Introverts have a message for the world: fukk off

Digital Omen

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
We never speak more than two words when one will do
We don't care about gossip, drama, he said she said, showing off, stunting, or clout chasing
We like being alone and don't trip over going out or traveling alone
We've been to the movies, restaurants, trips, shows, and shopping alone. We DGAF if you or society thinks we're weirdos or creeps for dining or traveling alone. FOH.
Example: I went to the Nas (another introvert) MSG show by myself. Didn't care and had a great time.
Back in my party days if dudes couldn't roll with me for whatever reason I rolled dolo, even got ass sometimes (random club bird: who you here with? me: oh I can't find them, what's up with you?)
Wu-Tang torture skits are gruesome, but my real torture is standing in line at the grocery or movies or whatever and having to hear people's idiotic stupid convos around me.
*Puts on AirPods and turns up the volume*
Majority of people are lame and annoying and suffer from herd mentality. Unable to think for themselves or do for self. Need constant approval and validation from the herd. Scoff at therapy. Live life for the gram.
So called friends come and go, same with women. I have a girl and every day I tell myself it's not my p*ssy, it's just my turn.
FOH. I'll get clowned and negged but the point is I don't care. I like being me.

High Art

đź‘‘King of The Salonđź‘‘
Mar 11, 2022
Myself and my own.
We never speak more than two words when one will do
We never speak more than two words when one will do
We don't care about gossip, drama, he said she said, showing off, stunting, or clout chasing
We like being alone and don't trip over going out or traveling alone
We've been to the movies, restaurants, trips, shows, and shopping alone. We DGAF if you or society thinks we're weirdos or creeps for dining or traveling alone. FOH.
Example: I went to the Nas (another introvert) MSG show by myself. Didn't care and had a great time.
Back in my party days if dudes couldn't roll with me for whatever reason I rolled dolo, even got ass sometimes (random club bird: who you here with? me: oh I can't find them, what's up with you?)
Wu-Tang torture skits are gruesome, but my real torture is standing in line at the grocery or movies or whatever and having to hear people's idiotic stupid convos around me.
*Puts on AirPods and turns up the volume*
Majority of people are lame and annoying and suffer from herd mentality. Unable to think for themselves or do for self. Need constant approval and validation from the herd. Scoff at therapy. Live life for the gram.
So called friends come and go, same with women. I have a girl and every day I tell myself it's not my p*ssy, it's just my turn.
FOH. I'll get clowned and negged but the point is I don't care. I like being me.
*Proceeds to post a bunch of words words and more words.*

Marlow Stanfield

Dec 13, 2019