GOP Redistricting Plot To Unseat Rep. Corrine Brown Exposed


May 3, 2012
These Internet Streetz

Sep 29, 2015
By NewsOne Now

Members of the Florida Republican Party conducted a secret meeting to lay out a plan to unseat Congresswoman Corrine Brown through redistricting. The plan – spearheaded by Florida State Rep. Janet Adkins – would pack inmates/felons who are ineligible to vote into the 5th Congressional District.

But as lawmakers and GOP activists in the meeting were secretly plotting against Brown, they were also secretly being recorded.

Democratic Rep. Corrine Brown joined Roland Martin on Tuesday’s edition of NewsOne Now to discuss the GOP redistricting plot against her. She told Martin that neither the Democratic National Party nor the Florida Democratic Party have assisted her in combating the attack. reported Adkins as saying during the closed-door meeting, “You draw [Brown’s seat] in such a fashion so perhaps, a majority, or maybe not a majority, but a number of them will live in the prisons, thereby not being able to vote.”

Adkins, who is heard detailing the plan to oust Brown, is also heard on the leaked audio recording of the private GOP meeting saying the following about the population of the proposed congressional district:

“They’re a part of the population. No, they can’t vote. So when you take a look at, and I don’t know what the numbers are, but you take a look at how many minorities are in the prisons within that newly drawn proposed congressional — how many of them live in the prisons, that’s why Corrine Brown is so against having an east-west, because her concern is that they live in prisons and they can’t vote. So it’s a perfect storm.”

Brown said she knew by looking at the proposed 5th Congressional District lines, “they drew it to get rid of me.” She later commented that the purpose of the redrawn map was to “destroy the 5th Congressional District.”

Republicans in Florida have reportedly said the proposed redrawn 5th Congressional District was a Democratic idea, so in essence, Rep. Brown is “criticizing a Democratic plan.” Brown responded to that assertion, saying, “Let’s be clear, in politics you don’t have permanent friends or permanent enemies, you got permanent causes.”

“Whoever drew the district, they drew the district to take Congresswoman Corrine Brown out of that district, maybe hoping to get additional Democratic districts,” she said.

Brown continued, “A lot of people feel that we can be the sacrificial lambs, but we’ve already given. The 1965 Voting Rights Act is where we gave. We gave blood to be at the table … if you are not at the table, you’re on the menu.”

Rep. Brown also told Martin what is happening to her is not just happening in Florida – it’s taking place all over the country: “There is an organized effort to take African-Americans out for whatever purpose — divide our districts, try to get more civility in Congress — we’ve already given.”


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
As someone who lives just outside her district but always hears a lot of news on it, both R's and D's have been trying to get rid of Brown for ages.

She's in a safe, heavily gerrymandered minority-majority district that includes black neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Ocala and Orlando.

Brown is generally seen as really dumb, has become the butt of a lot of jokes, and acts as a cancer for the Democratic Party in NE Florida. Every time someone whether it be a D or R wants to redraw her boundaries she brings in the NAACP and the CBC to fight it. A lot of D's speculate that with her out of the way, or at least if she let go of some of her minority neighborhoods, D's could capture a 2nd seat in NE FL but she's a heavily entrenched wild card not scared to go after her own party who is also a strong fundraiser with certain groups in the region.

Now that a judge has mandated that Brown's district has to be broken up a bit, R's want her out too.

She's not even particularly well liked by her minority constituents, she just rules her district with an iron fist and fund raises with big business:

During her 2009–2010 campaign, Corrine Brown raised up to $966,669 from fundraising. Brown’s top contributors included CSX Corporation, a freight transportation company with its headquarters in Jacksonville, FL, Carnival Corp., Picerne Real Estate Group, Union Pacific Corp and Berkshire Hathaway. Brown’s top industry contributors included those railroads, lawyers/farm firms, real estate, transportation unions, and sea transportation.[31] Top sectors in Brown's 2009–2010 campaign include Transportation, Lawyers & Lobbyists, Labor, Construction, Finance/Insurance/Real Estate. During her campaigning, the largest source of funds was given by large individual companies, which accounted for 54% of the contributions, and PAC contributions, which accounted for 36%. Sources of funds also included small individual contributions, self-financing on Brown's part and other sources.

