Heyman speaks on E's Savior, Erin Carter, Jim Ross on Rollins

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
On knowing how to succeed when the odds are against him: "Phil Brooks is not in his mid-thirties, he's cruising rapidly into his late-thirties. He doesn't have a documentable athletic background. Do I know that he has been in the gym with the best Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners in the world for several years? Sure I do, but he's never been in a competition. I don't know of any sports he played in high school. He went straight from high school into the wrestling world so there's no college background there. Brock Lesnar was an NCAA Division I champion, who was a champion in junior college, he was a bad ass wrestling in high school and he was wrestling since he was five years old. He was a competitive athlete so that's a different jump to make."

"Phillip Brooks does not have that background. It makes it all the more improbable, which is exactly why he's so driven to do it. Because he looks in the mirror and he sees not only a rebel and an uncompromising spokesman for the beliefs that are near and dear to him, but he sees someone that will defy conventional wisdom and pull off miracles if that's what it takes because he has one shot in life and he wants to do something quite special with it."

On the possibility of a WWE return at some point down the line: "As of right now, ain't no way he's ever going back. I don't know if I can make that same statement in the future. I know his mindset is there's absolutely no way. As for his mindset where he is in his journey, I think every moment he takes a breath is one moment closer to his debut. I think the only thing that he sees in his mind right now, 24/7 he is envisioning the moment they lock that Octagon and the referee says 'fight'."
but ya'll don't care what heyman has to say anyway right:sas2:
Former TNA World Champion Ethan Carter III hosted a Q&A session on Facebook on Wednesday afternoon to commemorate the opening of his new website,TheRealEC3.com. Here are the highlights:

If TNA closes shop, will Derrick Bateman be returning to the WWE?

EC3: Derrick Bateman died in a horrific Fireworks factory explosion.

What do you really think can get TNA to the top? Besides yourself of course.

EC3: To the top is not the goal. To be consistently enthralling and an alternative I think keeping the path.

Is there any chance of you returning to the wwe? If so do you see yourself at the top of their company?

EC3: I believe I could be at the top of wherever I am, and right now that is TNA and my only focus.

Any chance I will ever see you in NJPW? Not a tna hater, the opposite actully, just a dream to see you there.

EC3: I loved the Japan. I don't know if that could happen though.
who is this guy? who's derrick bateman? :wtf:
WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has dated his blog with some thoughts on Monday's WWE RAW from Chicago, which was the least-watched episode of the show in 17 years. Here are some highlights of what he said about:

WWE's Booking of Charlotte:

"Seemed as if WWE anointed Charlotte as their top female when she won the title but since then she’s not been featured. What am I missing here? I do like the way that the females have more people talking positively about them than in quite some time."

John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler:

"Thought Cena and Ziggler stole the show but unfortunately the show sealer came early. Great opportunity for WWE to advance Ziggler to the US Title with Cena preparing to leave WWE for a short sabbatical."

WWE’s Booking of Seth Rollins:

"The booking of WWE Champion Seth Rollins to rarely win on TV and to be an enhanced chickensh!t heel is a head scratcher. I thoroughly understand the concept of the vulnerable antagonist but for one’s champion to rarely win on TV is questionable. The booking of Rollins needs addressing IMO."
stop putting him with these part-time bums:beli: