Gun Control vs Black Community


All Star
Jan 14, 2015
I'm really interested in hearing the opinions of the ardent black gun control advocates on here.

I would like to hear some TANGIBLE ways from you all in which you believe gun control, particularly in the way of banning weapons or accessories, can actually or could potentially make our community safer, hopefully with some real examples of areas of success.

For instance, can you tell me what purpose and/or benefit exactly banning a weapon class like "assault rifles", will have for our community? Here's how homicides in Baltimore were broken down by weapon used.

Of the 343 people killed in Baltimore in 2017, 88 percent were killed with a firearm, including 295 with a handgun and six with a shotgun or rifle, according to Baltimore Police data released Wednesday
2017 homicide data provide insight into Baltimore's gun wars, police say

Only six people were killed by a shotgun OR rifle last year in baltimore, assault rifles are ONE subset of the rifle group. There's a high chance that NO black person was killed in that city by an assault rifle out of the staggering number that were killed.

Maryland has some of the strictest gun laws in the nation.
10 states with the strictest gun laws | Deseret News

For reference here's the US states by gun law stringency vs the black homicide rate



I'm not seeing ANY significant noticeable correlation here. In fact, this might show gun leniency to be slightly beneficial looking at California which has the strictest gun laws, yet one of the highest black homicide rates in the nation. Though, over all, as I've said time and time again the issue of the homicide rate in OUR community has much more to do with income, education, resources, family structure, systematic racism, development environment, and some culturized dysfunctions than how strict or loose gun laws are- But maybe you guys know something about gun laws their relation to the black community that I don't. Please do share.


Also, I've heard "our kids are being killed/dying" as a rallying cry being used a lot here lately. And I'm wonder WHO'S KIDS are we talking about here exactly? Black kids? There have been:

146 people killed by police shootings vs 51 people killed by mass shootings, so far in 2018​

And that's using a very loose definition of 'mass shootings'- FOUR or more shot and/or killed in a single event [incident], at the same general time and location, not including the shooter
Fatal Force: 2018 police shootings database
Mass Shootings

I'm going to tell you right now that OUR KIDS, that being black youth, are EXPONENTIALLY more likely to be apart of that 146 killed by police shootings statistic than the 51 killed in mass shootings statistic, of which white people make up the majority of victims. And I don't see these same people(except for ONE) calling for gun control for the police. So, be honest, and tell us which kids do you REALLY have in mind when you say that in reference to the mass shootings? The ones you see getting all the air time on the mainstream media right now?

@GPBear I'm especially interested in hearing from you on this. Since you seem pretty passionate in my reps.


What do/would you say to all of the currently active black grass roots activist groups with boots on the ground that do armed open/conceal carry patrols their communities looking our for innocent women, children, and elderly people in our community to keep them safe from violent crime, act as a front line barrier from WS being able to march through our community unchecked, and provide armed security for peaceful protest around the country(Yes, I can give examples of all of these if need be)?



- How exactly does gun control benefit the black community, when the vast black people aren't killed by assault rifles, and the black homicide rates don't correlate at all with gun leniency in any state?

- Are black kids, the kids you have in mind that are being killed in mass shootings?

- How do you feel about the many armed black community groups that do grass roots work in this country?
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Dec 16, 2015
That's what people don't get...

White people go and legally buy guns and shoot up shyt...

Black folks don't

What we do is get illegal guns...gun runners and straw-buyers and shyt

Now...tighteningthe loopholes to buy those guns and putting them illegally on the good

But what happening is...guns are coming from the South with less stringent gun laws to NYC, Chicago, Bmore and Cali
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All Star
Jan 14, 2015
I’m against “gun control”. I’m for people with a history of psychological issues not owning guns.

So, you're for more stringently enforced background checks? I would agree, as I do see some flaws in the way bg checks are administered such as the 72 hr time limit the FBI has to conduct the before the sellers is forced to sell to the buyer.

I also, see a HUGE problem with Georgia not requiring that domestic violence offenders give up their guns, as DV offenders are without a doubt the biggest problem group for LEGAL gun owners in this country(the vast majority of DV gun homicides are done handguns btw), and that is the biggest obstacle to reciprocal carry, which I'm in favor of.


Nov 18, 2016
Black leaders/people just like being apart of something...

A couple years back, a freight trains full of assault weapons, was broken into on the Southside of Chicago..

Till this very day, none of those weapons have been used in school shootings here.. Thankfully....

Then when inner city blacks do shoot up each other, we can't hide behind "mental issues" excuse.. We're immediately called thugs and criminals..

Seems like this is a majority white people issue .


All Star
Jan 14, 2015
Black leaders/people just like being apart of something...

A couple years back, a freight trains full of assault weapons, was broken into on the Southside of Chicago..

Till this very day, none of those weapons have been used in school shootings here.. Thankfully....

Then when inner city blacks do shoot up each other, we can't hide behind "mental issues" excuse.. We're immediately called thugs and criminals..

Seems like this is a majority white people issue .

Well, the vast majority of our non-blatantly "c00nish" black political leaders are hyper-depedently joined at the hip to the democrat party, and have to toe the line to keep their careers. So, I take what they say with a grain of salt. But, I see a lot of people here parroting these talking points, which confuses me and I'm looking for some clarification.

And you're right. As a matter of fact, of the 34 deadliest mass shooters in US history, only 2 were black, and none of them were in the top 21 with victims in the double digits, and neither of them used assault rifles.

Large mass shooting massacres aren't a black community issue in the slightest.


All Star
Jan 14, 2015
But like 70% of Americans are on some shyt for Depression, Anxiety, ADD etc...

And that, in of itself, is a far cry from being a clinical psychopath with a propensity for violence. I, like a lot of black boys, was diagnosed as having ADD as a child and was proscribed medication, until started refusing it once I hit my teens. That doesn't mean that I should lose my rights as a citizen.
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Jun 11, 2013
Birmingham, Alabama
And that, in of itself, is a far cry from being a clinical psychopath with a propensity for violence. I, like a lot of black boys, was diagnosed as having ADD as a child and was proscribed medication, until started refusing it, once I hit my teens. That doesn't mean that I should lose my rights as a citizen.
I agree. Which is why I said it's slippery slope


All Star
Jan 14, 2015
That's what people don't get...

White people go and legally buy guns and shoot up shyt...

Black folks don't

What we do is get illegal guns...gun runners and straw-buyers and shyt

Now...tighteningthe loopholes to buy those guns and putting them illegally on the good

But what happening is...guns are coming from the South with less stringent gun laws to Chicago, Bmore and Cali

That's true. The VAST majority of gun homicides in our community happen by way of illegal guns, and have little to do with gun law stringency or leniency. The only problem group for legal gun owners in our community is domestic violence offenders, but that holds true for EVERY community, and the vast majority of DV gun homicides are done with handguns. Our people aren't going on mass shooting rampages with huge causalities, So, I don't know why these talking points are being brought up as if this is an issue for us to sell the idea gun control to us.