Israeli Violence on Palestinians Leaves 53 Dead, 2,000 Wounded

A Real Human Bean

and a real hero
Feb 17, 2013

Israel has been accused of sponsoring violence in the occupied territories leading to the deaths of 53 Palestinians, including 11 children, over three weeks, injuring more than 2,000 others, and leaving 5,500 requiring treatment for toxic tear gas inhalation, Global Research said Friday.

“Detainees undergo grueling interrogations, violent beatings and other forms of torture and abuse,” the website added.

In the meantime, Israeli forces continue to violently raid homes during early hours of the morning, terrorizing occupants, traumatizing children, ransacking possessions, and arresting Palestinians on “phony charges or none at all,” Global Research added.

“Israel’s solution for ending violence is inciting more of it through its ongoing program against Palestinians throughout the West Bank, East Jerusalem and parts of Gaza,” they said.

The news site reported that a renowned Palestine peace and justice advocate, Hashem al-Azzeh, died after collapsing from tear gas inhalation in Hebron’s Old City. The incident occurred as he headed for a checkpoint to ask for help because he wasn't feeling well, but due to fierce clashes, provoked by Israeli soldiers, security forces blocked his passage.

“He became engulfed in tear gas, couldn’t breathe, collapsed and died,” the article notes.

Global Research said Hebron’s Old City has some of the West Bank’s most violent Jewish settlers, who do not hesitate to resort to armed force to evict Palestinians from their homes.

Psychologist Marcos Matias Moyano said isolation, limited freedom, night raids, home demolitions, settler violence and vandalism, kidnappings and detentions have left Palestinian communities deeply scarred.

“Our patients are suffering from fear, psychosomatic complaints, anger, frustration and hopelessness,” he said. “Children suffer from bedwetting. They are scared to leave home to go to school. They lack energy to study and cannot concentrate.”

The U.N. body for culture and education, UNESCO, condemned the Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

Meanwhile, a U.N. resolution to condemn Israel was approved by the 58-member body in Paris by a vote of 26 in favor, six against and 15 abstentions. The U.S. – Israel's staunchest ally – Germany, the United Kingdom, Estonia, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic voted against the resolution. Other U.S. allies, such as Austria, Spain, France, Italy and Macedonia were among those that abstained

:scust: Just barbaric.


Kae☭ernick Loyalist
Aug 3, 2015
Sad, just truly sad.

Then you have fukks like Jeb Bush and the entire right wing echo chamber out here talking about "there is no moral equivalence between Palestinian terror and Israeli self defense" Smh


May 27, 2012
Things really do go in circles it's almost that time again :whistle:

:scust: at all those scary ass nations abstaining :martin:


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The violence goes both ways.

Abbas called for violence when he spoke at the UN last month.


JahFocus CS

Get It How You Get It
Sep 10, 2014
Republic of New Afrika
The violence goes both ways.

Abbas called for violence when he spoke at the UN last month.


There is a vast difference between defensive violence and offensive violence. Settler colonialism is the offender and the aggressor. There are no legitimate claims to defense on its part.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
There is a vast difference between defensive violence and offensive violence. Settler colonialism is the offender and the aggressor. There are no legitimate claims to defense on its part.

I'm pretty sure attacking civilians with knives, guns, and cars is offensive violence. Israel had no intention of closing the Mosque to them. Make an honest argument.

A Real Human Bean

and a real hero
Feb 17, 2013
I'm pretty sure attacking civilians with knives, guns, and cars is offensive violence. Israel had no intention of closing the Mosque to them. Make an honest argument.

Do you not consider enforcing an occupation with brute force offensive violence?

Also, I'll leave these here:

Jews incite too, says pro-Israel lawmaker

The California Democrat helped found the Israel Project. He’s been a leader in initiating and advancing pro-Israel legislation, and has for decades warned about Iran’s nuclear intentions. He is one of just 25 Democrats who voted to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal in September.

At a hearing Thursday on Palestinian incitement, which culminated in a unanimous vote to condemn the stuff, he did what no other lawmaker did: Condemn incitement on the Israeli side. And he included among those doing Israel “immeasurable harm” Israeli leaders who oppose the two-state solution. That would be the majority of the current Israeli Cabinet.

