German parliament legalizes cannabis for medical consumption

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB

The German parliament has voted to allow consumption of the drug for medical purposes. The issue had been a point of heated discussion in the country for a long time.

In a landmark bill, members of Germany's parliament voted unanimously on Thursday to legalize the use of medical marijuana.

Marlene Mortler, the German government's drug commissioner, had lobbied for the decision to allow patients to buy cannabis from their local pharmacy with a doctor's prescription.

"It's a great addition for patients who have waited for this a long time," Mortler said.

Doctors have stated that marijuana can benefit cancer patients who are feeling nauseous after chemotherapy, and it also is believed the drug helps fight a lack of appetite and the weight loss that some tumor patients experience. Cannabis can additionally alleviate symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis.

Opposition parties in Germany like the Greens and the Left Party had long fought for legalization.

In countries like France and Canada, as well as in several US states, purchasing cannabis with a prescription is already possible.

Mortler: "More people should have access to medicinal cannabis"

In Germany, the costs of the dried cannabis flower buds and cannabis extracts will be covered by health insurance for patients who have no other treatment options.

The world will be over ran by half retards who need medicine for their "insomnia" and "back pain" like in California. Starting to become a crutch like opioids. Doubt Deutschland will ever approve recreational use, but with the influx of immigrants and new generation who love rap music who will create future legislation we never know. Just hope German innovation and efficiency isn't affected.


May 20, 2012
Junkie, crackhead, pothead, alcoholic...potato potahtoe. Most weedheads don't have cataracts or stage iv cancer.
I like you, but they ain't the same, stop that:ufdup:

Sick is sick!

Plus, herb is perfect for preventative medicine, its how you take it that is the good or bad

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
Cause those are the ONLY two things that medical marijuana treats right?

A slew of things including "insomnia" and arbitrary "pains" which was mentioned OP. Not too many potheads in California have chronic illnesses. At least the insurance companies in the States aren't paying for it. Hope Germany implements policies to reduce fraud.


Dec 2, 2015
Need to remove all drug prohibition, the war on drugs is worse for all of society than usage and abuse of these drugs.

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
I like you, but they ain't the same, stop that:ufdup:

Sick is sick!

Plus, herb is perfect for preventative medicine, its how you take it that is the good or bad
Nothing wrong with herb as a tea or food but setting fire to it changes everything. Potheads feel differently.


May 20, 2012
Nothing wrong with herb as a tea or food but setting fire to it changes everything. Potheads feel differently.
Not really, it just adds more toxins, BUT that is why you puff potent stuff. The more potent, the less you need, so less carcinogens you are inhaling, while getting the benefit.

And the reason why eating doesn't work for some, is because you need heat or proper food combination to release the acid from the thc, and get proper absorption. Also, some people have poor brain metabolism, as a lot of people just sit around. This is my theory.

AND, you don't have to smoke it, you can vape it, that makes sure you have no burning plant matter, while getting quick effect as its going through your lungs. This helps you gauge the proper amount you feel is needed to get the effect you want.

I do agree a lot of people abuse it, but a lot don't. Why should I not have such a wonderful herb, because others have no discipline? Food isn't illegal or looked down, even though a lot abuse it, so herb shouldn't be treated the way it does, especially when it helps so many, in so many different ways. More teaching of how to consume needs to be taught.

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
Not really, it just adds more toxins, BUT that is why you puff potent stuff. The more potent, the less you need, so less carcinogens you are inhaling, while getting the benefit.

And the reason why eating doesn't work for some, is because you need heat or proper food combination to release the acid from the thc, and get proper absorption. Also, some people have poor brain metabolism, as a lot of people just sit around. This is my theory.

AND, you don't have to smoke it, you can vape it, that makes sure you have no burning plant matter, while getting quick effect as its going through your lungs. This helps you gauge the proper amount you feel is needed to get the effect you want.

I do agree a lot of people abuse it, but a lot don't. Why should I not have such a wonderful herb, because others have no discipline? Food isn't illegal or looked down, even though a lot abuse it, so herb shouldn't be treated the way it does, especially when it helps so many, in so many different ways. More teaching of how to consume needs to be taught.

