I hate nikkas that complain about their Baby Momma, man fukk both of yall, nikka


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
chilling listening to this stripper and perocet instrumental, just thinking about shyt, I gotta let this out ...Im tired of it

Every time u meet with a nikka, whether its in passing or business...they always want to complain about child support and their low life baby momma. U know what? fukk you and fukk her. I'm tired of hearing that shyt man. nikkas always think somebody care about their problems, guess what? we don't motherfukker.

nikkas complaining about child support, man that's what yo dumbass get stupid. I mean u done had examples of millions of nikkas get destroyed by the system and still because u have 0 discipline and self control u fukk the bytch anyway. U know the game, and u know most of these bytches out here are losers looking for a come up and u still smash raw.U know what? good, I'm happy your dumbass have to pay. Because at this point its like touching the hot stove over and over and getting burned everytime and u still touching it anyway.

fukk yo baby momma to man. These loser bytches and their dependence on their white daddy aka the govt. "Its the black man fault!!!" "Stop oppressing us!!!!" "BLM!!!" "Stop shooting our sons!!!!" well maybe bytch if u weren't so dependent on being a single mom because yo fat ass don't wanna work, maybe if u weren't playing keep away with the child's father, yo son wouldn't be lost out here. But now this shyt is all fukked up, these boys think their woman, walking around switching like woman, playing Pokemon at the age of 24. U got nikkas in their mid 20s, walking round in the dark at nightplaying Pokemon, WHY THE fukk YOU PLAYING POKEMON nikka? when u know theirs a war going on to exterminate u, and the cops out here blowing nikkas away for way less. But that's the results of decades of single moms. sssssshhhhh u cant say that tho, u cant offend the great god of the universe aka the black woman. She is the undisputed king of the black community BTW

And that's fine, bro u can do whatever u want, just stop fukking talking about it to me , I don't give a fukk about your problems nikka. Ever care to think that maybe, just maybe that I have my own problems...you selfish prick? Nope, of course not, because to u the world revolve around u and your hoodrat child's mother. nikka just talk to me about the weather or some other superficial bullshyt. That's the 1 area I give white people credit in, they know how to avoid talking about their personal problems with superficial fake forced safe convo topics, like sports for example. It make sense tho,because besides that the only thing left too talk about is getting reparations, slavery, 400 years of rape, castration, thief, mass murder and greed. So from that POV I can see why talking sports would suffice as the perfect time filler.

I digress, Nobody gives a fukk about nikka problems in 2016 man, the time in my " feel sorry for a brother" clock has ran out. No more sympathy, none of that feeling survivors guilt shyt either. I'm not gonna feel guilty about doing the right thing and not making stupid mistakes that I've seen 12743746454 nikkas make, its not my fault I have a fukking brain, don't make me feel guilty about having basic common sense motherfukker. It don't take a genius to figure out that this society is set up with pitfalls to destroy black men and yet nikkas still walk right into them and then have the nerve to complain in some stupid confused voice like "u know man they're trying to kill us right?" OH really, oh word, naw I haven't notice retard, no shyt. So If u know that, why are u still doing dumb shyt for? When U already know the results.

If your still getting a white dikk up the ass from the system, no tears is being shed over here, because I gotta deal with this shyt too, U think I fukking like having to jump through hurdles everyday just to make it home safely? U think I'm not tired of dealing with these dumb bytches out here? U think I'm not tired of going to work for some cracker cant even tie his shoes and chew gum at the same time? aight, so please don't bring up your fukking problems anymore, because man ...I could give fukk

Conclusion: Idgaf If this rub ppl the wrong way, I'm tired, I'm tired of fukking seeing the same bullshyt year after year after year...i feel like at a old man at the age of 29, being black in america is essentially like the movie groundhog day. The same cycle of fukkery over and over , played on a loop. I ideal of death gets more attractive too me daily, I'm coming to the conclusion that is the ultimate freedom, some might think that' crazy, but in my mind it seems logical.

bonus: I feel for all the black children with ain't shyt parents that created them out of pure lust. If I ever become president of the universal, I would give u the option to smoke one of them lol. Its optional, but your anger is totally justified and u should have that option, but then again I guess that's why guys like me don't get elected

Im out
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Circle p

All Star
Dec 25, 2015
I love hearing about no good baby mamas..makes me feel good about having no kids