I Studied Abroad in London Last Year, AMA

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
How. Are black woman in london.

I be seeing alot of pretty ones

They were quite nice looking, they came in a variety of complexions/shades of melanin. A good amount of them wore their hair out natural but there’s a good amount of them weaves too. I loved their accents and a couple of them even commented on my Afro and how big and curly it is :myman: Had a nikka feeling himself :wow:

Saw some really BAD ones at the malls and even on the Tube too :whew: Most of them were either 1st-gen or 2nd-gen Caribbean, Jamaican, or African.

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
Thoughts on the food?

Regular English food is pretty meh but I fux with the English Breakfast even if beans is kind of a strange concept from an American perspective. It was really good tho, I wouldn’t recommend eating it on a regular tho :whoa: That shyt can be heavy asf.

Some of the best Indian, Jamaican, Thai, Vietnamese, Iraqi, Lebanese, Turkish, Colombian, Chinese, Japanese, etc. I’ve ever had was during my time in London. The UK has some pretty decent meats and they even taste healthier than here since they don’t be putting much in the way of artificial agents in their food.

Some of the best chocolate I’ve ever tasted too....Hell, you can just go to a Tesco Express and grab a chocolate bar that’s 2 times better than anything you’ve ever had in the States. Once I ate a caramel chocolate Cadbury bar, I just haven’t looked at American chocolate the same anymore....Even Snickers is wack to me now :wow: Snickers used to be MY shyt!!!

For some reason, they don’t have cheese flavor Doritos over there. I was like :martin:

And yeah, there’s hardly much in the way of peanut butter over there neither lol.

You’ll notice that a lot of the flavors from the food you eat in the UK is kinda “tamed” if you got an American palette but it was still pretty good to me.

The desserts are GOAT over there, even the gelato spots along Edgware Road.

Don’t EVER drink local/European coffee while over there....No offense to the UK brehs & brehettes but idk why y’all and Europe in general love that watered down decaf shyt so much :scust: You’ll never take Starbucks for granted again after drinking the local coffee over there. But thankfully, there’s an abundance of Starbucks over there as they compete with three major UK/European coffee chains in the Greater London region.

They also really LOVE Nando’s over there too.

Sankofa Alwayz

#FBADOS #B1 #D(M)V #KnowThyself #WaveGod
Feb 22, 2017
Pretty Girl County, MD
What’s the London weather like??? I hear it rains a lot and just generally has a gray look all the time.

In summer we get that nice weather with the clear blue skies that remind me of cali.The city comes to life during summer but sucks during autumn and winter.

@Mr Mulsanne is right on the money. It truly did felt like Cali. It was an airy climate with very mild to little humidity and the weather is really nice around this time of year. I studied in LDN from May 21st to June 19th and the weather was great other than the occasional (and unpredictable) drizzle to light rain (there were two occasions when it turned heavy outta nowhere). The whole city was truly ALIVE :blessed: