Either my ex neighbor is testing my loyalty to my wife or she wants to drop the cat on me.


Mar 11, 2022
I don’t post nothing on time on my whatApp. I dropped a clip of my wedding that happened in 2022, last month.

ex neighbor; “you got married??? :gladbron:

Me; yea.

Today she msgs me to ask me how married life is going. I tell her it’s going great and all.

She actually calls me to talk more about my answer.

Backstory, I shot my shot when she lived next door and even offered her lodging until she got her own place when her landlord sold the house but she thought I was a player cause of the women I would have over at the house (ya boy was just keeping his skills sharp) :myman:

So she calls me, we talk, catch up, tells me about taking some courses then casually says “it’s been so long, you didn’t even visit me one time” ( she ain’t live too far from me). I ignored the comment.

Getting off the phone she says we should catch up for coffee sometime…. 🪤 🐀. To be nice I said “we’ll see”

20 mins ago she says, “I just want to say, congrats again, it was good catching up”

Not even 5 mins later, she says “ohh I didn’t even get to tell you about the financial career I’m pursuing”
