If you have anxiety issues, get in here, brehs.

Apr 3, 2014
I truly do wish you brehs and crehs well, especially going into 2024. I hope that all of us receive good health and lots of wealth. And to that end, I like to share info that I feel has helped me.

I suffer from a form of anxiety. It's never been officially diagnosed but depending on what's happening at a particular moment, I feel it. It starts as a feeling deep in the pit of my stomach and then it spreads all over.

A lot of the time, it's there but I don't consciously notice it.

It's not severe anxiety. I've always handled whatever I needed to handle in the face of that anxiety, but it's definitely there. And it probably stems from some childhood stuff or maybe I would have it regardless, I don't know.

Anyway... Lately I've been doing exercises and concentrating on both good physical and mental health and its been beneficial to me to consciously recognize the feeling when it comes.

One thing that I've been doing that is an INSTANT relief is something called Box Breathing. Apparently Navy Seals use it to fight the flight or fight instinct and calm themselves down during missions.

I've been practicing it lately and it's really helped me. It's been an instant... calming effect. Instant anxiety release.

Here's a video of how to do it. Basically you slow down your breathing. Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds. Then hold it for 4 seconds. Then exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds. Then hold for 4 seconds. Then do it all over again.

In my experience inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth is a very important part of it. I was inhaling and exhaling through my nose at first and I didn't see the same results as I did when I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth.

Try it and let me know if it helps, brehs. Video below.