Smoke of any kind on a consistent basis breaks down the lungs. Vaping it is fairly new and long-term effects haven't been thoroughly study. You shouldn't rely on a substance and herbs should be used to facilitate health, not dependency. Cannabis is great for for hemp clothing, parachutes, ropes, tents, fire hoses; things of value. Just sad that society's mental and physical health (mainly due to diet and lifestyle) has led us to this point. We will agree to disagree. I live in the state where it is legal for recreational purposes and supported the legislation due to rampant mental illness and deinstitutionalized mental health care. Since people were getting it for their "insomnia" and "back pain" anyway, state might as well profit off the crazies. Understand that everyone can't be substance free like myself however I can voice my dismay. I have that right. I have potheads in my family so I somewhat empathize.


May 20, 2012
Smoke of any kind on a consistent basis breaks down the lungs. Vaping it is fairly new and long-term effects haven't been thoroughly study. You shouldn't rely on a substance and herbs should be used to facilitate health, not dependency. Cannabis is great for for hemp clothing, parachutes, ropes, tents, fire hoses; things of value. Just sad that society's mental and physical health (mainly due to diet and lifestyle) has led us to this point. We will agree to disagree. I live in the state where it is legal for recreational purposes and supported the legislation due to rampant mental illness and deinstitutionalized mental health care. Since people were getting it for their "insomnia" and "back pain" anyway, state might as well profit off the crazies. Understand that everyone can't be substance free like myself however I can voice my dismay. I have that right. I have potheads in my family so I somewhat empathize.
That is partially true. Smoke itself does that, but your body repairs itself, so if you eat properly, and don't over do it, your lungs will be ok. I have seen numerous people who have been smoking herb for years, have no issues with their lungs, and this is with testing. Eating spices, and b6 rich foods, particularly keep the lungs healthy.

Taking herb isn't relying on it, but cannabis is not like most herbs. Cannabinoids are very powerful, and effect every part of the body, and therefore provides major health result that damn near every other plant or drug doesn't. This is due to our endocannabinoid system. If you want to learn more on the subject, google Dr. Robert Melamede. Here is a start, but he has way more info. It is mind blowing. He has shown how people with low cannabinoids are actually hurting growth of us as humans since they tend to not like new things, and try different ways to solve problems. Basically conservatives.

I agree on our mental health, but I think it was worse in time before this. What is happening is because society is separating itself, we are noticing these things, whereas before it was considered normal or just ignored. To blame cannabis for mental illness is not right. I feel its society itself that is sick, in some cases the herb just pushes some over the limit, but it was going to happen anyway, so you fix the problem not the symptom. Man has been consuming psychoactive plants for thousands of years, so when you think about it, being sober all of your life or just taking man made "drugs" is actually a new phenomenon.

As far as vaping, yes it's new, but the little studies that have been done, they have been excellent. Even without the studies, its common sense to understand that it isn't a problem when using properly built vaporizers(no offgassing). All you are doing is heating up the herb to release the actives, with hot air. The temperatures are basically cooking temps. the only issue is dry air hitting the lungs, but there are ways against that also, which most serious users do.

Also, being substance free doesn't mean healthy. You may not make enough endocannabinoids, and this will cause problems down the line. Or you might not have proper brain metabolism, and don't even know it, until its too late, and even the doctors won't know a most don't test for that. This reason is why a lot of people don't feel high when they first puff, their brain metabolism is slow, but smoke activates your sympathetic nervous system, and that increases metabolism(too much isn't good, though), so the more they take in or hold the smoke for longer, the more they feel the effects.

I'm not dissing you, just giving another take on being sober, since people think they are healthy just because they don't do anything.

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
Also, being substance free doesn't mean healthy. You may not make enough endocannabinoids, and this will cause problems down the line. Or you might not have proper brain metabolism, and don't even know it, until its too late, and even the doctors won't know a most don't test for that. This reason is why a lot of people don't feel high when they first puff, their brain metabolism is slow, but smoke activates your sympathetic nervous system, and that increases metabolism(too much isn't good, though), so the more they take in or hold the smoke for longer, the more they feel the effects.

I'm not dissing you, just giving another take on being sober, since people think they are healthy just because they don't do anything.

No offense taken just sharing my experience. If people did what they were suppose the body would heal itself and there would be no need for drugs, especially for extended periods of times. Most potheads I know, even the Whole Foods and Acai Berry lovers smoke to relieve stress and use it as escapism smoking at least a gram or 2 daily....not for chronic illnesses.

