the OP hope that helps.

The second youtube video was taken down. But here's my impression of the first video:

My first problem is his distancing himself from his African heritage with respectable language. Africa has a plethora of different peoples and tribes with their own unique experiences with White supremacy from one another. Our experience with White supremacy gives us no more cultural diversity from continentals than what they already have among themselves. What he's done is erect this racist Eurocentric strawman of an African monolith, which he's then attempting to disassociate from.

Second of all, it seems like he's willfully obtuse, to act as if the people who made the term "African American" made it in reference to first generation African immigrants as opposed to denoting the African descent of the Black people that already lived here. Yes many continentals have postcolonial problems-- and many of those problems are White supremacy problems. Examples being apartheid and the destabilization of nations through dictators picked by European nations. And actually, certain groups did experience slavery as well.

However, my main problem is that it seems as though he, like many other African Americans want to define us exclusively through oppression instead of through a love and appreciation of African heritage. This is problematic because all it'll take to destabilize group cooperation is to make some blacks "less oppressed" than the others, by giving them more privileges. A great example would be during the period of integration. Wealthy blacks, who were forced to live in segregated neighborhoods with poor blacks, marched for desegregation just like everyone else. But as soon as segregation ended, they took advantage of being less oppressed by class and moved out of Black neighborhoods to live in White suburbs--- taking the black community's wealth with them.
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