Its sad how mental health STILL isnt taken serious


Mar 10, 2017
The Bay
the presumption is that one cannot be seen as weak - most especially as a black man - because that is seen as a character deficiency and not a medical issue. But even as a medical issue, those are generally mocked and needled in the community as well.

There's a lot of hurdles to clear. The culture as a whole has been deifying fundamental signs of sociopathy for so long now because it has been the only means of achieving any success for us - to be cutthroat and lacking of empathy - so that is seen as positive characteristics. So, even the people who aren't like that act like they are until... you become what you repeatedly do. So admitting you aren't ok turns you into a lic to those people. Instead of the understanding that someone in your community suffering means that the pack is now weaker than it would be if they were operating at full strength so better to come together to solve the problem. No, instead the mentality is cut ties and KIM.

These are repercussions of the socioeconomical state we've been placed into as a people, and the fallout in all facets that that leads to. People aren't given the opportunity to be vulnerable which means that expressing any form of weakness or reticence of character is drawing a target onto yourself instead of being a beacon to pull in assistance.

It's fukking miserable that, culturally-speaking, gangbanging is the closest thing a lot of kids get to some sense of camaraderie or brotherhood. Speaking from experience; it leads to a whole lot of dumb decisionmaking out of want for community and acceptance. Whole lot of folk waving flags around would be better served getting sat down on a couch and made to explore their feelings so they can excise them and start to heal.

But, we continue on, trapped in the repetitions of being told the terrible things about us as a people and then only seeing those negative aspects blown up to 11 as the things that get one rewarded and elevated. So, we continue to play into the very behaviors ascribed to us intrinsically, but realistically only applied to us externally.

Every facet of what is 'cool' comes from us, but it only works to be mined if we continually keep ourselves unable to profit and benefit off of those cultural creations because we constantly end up cannibalizing that very same culture through infighting and lack of healing.

Tearing ourselves down, over and over. Because someone somewhere came up with the idea that a black man is supposed to be unfeeling, stoic and 'hard'. A 'real nikka'. Which is screaming at little black boys from birth to divorce themselves from their humanity. Then they hit the :picard: and act like we're all savages because we grew up to be what they told us we were supposed to be.

The people with the most need for healing have been convinced we are the people who need it the least. And this... this is what damage that has wrought.