Sherman starts, at the 49-minute mark in the video of the hearing, by condemning those who peddle “glorification” of terrorist deeds. “Arab leaders have much to answer for,” he says.

Then he adds:

As to Israel, in the days of the Roman Empire, those zealots who claimed to be the most pro-Israel did enormous harm. So now we see a few fringe Israeli leaders who want to disturb the status quo on the Temple Mount. They, too, are harmful. They provide a pretext for those who incite terrorism in Israel and those who seek delegitimization abroad. As to two-state solution, I don’t blame those who are pessimistic, I would doubt the sanity of anyone who bubbled with optimism about a two-state solution. But those who don’t vote pessimism about a two state solution — but those few Israeli leaders who oppose a two-state solution also do immeasurable harm.

Do Palestinian Lives Matter?

It came as no surprise that the House Foreign Affairs Committee meeting on the current wave of violence in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank was a decidedly one-sided discussion.

In a hearing titled “Words Have Consequences: Palestinian Authority Incitement to Violence,” committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) and ranking member Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) reached a similar conclusion: The current instability is caused by Palestinian leaders encouraging their people to kill Israelis.

Royce cited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' quote, “We welcome every drop of blood spilled in Jerusalem.” Engel said the past month of stabbings, shootings and vehicular assaults is “the product of years and years of anti-Israel propaganda and indoctrination -- some of which has been actively promoted by Palestinian Authority officials and institutions.”

“It’s heartbreaking,” said Engel, “to wake up seemingly every morning to a new report of a stabbing or a shooting of an innocent civilian in Israel."

But there was no mention of the 21 Palestinians killed by Israeli security forces since Oct. 1, despite having no identifiable connection to terrorist attacks.

Lawmakers did not talk about the Israeli teen who stabbed four Arabs earlier this month in southern Israel because of his belief that “all Arabs are terrorists.”

No one mentioned that between January and July of this year, settler violence caused 42 casualties, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

In fact, one of the few lawmakers to mention settlements was Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), who accused the international community of applying a “false moral equivalence between the Palestinian Authority and Israel.”

“Some, very lamely, blame settlement activity by Israel as the justification for increased violence, instead of putting the blame where it should be -- with the Palestinian Authority, with Abu Mazen,” she said, using another name for Abbas.

The congresswoman's comments were likely a swipe at Secretary of State John Kerry, who suggested last week that Palestinian frustration over settlement expansion is fueling the violence.

No one in the House Foreign Affairs Committee seemed aware that a senior official at Shin Bet -- Israel’s secret service -- recently refuted claims that Abbas is inciting Palestinians to attack Israelis. As Haaretz reported earlier this month, the Shin Bet official said that Abbas is “instructing his security forces to prevent terror attacks as much as possible."

Also absent from Thursday’s debate was any mention of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the Zionist Congress on Wednesday, where he accused the Palestinian grand mufti of Jerusalem of inspiring Hitler’s decision to exterminate the Jewish people during the Holocaust.

Historians and the Anti-Defamation League have refuted Netanyahu’s version of history. His statement also compelled German Chancellor Angela Merkel to reiterate that Germans were responsible for the Holocaust. Arab-Israeli Knesset member Ayman Odeh accused Netanyahu of "rewriting history in order to incite against the Palestinian people.”

But the House Foreign Affairs Committee members' omissions aren't surprising -- this was, after all, a hearing to address Palestinian incitement.

Much to the chagrin of several members of the committee, the State Department has avoided assigning blame to either side. "We want to stress publicly and privately the importance of preventing inflammatory rhetoric, accusations, or actions on both sides that can lead to violence," State Department spokesman John Kirby said on Wednesday.


Jan 5, 2014
Again nikkas in here shedding crocodile tears for them suicide bombers while laying comfortably on their couches :skip: they should be hunted like dogs... Israel is playing too much...finish the job or shut the fukk stabbing or rocket attack should have Gaza flatlined but they give a fukk bout public opinion :beli::wtb: