Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
New to the Coli in general... Some of the stereotypes that I've felt about Black women with natural hair, hanging on CACs seem to play to the left...Sometimes I feel.... (Like a motherless child)... not really but .. I see the correlation between the organic pieces of hip hop and black culture... The Blues... Jazz... Hip Hop... being appropriated by industrious Whites.....I LOVE Black women. Juicy lips. Almond Eyes. Onyx smooth buttery skin. Natural soul... but sometimes I think that we miss the fact that we have something that others want, and we should protect and not let exploit.....


Oct 27, 2014
Not all Black women have Onyx skin. Although they certainly do moisturize their skin more than other groups of women so the smoothness is usually not an exaggeration.

Some Black people want the want to see Black folks succeed financially because that kind of success can mean good things for their communities. Other Black people want to see Black people succeed on a large scale because they hope it will make it easier for them to integrate into White culture.

Though a lot of minorities have people who suffer from a pathological desperation to be accepted by White people, Black people have been historically conditioned to do this for far longer. Unlike other groups Black Americans do not have a separate language by which to insulate themselves from outside groups. When one considers the fact that so many Black people are happy to share information with non-Blacks, either due to a desire to be accepted by the outside group, or a desire to spite Black people whom they do not feel accepted by, it is not a surprise that there are Black people who not only allow non-Blacks to appropriate their culture, but praise them for it. However it is hypocritical for people to condemn the lack of progress by Black movements, but simultaneously refuse to support them, or even the local Black businesses and community groups in the area.

Saying that Black men should be more protective of Black women is something that needs to be approached carefully. Plenty of men of all backgrounds already have an unhealthy level of patriarchal entitlement; they project their anger and rejection from some women in their past, onto all women. Black men being ultra-protective of Black women, could easily be misconstrued by many to end up being an extreme form of Patriarchy e.g. "do what we say for your own good, or else". The simplest way to be more protective of Black women is to make communities safer. Make it safer for women and children to travel. Simple things like holding doors for women, helping women without expecting to get laid in return, and teaching younger brothers to do the same will go a long, long way. Parents ingraining this kind of respect into their children goes a long way.