If you have an GF, wife or family you'll never achieve your dreams, PERIOD!


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
I've came to the conclusion, if u want to do great things and reach your ultimate destination in life you must detach yourself from any and everybody. That includes having a girlfriend or wife. That time that you could be using to perfect your craft is going to her. A female will always keep u weak and unfocused, and if u want one fine, but the truth is , you'll never be able to compete with ppl with that conquer mindset. Its the yin and the yang of life motherfukker...don't whine, just make a choice...loneliness &misery for success OR love, companionship for mediocrity

If you look throughout history, no great men were really attached to their women or family. In order to reach high levels and become one of the all time greats at what you do, u simply have to be alone and unattached to other human beings.

How are you supposed to be the best and you got some nagging bytch trying to talk to you about some bullshyt gossip from her boring ass job? the answer is, u simply cant., because being the best requires everything that you have. Mind, body and spirit must be aligned to form a voltron like super power. You gotta be a mothafukkin savage to reach the top, and having a lady is a weakness and a distraction. The top requires you to adapt a warrior like spirit, that of afro samurai. u must be cold and calculating, and have tunnel vision.. Having a female around will interrupt that, no offense but esp the black woman. BW try to stop their men from being dominant figures like no other. I love my mom, grandma and aunts, but everything piece of advice from them is basically be a bytch and accept a foot up the ass by society

U gotta compete to be at the top. U must hate your competitors with the hate of 10 men. When I meet a fellow competitor in my field, I got 1 thing on my mind and one thing only, totally dominant this person until I break their spirit and have them looking at me as their god. Thats how u gotta think, obtaining a dream comes with alotta pain, inhumane sacrifices, naysayers, pressure and sorrow...its no fukking Walt Disney made for tv movie, where the good good wins and gets the girl and ride off into the sunset......naw the good guy eventually becomes the bad guy and loses his sanity and humanity to get that girl and then ride into the sun. U gotta be willing to really go all the way.

Go hard or dont play, keep your ass at your 9 to 5, and have couples date night, because whether u like it or not, ppl like me always are going to be around. Ppl think im crazy and honestly I am fukking crazy, I literately locked my self into solitude and told my myself i wont come out until im the best. I sat many friday nights in a cold basement with revenge on my mind while ppl were out partying. That's the type of dedication it take. "oh DrX you're a troll" yeah ok motherfukker u keep thinking this, I'm giving you an honest description of what goes thought anybody mind that become great at anything.

My goal is to be the greatest that ever lived at what I do, I want to take the pain I feel on the inside and use it as fuel to make me stronger. I want to be the GOAT, I feel like I can be and I know I cant have a lady and family. I'm going to sacrifice the rest of my life trying to be one of the greatest human beings that ever lived and when I die, I die. Hopefully the lord forgive me for my ambitions but I had no choice, I was dealth a hand where its all or nothing. I have an empty hole inside and Im gonna fill it by any means necessary, and being #1 will suffice. I try to always do the right thing. But I want this crown more than anything, and I know ima get it.

conclusion: humanity or success...choose one


Jan 24, 2016
if u want to do great things and reach your ultimate destination in life you must detach yourself from any and everybody.
A female will always keep u weak and unfocused,
In order to reach high levels and become one of the all time greats at what you do, u simply have to be alone and unattached to other human beings.
BW try to stop their men from being dominant figures like no other


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
That was too much to make a point for this subject. Christopher Nolan managed and manages.

However, I'm the epitome of what you're talking about.


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
You had me until the bw hold us back line.

Any woman can do that if you let them.

It is easier to focus when you only need to worry about yourself, that I can agree on.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
alotta square ppl on this site going to think this is crazy, its only for a select mind

u gotta want it, want bad, so bad your stomach hurt when u think about it....

u think jordan became jordan by being some happy go lucky mothafukka? hell naw he was in the gym while everybody was sleeping practicing jumpers with nothing but hate in his heart, thinking about all the ppl that said he would fail

a guy Iike jordan, or kobe...these dudes wouldn't been warriors in their past life, u think a guy like that is thinking about video games and football? man if u talk to those dudes about some simple shyt, they might snap and choke the shyt outta you...because they're so focused they dont even want bullshyt near them

big bun

May 28, 2012
I've came to the conclusion, if u want to do great things and reach your ultimate destination in life you must detach yourself from any and everybody. That includes having a girlfriend or wife. That time that you could be using to perfect your craft is going to her. A female will always keep u weak and unfocused, and if u want one fine, but the truth is , you'll never be able to compete with ppl with that conquer mindset. Its the yin and the yang of life motherfukker...don't whine, just make a choice...loneliness &misery for success OR love, companionship for mediocrity

If you look throughout history, no great men were really attached to their women or family. In order to reach high levels and become one of the all time greats at what you do, u simply have to be alone and unattached to other human beings.