I am healthy according to my lab results and more importantly and am cognizant, no history mental illness and dependency. Most in my family live to be near centenarian and they are substance free. Noticed the ones who drink or used other substance died earlier or lived a poorer quality of life; they were not as mentally/financially astute as the others. Just my preference. A balanced diet, exercise and surrounding yourself in positive environment does wonders as you pointed out the body can naturally heal itself.

Women (and brehs when picking mates) should be mindful of what they taken into their bodies since a female houses all if not most of her eggs at birth, so essentially what mother does before and when conceiving can potentially jeopardize her unborn daughter's developing and unprotected eggs (grandchildren). Also, behavior patterns follows families.

But let the stoners have fun with their "insomnia". I lived in Germany for some time and just hope the citizenry doesn't morph into vapid stoners like California.


May 22, 2012
I'm all for it.

I don't smoke anymore but I see it having positive effects.

Don't really care for the lame's that feel they need to smoke all day everyday though. But it can be effective in treatments for all types of shyt.


May 20, 2012
No offense taken just sharing my experience. If people did what they were suppose the body would heal itself and there would be no need for drugs, especially for extended periods of times. Most potheads I know, even the Whole Foods and Acai Berry lovers smoke to relieve stress and use it as escapism smoking at least a gram or 2 daily....not for chronic illnesses.

I am healthy according to my lab results and more importantly and am cognizant, no history mental illness and dependency. Most in my family live to be near centenarian and they are substance free. Noticed the ones who drink or used other substance died earlier or lived a poorer quality of life; they were not as mentally/financially astute as the others. Just my preference. A balanced diet, exercise and surrounding yourself in positive environment does wonders as you pointed out the body can naturally heal itself.

Women (and brehs when picking mates) should be mindful of what they taken into their bodies since a female houses all if not most of her eggs at birth, so essentially what mother does before and when conceiving can potentially jeopardize her unborn daughter's developing and unprotected eggs (grandchildren). Also, behavior patterns follows families.

But let the stoners have fun with their "insomnia". I lived in Germany for some time and just hope the citizenry doesn't morph into vapid stoners like California.
The thing about mental illness though, is that you can't test for it, a lot of times it just happens. You literally snap, so those people smoking to relieve stress are actually doing the right thing. As far as people who don't puff, they still have vices, and I've found they tend to have freaky sex, or shop a lot, or are religious. All of those bring more problems then they solve, so I can't do it, I'd rather just puff. My grandmother is almost 100, and I love her, but she is not someone I like to be around a lot. I find this with a lot of "sober" people. It's like because they are sober all the time, they have to put on an image, but the image tends to be fake.

On the people who did use substances, I agree, but like I always say, it isn't the substances, its how they used them. Chances are they used those things as party items, and the party lifestyle is what brought all the problems, not necessarily the herb or the alcohol.

I agree on the women, and eggs thing, but we know now the eggs can be rebuilt, they are not forever damaged. Again, unless you are smoking blunts, and drinking, while not eating properly, you are not hurting your body. In fact because you are experiencing a high release of neurotransmitters consistently like dopamine, you will enjoy life more, and it will effect other things in your life. I know for me when I puff, less things bother me, and i focus on enjoyment, and being creative, as herb helps you see things differently then you normally would. I notice people like arguing, and just dumb shyt, when they are sober, but they don't see it as them doing dumb shyt. Even me, but its just different when I puff or when I've had long sessions, and still in that relaxed mode. I also have seen some fukked up shyt, and herb helps me think about the shyt without being overly emotional about it.

I know for me, herb saved my life! I had issues that I thought wasn't bothering me, but once I started puffing, i noticed a lot things that was going on around me, and realized I wanted better. Alcohol just made things worse, and I wasn't fukking with the other man made shyt. I tried the talking, and the religious shyt, but they didn't hit me deep like herb did. Then it helped with health stuff that I didn't realize was an issue, until I started studying the body. I doubt I would ever take herb out of my life, especially now that I know how to use it properly, without any ill effects. The positives are just too great to let it go. Alcohol, yeah, but not herb! If I can find older people who live a life I find enjoyable, and they are cool people, I might think about ditching herb, but I have yet to see it. I just see people who have accepted their lifestyles, but they aren't truly happy, that's why they are always complaining about the younger generations, its hard for their brains to change, and adapt to new things!
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