Corrine Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
GOP has been :eat:off of redistricting for years and years, so this is nothing new. Hell, if it wasn't for the lines being drawn to their advantage, the GOP probably wouldn't even control the House...they frequently get overall less votes but win anyway.

Democrats are too cowardly to make any real effort to do anything about it tho.

George's Dilemma

May 27, 2012
As someone who lives just outside her district but always hears a lot of news on it, both R's and D's have been trying to get rid of Brown for ages.

She's in a safe, heavily gerrymandered minority-majority district that includes black neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Ocala and Orlando.

Brown is generally seen as really dumb, has become the butt of a lot of jokes, and acts as a cancer for the Democratic Party in NE Florida. Every time someone whether it be a D or R wants to redraw her boundaries she brings in the NAACP and the CBC to fight it. A lot of D's speculate that with her out of the way, or at least if she let go of some of her minority neighborhoods, D's could capture a 2nd seat in NE FL but she's a heavily entrenched wild card not scared to go after her own party who is also a strong fundraiser with certain groups in the region.

Now that a judge has mandated that Brown's district has to be broken up a bit, R's want her out too.

She's not even particularly well liked by her minority constituents, she just rules her district with an iron fist and fund raises with big business:

Corrine Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In other words she's just another politician.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
As someone who lives just outside her district but always hears a lot of news on it, both R's and D's have been trying to get rid of Brown for ages.

She's in a safe, heavily gerrymandered minority-majority district that includes black neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Ocala and Orlando.

Brown is generally seen as really dumb, has become the butt of a lot of jokes, and acts as a cancer for the Democratic Party in NE Florida. Every time someone whether it be a D or R wants to redraw her boundaries she brings in the NAACP and the CBC to fight it. A lot of D's speculate that with her out of the way, or at least if she let go of some of her minority neighborhoods, D's could capture a 2nd seat in NE FL but she's a heavily entrenched wild card not scared to go after her own party who is also a strong fundraiser with certain groups in the region.

Now that a judge has mandated that Brown's district has to be broken up a bit, R's want her out too.

She's not even particularly well liked by her minority constituents, she just rules her district with an iron fist and fund raises with big business:

Corrine Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is all truth. Corrine Brown is horrible. I remember when a tropical storm came and she ordered city officials to deliver sandbags to her house. :smh:

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
As someone who lives just outside her district but always hears a lot of news on it, both R's and D's have been trying to get rid of Brown for ages.

She's in a safe, heavily gerrymandered minority-majority district that includes black neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Ocala and Orlando.

Brown is generally seen as really dumb, has become the butt of a lot of jokes, and acts as a cancer for the Democratic Party in NE Florida. Every time someone whether it be a D or R wants to redraw her boundaries she brings in the NAACP and the CBC to fight it. A lot of D's speculate that with her out of the way, or at least if she let go of some of her minority neighborhoods, D's could capture a 2nd seat in NE FL but she's a heavily entrenched wild card not scared to go after her own party who is also a strong fundraiser with certain groups in the region.

Now that a judge has mandated that Brown's district has to be broken up a bit, R's want her out too.

She's not even particularly well liked by her minority constituents, she just rules her district with an iron fist and funhraises with big business:

Corrine Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
frankly im sure this is all true, but theyre going after her because of the D after her name :yeshrugL

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
As someone who lives just outside her district but always hears a lot of news on it, both R's and D's have been trying to get rid of Brown for ages.

She's in a safe, heavily gerrymandered minority-majority district that includes black neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Ocala and Orlando.

Brown is generally seen as really dumb, has become the butt of a lot of jokes, and acts as a cancer for the Democratic Party in NE Florida. Every time someone whether it be a D or R wants to redraw her boundaries she brings in the NAACP and the CBC to fight it. A lot of D's speculate that with her out of the way, or at least if she let go of some of her minority neighborhoods, D's could capture a 2nd seat in NE FL but she's a heavily entrenched wild card not scared to go after her own party who is also a strong fundraiser with certain groups in the region.

Now that a judge has mandated that Brown's district has to be broken up a bit, R's want her out too.

She's not even particularly well liked by her minority constituents, she just rules her district with an iron fist and fund raises with big business:

Corrine Brown - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amen. She is horrible. And she keeps getting reelected. Not saying I agree with the efforts to get rid of her. .. but I wish our black people here would not automatically vote for her. She just irritates the fukk out of me