How are you supposed to be the best and you got some nagging bytch trying to talk to you about some bullshyt gossip from her boring ass job? the answer is, u simply cant., because being the best requires everything that you have. Mind, body and spirit must be aligned to form a voltron like super power. You gotta be a mothafukkin savage to reach the top, and having a lady is a weakness and a distraction. The top requires you to adapt a warrior like spirit, that of afro samurai. u must be cold and calculating, and have tunnel vision.. Having a female around will interrupt that, no offense but esp the black woman. BW try to stop their men from being dominant figures like no other. I love my mom, grandma and aunts, but everything piece of advice from them is basically be a bytch and accept a foot up the ass by society

U gotta compete to be at the top. U must hate your competitors with the hate of 10 men. When I meet a fellow competitor in my field, I got 1 thing on my mind and one thing only, totally dominant this person until I break their spirit and have them looking at me as their god. Thats how u gotta think, obtaining a dream comes with alotta pain, inhumane sacrifices, naysayers, pressure and sorrow...its no fukking Walt Disney made for tv movie, where the good good wins and gets the girl and ride off into the sunset......naw the good guy eventually becomes the bad guy and loses his sanity and humanity to get that girl and then ride into the sun. U gotta be willing to really go all the way.

Go hard or dont play, keep your ass at your 9 to 5, and have couples date night, because whether u like it or not, ppl like me always are going to be around. Ppl think im crazy and honestly I am fukking crazy, I literately locked my self into solitude and told my myself i wont come out until im the best. I sat many friday nights in a cold basement with revenge on my mind while ppl were out partying. That's the type of dedication it take. "oh DrX you're a troll" yeah ok motherfukker u keep thinking this, I'm giving you an honest description of what goes thought anybody mind that become great at anything.

My goal is to be the greatest that ever lived at what I do, I want to take the pain I feel on the inside and use it as fuel to make me stronger. I want to be the GOAT, I feel like I can be and I know I cant have a lady and family. I'm going to sacrifice the rest of my life trying to be one of the greatest human beings that ever lived and when I die, I die. Hopefully the lord forgive me for my ambitions but I had no choice, I was dealth a hand where its all or nothing. I have an empty hole inside and Im gonna fill it by any means necessary, and being #1 will suffice. I try to always do the right thing. But I want this crown more than anything, and I know ima get it.

conclusion: humanity or success...choose one

And what have you ever done that's worth a damn?


Free the guys
Nov 3, 2013
Baltimore, MD "The Greatest City In America"
I've came to the conclusion, if u want to do great things and reach your ultimate destination in life you must detach yourself from any and everybody. That includes having a girlfriend or wife. That time that you could be using to perfect your craft is going to her. A female will always keep u weak and unfocused, and if u want one fine, but the truth is , you'll never be able to compete with ppl with that conquer mindset. Its the yin and the yang of life motherfukker...don't whine, just make a choice...loneliness &misery for success OR love, companionship for mediocrity

If you look throughout history, no great men were really attached to their women or family. In order to reach high levels and become one of the all time greats at what you do, u simply have to be alone and unattached to other human beings.

How are you supposed to be the best and you got some nagging bytch trying to talk to you about some bullshyt gossip from her boring ass job? the answer is, u simply cant., because being the best requires everything that you have. Mind, body and spirit must be aligned to form a voltron like super power. You gotta be a mothafukkin savage to reach the top, and having a lady is a weakness and a distraction. The top requires you to adapt a warrior like spirit, that of afro samurai. u must be cold and calculating, and have tunnel vision.. Having a female around will interrupt that, no offense but esp the black woman. BW try to stop their men from being dominant figures like no other. I love my mom, grandma and aunts, but everything piece of advice from them is basically be a bytch and accept a foot up the ass by society

U gotta compete to be at the top. U must hate your competitors with the hate of 10 men. When I meet a fellow competitor in my field, I got 1 thing on my mind and one thing only, totally dominant this person until I break their spirit and have them looking at me as their god. Thats how u gotta think, obtaining a dream comes with alotta pain, inhumane sacrifices, naysayers, pressure and sorrow...its no fukking Walt Disney made for tv movie, where the good good wins and gets the girl and ride off into the sunset......naw the good guy eventually becomes the bad guy and loses his sanity and humanity to get that girl and then ride into the sun. U gotta be willing to really go all the way.

Go hard or dont play, keep your ass at your 9 to 5, and have couples date night, because whether u like it or not, ppl like me always are going to be around. Ppl think im crazy and honestly I am fukking crazy, I literately locked my self into solitude and told my myself i wont come out until im the best. I sat many friday nights in a cold basement with revenge on my mind while ppl were out partying. That's the type of dedication it take. "oh DrX you're a troll" yeah ok motherfukker u keep thinking this, I'm giving you an honest description of what goes thought anybody mind that become great at anything.

My goal is to be the greatest that ever lived at what I do, I want to take the pain I feel on the inside and use it as fuel to make me stronger. I want to be the GOAT, I feel like I can be and I know I cant have a lady and family. I'm going to sacrifice the rest of my life trying to be one of the greatest human beings that ever lived and when I die, I die. Hopefully the lord forgive me for my ambitions but I had no choice, I was dealth a hand where its all or nothing. I have an empty hole inside and Im gonna fill it by any means necessary, and being #1 will suffice. I try to always do the right thing. But I want this crown more than anything, and I know ima get it.

conclusion: humanity or success...choose one

And what do u do breh?????:pachaha: