Josh Norman tried to sign franchise tag, stay with panthers

South Paw

May 5, 2012
Report: Josh Norman tried to sign tag, fire agent to stay with Panthers

Josh Norman never wanted to leave the Carolina Panthers. The proof's in the pudding, so to speak, with Norman reportedly attempting to sign his franchise tender even after he got blindsided by the franchise's decision to let him walk back into free agency.

Norman landed a monster $75 million deal from the Redskins in free agency after Carolina made the stunning decision to recind his franchise tag.

According to Joe Person of the Charlotte Observer and Mike Jones of the Washington Post, Norman tried to sign his tag even after the Panthers pulled it. But the paperwork with the league was already filed.

From Person:

But when Norman was “blindsided” last Wednesday by the news the Panthers were pulling the tag, he contacted team officials saying he was finally ready to sign it, according to a league source with knowledge of the situation.

But it was too late: The Panthers' front office had already notified the league it was rescinding the tag.

Norman also offered to fire his agent, Mike George, according to reports, while coming back and signing the tender. He wasn't able to, obviously, and was so miffed about the way things went down he planned to fire George anyway.

But the logistics of canning George got in the way. From the Post:

Norman was looking for another agent to represent him and hired Ryan Williams. He intended to fire George, according to two people with knowledge of the situation, and the paperwork was filed to the NFL Players Association, according to NFL Network, but Williams and George were legally co-representatives. The logistics allowed Norman to avoid waiting five days to finalize a deal with an NFL team, although Williams ran the show.
According to the Post, there were two teams (the 49ers and Rams) already interested in Norman via trade after his representation was allowed to inquire about moving him off the Panthers.

Norman drew interest from a few teams, including the San Francisco 49ers and the Los Angeles Rams, but ultimately didn't secure a deal.
Both teams were logical landing spots for Norman in free agency once the Panthers released him, although Washington obviously offered the most attractive contract.

The one other concern to potentially crop up for the Redskins? Whether Dan Snyder was involved in this deal. The big contract numbers might lead you to believe it was the case, but the Post reports everyone was on the same page.

All of the team's decision makers held the same stance on Norman, however, people within the organization said.
GM Scot McCloughan, noted for investing heavily in the draft, reportedly "viewed Norman as an elite player at a position of great need" and decided the pursuit of Norman was worth the cost.


Dec 30, 2014