Former Champion open to return? former star in nashville, Corino on current E talent

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
Former WWE Diva and current "WAGS" star Kelly Kelly recently spoke with the NHL's Montreal Canadiens website about her WWE career and the aforementioned new E! reality show that she is a part of. Below are some of the highlights.

On breaking away from the Kelly Kelly character: "It's been such a big part of my life. I started when I was 19 and Kelly Kelly was such a big name in the WWE and it was my persona for seven years. When I left, I wanted to leave that persona behind and kind of make a name for myself. My fans have been amazing and they've followed me through my whole career and they want to see what's next for me. The show has been great for them to see what I've been doing since I left the WWE. I'd like to try acting or hosting or anything like that to further my brand."

On if she misses the WWE lifestyle: "I miss entertaining and performing for sure. I'd love to do something along those lines. WAGS has been amazing because I've been able to have fun and be myself and still kind of entertain, but in a different way. It's been great."

On if she is open to a WWE return in the future: "If they ever ask me to come back and do a one-time thing like a Summerslam or a Wrestlemania, I definitely wouldn't be opposed to it if the timing was right and we could come to an agreement on a deal. I'm still young, I feel I still could go out there and wrestle. You never know
Bella vs Kelly at Mania? :krs:
- WWE Diva Lana and recently released NXT Diva Devin Taylor have been hanging out in Nashville, Tennessee this weekend. Lana lives in the area with her fiancee Rusev and Devin was her former roommate. Below is a photo of Lana and Devin together this weekend.

Longtime wrestling veteran and current ROH color commentator Steve Corino recently appeared as a guest on Jim Ross' "Ross Report" podcast. Below are some of the highlights from the interview.

On Cesaro: "I believe he [has] got all the tools! The guy speaks a few different languages. He's a monster in the ring. He's likable, so if you need him to be a babyface, he's very likable, but he can be smug in the ring, so he can be a heel." Corino added, "when I watched Mr. McMahon on Stone Cold's podcast on the [WWE] Network, and when he said that Cesaro isn't connecting with the fans, I'm like, 'are you serious?' Like, I attended WrestleMania 30. That guy was in the top five of the most popular people that night!"

On Kevin Owens' success in WWE: "He's like a little brother to me! I've known him for 10 years and we had so many great times in Ring of Honor. I still talk to him every week." Corino continued, "and he's just a great guy, a great guy, and he makes me so proud just because he goes in there and he has just destroyed stereotypes of what a pro wrestler should be and that's his niche. Just like when you brought Mick [Foley] into the WWF in '96, he broke the mold of what normal fans thought a WWE, WWF at the time, wrestler was supposed to be."

"Kevin, I think, was one of those guys that no one expected him to explode this quick, where Joe has been a guy on TNA for 12 years. You know Samoa Joe, but, like, how is he going to be in the big time?" Corino added, "I think he's going to do great, but it's that power of the pencil. Are the writers going to get behind him?"

On One Last Match: "I think the WWE would love to see me and Sean "X-Pac" Waltman in one last match we put on a lot of classics and it's a question I am always asked about by fans and we speak to each other all the time"

On Samoa Joe finally joining WWE: "I have shared my feelings about Samoa Joe with everybody there and I really believe that he's a company man, he's solid, I think he's going to be an asset to the locker room, I think he has the skill set to work with anybody of any skill set whether he be a fan favorite or a villain, so I think Joe's going to do real well there."
Kevin Owens is liek a little brother to him?:beli:


King of Hardcore
May 9, 2015
WWE wouldn't take back Kelly Kelly. It would be spending money just to spend it. With the talent they have now in the divas division she would be absolutely useless.. Can't strip anymore with the PG guidelines.

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
WWE wouldn't take back Kelly Kelly. It would be spending money just to spend it. With the talent they have now in the divas division she would be absolutely useless.. Can't strip anymore with the PG guidelines.
you saying in her last 3 months she wasn't putting on classics with beth phoenix? :beli:


God's Grace
Nov 26, 2014
Didn't know Kelly Kelly was on WAGS, seen two epsiodes, ok show, but not a tv watcher.

She wouldn't fit in right now, too many talented female wrestlers, game is changing, she was never a big thing, tho they tried to make her a star. She doesn't have the youngest diva ever shyt to fall back on in 2015.