HBK/HHH v Taker/Kane almost happened in 2001?!

cozy carl

Boy Toy
Oct 18, 2017
Cozy Boyz

Long read
[Part 3] Shawn Michaels headlining Backlash 2001, backstage actions result in being sent home. PWTorch [Apr 7/14, 2001]

[Part 1]()

[Part 2]()

March 31, 2001

Shawn Michaels made his first backstage
appearance at a WWF event in a long time at
Raw on Monday and managed to get under the
skin of a number of people in a short span of
time. He conducted himself in such a way that it
was clear many of his past problems are as
prominent today as in the past. He is scheduled to
headline the Apr. 30 Judgment Day PPV based
on an angle at or right after WrestleMania. His
conduct at Raw may jeopardize those plans. He
wasn’t scheduled to be on Raw; his attendance at
Raw backstage was meant to be a chance for him
to reorient himself to the locker room and prepare
for his on-air role beginning next week. The
WWF extended Michaels’s contract in
anticipation of him working at WrestleMania.
Michaels vetoed that plan, saying he wouldn’t be
ready to return at WM, and the WWF extended
his contract anyway. In retrospect, especially with
the acquisition of WCW, there was no urgency in
extending his contract.

April 7, 2001

Shawn Michaels walked out of the
Smackdown tapings last week after a dispute
with management. As reported last week, WWF
management wasn’t pleased with Michaels’s
conduct at Raw the night before. When they
talked to him about his situation the next day, a
confrontation resulted and Michaels left early.
Michaels had been scheduled to return to TV this
week either at WrestleMania or Raw or
Smackdown to be part of an angle that would lead
to his in-ring return at the Apr. 29 Backlash PPV
(perhaps teaming with Triple H against
Undertaker & Kane), but those plans appear to be
erased as a result of the happenings last week

April 14, 2001

All plans for use of Shawn Michaels have
been cancelled indefinitely due to his conduct
his first two days back on the road. Two weeks
ago Michaels showed up at Raw and immediately
made it apparent to everyone through his
appearance and conduct that his problems of the
past were also problems of the present. Among
other more serious problems, he also managed to
upset a number of people with what were
described as “unnecessary digs” and “smart ass”
comments. “He was being a dikk to everyone,”
says one WWF wrestler. “It’s that simple.” The
next day he took a nap shortly after arriving at the
arena for Smackdown, sleeping with his cap
coveirng his face. When he woke up, he met with
Vince McMahon and Jim Ross. During that
meeting he was asked to leave. Michaels did leave
without creating a big scene. He appeared to be
surprised by management’s request and took a
“sorry you feel that way” approach to the
situation. Sources say now Michaels will in
essence be given a choice—shape up in terms of
his attitude and get help for his other problems or
he won’t be back. In other words, it would likely
be at least another month or so before
management would even considering bringing
Michaels back.

Wrestlers also say there is a lot of tension
between Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Sources
say Michaels blames Triple H for WWF officials
asking him to leave the Mar. 27 Smackdown
tapings. Michaels is accusing Triple H of
bad–mouthing him to management following the
previous night’s Raw taping. Triple H is denying
the allegations, but is also said to be disappointed
that Michaels showed up in no condition to work.
Michaels complained about Triple H “not sticking
up for him.” He tried to get Hunter to go to Vince
and straighten things out—in other words, use his
clout to get management to overlook his
problems. Triple H said he would go with
Michaels to meet with Vince, but Michaels told
Hunter that only he (Hunter) could get Vince to
see his way

cozy carl

Boy Toy
Oct 18, 2017
Cozy Boyz
Too many of those xans.

That would've been a good comeback match for him if he did come back in 01. Though, they could've just done the HHH heel turn thing they did the next year, a year earlier also and it would've worked.
They were either gonna set up the SummerSlam match they had in '02 or the tag match. Either way it would've been dope.

cozy carl

Boy Toy
Oct 18, 2017
Cozy Boyz
Bruce Prichard talk about this on his podcast he said Shawn had some crazy ass bowl cut or some shyt lol.

So it was worst than this?

cozy carl

Boy Toy
Oct 18, 2017
Cozy Boyz
Yeah from what bruce was saying he didn't even recognize him lol. I will have to see if I can find the clip but I know him and HHH didn't talk for like a year I think HHH talked about it once also.

WWE.COM: You would occasionally pop in to WWE TV from ’99 to ’02 — sometimes as Commissioner Michaels or a special guest referee, etc. How did those appearances come about?

MICHAELS: They were just random calls — much like the appearances that I have now. Back then, it might have been a little bit more in advance. But for the most part, it was just somebody in creative having an idea and thinking there was a role that would fit me.

WWE.COM: How would you describe your relationship with the company during that time?

MICHAELS: It wasn’t great, but there was very little communication. They were thriving and doing well and I was doing what I was doing.

WWE.COM: Did you still watch regularly?

MICHAELS: I did for a while early on. As we moved out to the country, our son grew a bit, and the year or two-year journey of my salvation, that took precedence over being a wrestler or a wrestling fan. I wasn’t great at a lot of stuff, but I was good at not worrying about being a wrestler.

WWE.COM: Of course, two of your close friends were top stars in WCW. Did WCW ever reach out to have you appear?

MICHAELS: I was always under contract with WWE. There were times when one contract was ending and another had not been discussed moving forward. And yeah, there were talks and opportunities [with WCW]. I remember Jim Ross reaching out to me and coming down to Texas to visit me. J.R. said he didn’t know what the future held for me, but he thought there was a role for Shawn Michaels [in WWE] somewhere. If it wasn’t now, it might be a year or two. Jim always believed in me. I ended up re-signing with WWE with no real plan in sight, but still being sewn up by them.

WWE.COM: Your life changed so much in those four years. What was your final straw to get clean?

MICHAELS: The final moment was when my son was 2 years old and I was half-in-the-bag on the couch, and him thinking I was tired. I realized, “My goodness, he’s starting to notice. This isn’t something you’ll be able to hide from him.” It broke my heart. I just could not bear the thought of this innocent baby being ruined by something he had absolutely nothing to do with. I decided there needed to be a change — and a drastic one.

WWE.COM: You also had a life-changing phone call with Kevin Nash. What did you talk about?

MICHAELS: Basically, he said, “Look, you need to stop that stuff, and while we’re at it, you need to make amends with Triple H.” Triple H and I had not talked in a year. I had been in not-great-shape the last time I was in WWE. It had been a year since then. It was Nash saying, “You owe him an apology,” the incident with my son and me waking up later that night and thinking this can’t continue. All of these happened the same night. And all of it started the next day. I called Kevin back first, saying, “You’re right, and give me Triple H’s number; I’ve got to call him.” Then I called Triple H, asked him to forgive me, and both of us wept on the phone like a couple little girls. We re-kindled our friendship.

Shawn Michaels on the lost years of his career