Dreams | PS4 | Out Now


The Prince of All Posters
Apr 30, 2012
LWO/Brady Bunch/#Midnightboyz
This game caught some flack in the Sony thread but, overall, I think it look interesting. Want to see more of it though.

Media Molecule, the studio behind LittleBigPlanet and Tearaway, just unveiled one of the oddest and most surreal games we've yet seen from this console generation: Dreams. "We’re building a place where you can go to explore the dreams of others, and then you can create your own," the studio said. Dreams will let you "get lost for hours journeying from the imagination of thousands of PS4 users."

You use the DualShock 4 controller to paint, sculpt, and build out your own game world, and anything in that world can be animated and manipulated in almost no time. "The game looks like a moving painting," said Media Molecule. And a huge part of Dreams is collaborating with others and altering or "remixing" their dreams. "You call up their dreams, and then remix, collage, and link them together." Media Molecule has focused on "making it quick, intuitive, and rewarding" to create, and a quick reel of possibilities makes clear that you can take Dreams in both very cute and sinister directions. But we didn't see much, and Media Molecule is promising more in the months to come.


Leave it to Media Molecule, the Sony first-party studio responsible for the crafty Tearaway and level-creation bonanza that is LittleBigPlanet, to introduce something a little different at E3. Dreams, as the new title is called, takes a unique approach to gameplay, letting PlayStation 4 users create, explore and "remix" each other's dreams. Alex Evans, studio co-founder, explained that by using the DualShock 4's motion controls, players can easily "piece together a whole environment in moments." There's also the ability to animate characters of your own creation using performance capture.

But dream creation isn't the only intriguing aspect of the game -- there also seems to be a slew of gameplay modes, as the demo showed off a cutesy bear attacking zombies; a sci-fi jetski-like aerial fight and two adorable polar bears sliding down snowy slopes and snuggling. There's no word on a release date yet, so you'll have to sit tight.



May 6, 2012



Engaget article summary:

-The first thing you should know about Dreams is, it'll have a traditional campaign
-This content will act, just like in LittleBigPlanet, as both a standalone adventure and a tutorial for creation.

-This blurring of the lines between gameplay, creation, and sharing is key in Dreams.
-The "structured content" (i.e., campaign) won't be finished, but beta testers will get "less structured" versions of it to try out.
-Dreams' beta testers will be able to remix and modify Media Molecule's levels. They'll be able to experiment and create their own games using pre-existing assets or create entirely new ones.
-Right now, only around 30 people are making in-game dreams. Getting thousands of people beta testing and making things is going to be huge for the team.
-You can make amazing first-person shooter levels if that's what you want to do
-The team is dreaming of the "new game genres" that could be created within Dreams.
-Dreams offers "a full-on game-development system" in which Media Molecule staffers have already built their own takes on titles like MotorStorm and Tetris.
-You'll even be able to add your own cut scenes, animating characters using the controller and recording the results.
-Although in the demo there was a short wait between each, in the final game jumping between dreams will apparently be seamless
-VR support is basically confirmed

'Dreams' isn't an enigma, it's 'LittleBigPlanet' reborn

shyt is basically a next gen 3D LBP that's even bigger in scope. At first when I saw it at PSX or E3 I think I was kind of meh on it since I didn't know what you do. The latest video from PGW changed my mind. This will be big for creators and shyt. I heard people can even 3d print stuff they create in the game.
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