Kaep dealing out strays without even lifting a finger, Simone Biles does the dirty work

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
USA Gymnastics interim president Mary Bono resigns after anti-Colin Kaepernick tweet


4 hrs ago
Mary Bono’s tenure as the interim president of USA Gymnastics is already over.

Bono, who was appointed to the position Friday, resigned Tuesday after an ugly first weekend marred by criticism for a controversial tweet about Colin Kaepernick.

Shortly after the announcement that Bono would replace Kerry Perry, who resigned as part of the Larry Nassar scandal, Olympic star Simone Biles responded to the tweet, which has since been deleted, that showed Bono drawing over a Nike logo on her golf shoe in protest of the company’s advertising campaign with Kaepernick.

“Don’t worry, it’s not like we needed a smarter USA Gymnastics president or any sponsors or anything,” Biles tweeted.

Gymnast Aly Raisman also joined the charge against Bono, who used to work at the law firm that worked with Nassar.

Bono resigned in a lengthy statement “in the wake of personal attacks that, left undefended, would have made my leading USAG a liability for the organization.”

“With respect to Mr. Kaepernick, he nationally exercised his first amendment right to kneel,” she wrote. “I exercised mine: to mark over on my own golf shoes, the logo of the company sponsoring him for ‘believing in something even if it means sacrificing everything’ — while at a tournament for families who have lost a member of the armed services (including my brother-in-law, a Navy SEAL) who literally ‘sacrificed everything.’ It was an emotional reaction to the sponsor’s use of that phrase that caused me to tweet, and I regret that at the time I didn’t better clarify my feelings. That one tweet has now been made the litmus test of my reputation over almost two decades of public service.”


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
probably feels it's justified for Kap to have lost his job, so she should be good with losing hers too
You can almost see that in how quickly she went down too. She tried to save some face but she knew she had no case.

“Personal attacks” huh :beli:
I :beli: at that one. If they were "personal attacks", then it wouldn't reflect on USA gymnastics at all. She knows that the issue was past personal.

Simone!!! :myman:
Simone been a real one :salute:
Crazy when an athlete practices excellence to the degree that they become more powerful than these figureheads at the top. You may think you an important person in the world, but there are new queens that run things here. :pacspit:
May 4, 2012
:gucci: It kills me that white folks always hiding behind the military. Like every military member is a standup individual.

I was stationed in Japan and ALL the bases was on lockdown for months because Marines were over there killing taxi drivers and raping lil girls.

Everybody in the military dont get deployed. Mfs be in 20 yrs and never seen the desert. Faking profiles and shyt. Most mf dont even want to go over there.

NEWSFLASH: Theres racism in the military too folks. The military got a long history of demonic shyt that they were doing to black military folk.

Black Veterans were being lynched by white folks. Read up on Medgar Evers and there were many others.

Also read Lynching in America: Targeting Black Veterans.

White folks are truly evil.