Dreams and what they mean


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
I've been having recurring dreams lately about my old home. The most recent one I'm in the kitchen and I'm going through the pantry looking for something. Meanwhile my mom's talking to me and my grandmother, who has been gone for a while now, is listening in from the dining room/den. Mom dukes is giving me a run down of her job history. "When I was about your age I was working at the bank" "I started working at the hospital at such and such time" "remember when I use to help at the salon mama?" etc. My grandmother chimes in from time to time too. So I googled what it means when you keep dreaming about places you use to live or from childhood and I found this.

"Your dream house is symbolic of the Self, while the rooms inside the house relate to various aspects of the Self and to the many facets of your personality. The attic refers to the mind, while the basement represents the subconscious."


To see a kitchen in your dream signifies your need for warmth, spiritual nourishment and healing. It may also be symbolic of the nurturing mother or the way that you are for your loved ones. Alternatively the kitchen represents a transformation. Something new or life altering is about to occur. The dream could also be telling you that if "you can't stand the heat, then you need to get out of the kitchen". You need to abort your plans."


To dream that you are in the den, signifies work, industry, and efficiency."

Dream Moods Dream Themes: House

The human mind is very interesting. Have you ever had recurring dreams and if so what do you think they mean?




We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
House dreams are always symbolic of the self/physical body. I can tell whether a dream is talking about a inner problem or outer problem due to whether it takes place within a building or not.

As for your dream...childhood home dreams are dreams about a past issue affecting you in the present. Kitchen is creativity, nourishment and providing for one self. You're in the kitchen, looking for alternative ways to express your self and meet your needs as it pertains to your position in life. You subconsciously uses your family as a measuring stick for what success represents. Your mother is in fact communicating the many changes and phases of her life and where they took her. Everything in the dream represents an aspect of yourself. So subconsciously your mother embodies some aspect of your own inner drives, beliefs, etc. Are you frustrated with a job? Are you having issues with money? I'd need to know how you feel in the dream about what your mother is saying in order for me to go any further.


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
Are you frustrated with a job? Are you having issues with money? I'd need to know how you feel in the dream about what your mother is saying in order for me to go any further.
I was frustrated with my main job. I felt like I bit off more than I could chew. Now that I have made some changes to my schedule things have gotten somewhat better :ld:.
Financially I'm comfortable and in the dream I was receptive of what she was telling me but my back was to her while I was going through the pantry. I was listening to her though


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
I was frustrated with my main job. I felt like I bit off more than I could chew. Now that I have made some changes to my schedule things have gotten somewhat better :ld:.
Financially I'm comfortable and in the dream I was receptive of what she was telling me but my back was to her while I was going through the pantry. I was listening to her though
The dream presents to you the story of her life because you yourself are trying to develop the story of your own life. The conflict in the dream in unable to locate something in the pantry, which means unable to provide a sense of satisfaction for yourself. And her talking to your back could maybe represent a burden of both your inability to make sense of your own story and of carrying on your family's legacy. In the dream you're reliving a aspect from distant past that has been driving you since then. This is why your deceased grandmother is in the dream and why your mother is talking about her past. Ultimately this dream deals with the frustration of creating an identity for yourself and of being able to make sense of the many turns your life has taken. Im wondering if you were aware of this problem. I'm thinking that you weren't. So your dream is actually identifying your source of frustration. I think the solution your dream is giving you is to rememeber change always occurs and everyone goes through many phases. That your role too will change, just as your mother's changed throughout her life with the types of jobs she had. That like her you will become your own self through these experiences.

That's just my opinion :yeshrug:


♊Dogset Emperor and Sociopathic Socialite ♊
Oct 9, 2015
The dream presents to you the story of her life because you yourself are trying to develop the story of your own life. The conflict in the dream in unable to locate something in the pantry, which means unable to provide a sense of satisfaction for yourself. And her talking to your back could maybe represent a burden of both your inability to make sense of your own story and of carrying on your family's legacy. In the dream you're reliving a aspect from distant past that has been driving you since then. This is why your deceased grandmother is in the dream and why your mother is talking about her past. Ultimately this dream deals with the frustration of creating an identity for yourself and of being able to make sense of the many turns your life has taken. Im wondering if you were aware of this problem. I'm thinking that you weren't. So your dream is actually identifying your source of frustration. I think the solution your dream is giving you is to rememeber change always occurs and everyone goes through many phases. That your role too will change, just as your mother's changed throughout her life with the types of jobs she had. That like her you will become your own self through these experiences.

That's just my opinion :yeshrug:
You're right I do have a problem with change :patrice:.


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
Dealing with change? Changes I can't control or that catch me off guard.
Ok so that makes better sense of the dream. She's telling you her many changes while you are searching for satisfaction in a place you usually would find it. Either way keep in mind change is always inevitable. And to embrace change as a gift, as it gives you the opportunity to experience life in another way. Life is change. It's never static. Good luck.


All Star
Nov 18, 2016
Yall believe anything :dead:

Its just your brain organizing your information at a fast rate.
I feel ya breh, but if dreams and the interpretation of said dreams can lead to an epiphany, or influence positive change in a person's life...:manny:.