Jake Plummer Calls NFL owners 'Scared, bigoted people'....


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May 1, 2012
A few Floors Down from the Daily Grind
Jake Plummer thinks NFL owners 'scared' of signing Colin Kaepernick

If there was a team you could envision taking a look at Colin Kaepernick, it might be the Denver Broncos.

The Broncos need a quarterback. Broncos general manager John Elway has looked into Kaepernick before. That, of course, came before Kaepernick became famous for his protests during the national anthem. Then, suddenly, the Broncos didn’t seem interested anymore.

Nobody is likely to sign Kaepernick, which is probably a factor in why he filed a collusion grievance against the NFL last year. If someone was going to sign Kaepernick by now, it would have happened. Former Broncos quarterback Jake Plummer has always spoken his mind, especially after retirement, and he told the Denver Post’s Nicki Jhabvala that teams are “scared” on Kaepernick, “uneducated on him as a person,” and he didn’t know if Kaepernick would want to play for teams “run by scared, kind of bigoted people.”



Jan 25, 2016
Plummer BEEN talking against the NFL

This is from 2 years ago:

It hurts him to watch.

"I have a hard time with it because everybody says, 'Oh, poor NFL millionaires. Oh, you poor people.' They don't understand," he says to BSN Denver from the highway. "Maybe they should have a little more to say about the owners that are billionaires, they're not millionaires; they're billionaires."

"Like Jerry Jones, who says it's 'absurd' that there would be a link between brain trauma, football and CTE," Plummer adds. "Shame on him for saying that, that billionaire a$$hole. It's the worst thing in the world for a guy like that to say. That's where we're sitting; grown-ass men are asked to go out there for millions of dollars—which, yeah, it's a lot of money—bang themselves around and completely fukk their lives over for their 40s and 50s. So yeah, poor football players is what I say. If you're a grown-ass man, you should be allowed to make grown-ass decisions."

Grown-ass men being able to make grown-ass decisions is what Plummer believes in.

"They should be able to say, 'I'm going to have some CBD and puff on this fatty, relax after a football game and take the pain away,'" he says. "Not get tested for it like Josh Gordon, who now can't play the game that he's been playing since he was a kid because he smokes marijuana. It didn't derail him or cause him to underachieve from what I witnessed. He dominated the league for two straight years, and now he's out of the league because he chose an alternative form of medicine."

Hooked: Jake Plummer opens up about the NFL’s drug problem, offers a solution – BSN Denver