Greater engagement with anti-masturbation groups linked to higher rates of depression, anxiety, and suicidal feelings


Nov 1, 2015

by Eric W. Dolan March 12, 2023in Mental Health, Relationships and Sexual Health


People who are more engaged with communities that push abstinence from masturbation tend to feel more suicidal after a perceived “relapse,” according to new research published in the journal Sexualities.

The authors of the new study sought to investigate potential harms associated with the so-called “Reboot” community, who believe they can reset their body to a healthier state by abstaining from pornography and masturbation. Members of this mostly online community think that masturbation has harmful effects and that abstaining from it can help alleviate conditions such as erectile dysfunction and mental health conditions.

The biggest group making these claims and selling treatments is called NoFap. The community provides resources and support for those looking to abstain from these behaviors and offers various challenges and goals to help people track their progress.

“As a clinical scientist, we are tasked to test treatment claims; Reboot coaches have long made claims of being able to cure erectile dysfunction, pornography addiction, and even suicidality. Many qualitative studies suggested these claims were not true, but these had not been tested quantitatively yet,” said study author Nicole Prause of Liberos.

The researchers used online advertisements to recruit a sample of 417 men who had heard of Reboot. Of the entire sample, 257 men indicated that they had personally tried to “Reboot.” The participants completed assessments of religiosity, depressive symptoms, anxiety, narcissism, belief in conspiracy theories, erectile functioning, pornography use, and openness to casual sex.

Participants who had tried a “Reboot” answered how many times they had relapsed. Those who had relapsed at least once were asked to rate their emotional response to their most recent relapse. Out of these participants, 28.9% reported feeling suicidal, with 12 of them feeling “extremely” suicidal. The study found that the more involved a participant was with NoFap forums, the more suicidal they reported feeling after a relapse.

Participants who had visited NoFap forums were asked to rate how they felt about the statements “NoFap helped me” and “NoFap is a source for accurate scientific information.” The researchers found that those with greater anxiety and erectile difficulties were more likely to endorse the statement “NoFap helped me.” In addition, participants who reported more engagement in NoFap forums also reported more depressive symptoms, anxiety, and erectile difficulties.

“If you or someone you know is concerned about their pornography viewing, abstinence and Reboot communities are not good options for support. Rather, focusing on depression or anxiety that usually underlie such concerns is likely to be more helpful,” Prause told PsyPost.

The researchers also asked the participants to rate how often they noticed ten different problems in the online forums. Visitors to NoFap forums reported seeing content that was often trolling (88%), misogynistic (73.7%), bullying (49.1%), anti-LGBT (42.9%), or anti-Semitic (32.0%). Additionally, a significant number of participants reported being told to harm or kill themselves (23.5%), witnessing threats to hurt others (21.1%), and witnessing doxing of others (17.1%) on the forums.

“We were very surprised at the volume of homicidal content, with about 1 in 5 visitors to NoFap reporting viewing threats to harm or kill someone,” Prause said. “There is simply no place for such violent statements in a support group. We ultimately submitted a second paper just focused on trying to understand why this group appeared to be so violent (under review).”

The researchers also found that those who more strongly identified as a pornography addict tended to have heightened levels of narcissism, anxiety, and erectile dysfunction.

“Another research group tipped us to add ‘narcissism’ as a predictor of porn addict identity, and it ended up being our main predictor,” Prause said. “In the next few years expect to see several papers from our lab and others about the problem with Reboot/NoFap followers believing they are especially gifted and just poor victims of a conspiratorial porn cabal.”

But the findings come with an important caveat. The correlational nature of the data leaves the direction of the observed relationships unclear for now. The researchers believe, based on other work, that greater engagement with “Reboot” communities results in greater anxiety and other negative outcomes. However, they cannot yet rule out the possibility that those with more mental health symptoms are more likely to seek out these communities.

“We have another study modelling NoFap followers over time that appears to be supporting the participants’ attributions that NoFap is actually causing these negative outcomes,” Prause said.

“These groups are specifically recruiting youth and do not seek parental consent,” the researcher added. “If you have a child who might be worried about their sexuality, as most are, be sure they know not to post about their personal sexuality to strangers on the Internet, as this can lead to sexual coercion and other serious boundary violations.”

The study, “Iatrogenic effects of Reboot/NoFap on Public Health: A preregistered survey study“, was authored by Nicole Prause and James Binnie.


Aug 23, 2019
It’s not the movement it’s the basement dwellers and misfits it attracts.

Same with a lot of the other “movements” it becomes a pool of undesirable people spewing their lives. The idea isn’t bad it’s the people it attracts.

It’s like a good movie or game with a bad toxic fan base.

Sauce and Footwork

Mar 11, 2022
I'm not dissing nobody that do it, because some people masterbate too much and need to rake a break. Just like a nice fast to clean you out, but alot of people forget your testosterone goes way down after about 10 days . some people need more time and I understand,, but I tried rhis shyt beforw for a month and it just made me too agitated. I have sex with my wife alot, but some days you feel keyed up and need a release to make you relax. shyt had me mad agitated. Honestly unless you in your 40s and higher , you should be able to maintain the same hard erection from sex (I know some people have sex still) or masturbation if you even did it every two days. Its natural and keeps us relaxed and it keeps your testosterone on a good level. If you can't maintain one you need to see a doctor because you are probably vitamin deficient or something else is going on. We are men and its not natural to be doing this no fap shyt all the time. Prostate health especially.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Do churches count? 🙄

These outlets will say anything to keep dudes pacified masturbators. Clowns trying to link people trying to abstain with porn with depression as if porn itself is generating opposite feelings (spoiler: it doesn't). Furthermore I imagine 100% of their vistors consume/consumed porn before

“These groups are specifically recruiting youth and do not seek parental consent,” the researcher added. “If you have a child who might be worried about their sexuality, as most are, be sure they know not to post about their personal sexuality to strangers on the Internet, as this can lead to sexual coercion and other serious boundary violations.”

Look at the language being used for a fukking challenge of abstaining from masturbation. Yet these hese cacs are ecstatic to see children getting sex changes and bend over backwards to undermine parents at every opportunity.

This country man. "Pumping yourself full of drugs and mutilating their genitals is perfect for kids but keep the children away from those weirdos who insist on getting aroused by real women and having sex with them instead of their hands"

I'm sure OP just wanted to defend his addiction but I had to get that off my chest. The propaganda flying around is too much.