Libs of TikTok teamed up with Nazis, now one is attacking her for being Jewish


Nov 1, 2015

Libs of TikTok teamed up with Nazis, now one is attacking her for being Jewish​

by VPSReports

Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.)

Monday, March 04, 2024 at 10:18:22a EST


Elijah Schaffer and Chaya Raichik together in the foreground, Stew Peters in a separate program in the background.

Chaya Raichik, owner of the social media account Libs of TikTok, has a neo-Nazi problem. Raichik and her Libs of TikTok brand have taken conservative media circles by storm as a result of her social media anti-LGBTQ+ and anti-Black mass harassment and disinformation campaigns. With close to three million followers, her online posts have fueled a deluge of threats against school districts and hospitals around the country for supporting LGBTQ+ rights, including at least 21 bomb threats. She has been known to boost Kremlin-backed anti-LGBTQ+ disinformation and holds an Education Library Media Advisory Committee position in Oklahoma. The recent bullying, assault, and subsequent death of 16-year-old transgender indigenous youth Nex Benedict has also been linked to Raichik’s campaigns.

Her rise to prominence has been especially remarkable on X, formally known as Twitter, where Raichik has joined a virtual clique of popular conservative and far-right personalities and influencers, such as Andy Ngô, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, and Elon Musk. Among the X/Twitter accounts Raichik promotes and is promoted by are a number of neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and white supremacists. But now, the unspoken alliance may be in question as a popular neo-Nazi conspiracy theorist and his own army of fans are turning on Raichik and targeting her with antisemitic hate.

Before we get deeper into this fascist infighting, let’s cover some examples of Raichik’s ties to popular neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier accounts.


On February 27, 2024: Chaya Raichik responded favorably to a StoneToss account and comic. StoneToss is a known Holocaust denier and pro-Nazi cartoonist with a long catalogue of deeply bigoted content spanning several years. She has also responded favorably to this same account on August 28, 2023.


Jake Shields​

Some might argue that merely responding twice to a neo-Nazi cartoonist is not indicative of intentional collaboration with white supremacists— but Raichik can’t get off that easily when it comes to Jake Shields. While he is primarily known as an MMA fighter, Shields has a history of denying the Holocaust, defending Adolf Hitler, and promoting neo-Nazi antisemitic hate.

Shields admitted in a deleted Tweet that he wished Hitler and Nazi Germany won World War Two. Raichik often has positive interactions with Shields, replying to him favorably at least seven times on Twitter/X.


Laura Loomer​

On February 24, 2023: Chaya Raichik thanked another white supremacist Twitter friend of hers after receiving a compliment from her: Laura Loomer— a self-described white nationalist who regularly collaborates with well-connected neo-Nazis and has direct ties to Donald Trump himself.


Josie Glabach​

Chaya Raichik’s close Twitter friend Josie Glabach AKA The Red Headed Libertarian openly defends the act of denying the Holocaust (she offensively and falsely calls it auditing). Glabach and Raichik talk regularly, more than most if not all of the Holocaust deniers on this list, and the two co-host livestreamed audio shows together on Twitter/X Spaces.


Jack Posobiec​

Chaya Raichik is also close with neo-Nazi collaborator Jack Posobiec. They promote each other’s content and have done video segments together. Posobiec is known for running far-right media outlets and making antisemitic, pro-Nazi posts on Twitter/X.

He also once organized a rally in support of Steve Bannon at the White House alongside neo-Nazi leader Richard Spencer, who infamously led a Nazi salute chant in honor of Donald Trump.


Elijah Schaffer​

When it comes to Elijah Schaffer, an openly pro-Nazi and far-right political commentator, Raichik has done more than respond favorably to a few social media posts. The two have appeared on Schaffer‘s web show together to attack LGBTQ+ existence. Schaffer, who has even joked about murdering transgender children, is closely tied to white supremacist Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnis and neo-Nazi Groyper leader Nick Fuentes— who has led neo-Nazi rallies where he explicitly calls for the executions of all Jewish people.

Schaffer has co-hosted video programs starring McInnis and Fuentes. But one of Schaffer’s closest media allies is Stew Peters, host of the Stew Peters Show.


Stew Peters​

As recently as January 27, 2024: Chaya Raichik enjoyed being listed as part of a “huge team effort” alongside Stew Peters and Steve Bannon in a mutual victory against a pro-LGBTQ+ bill in Maine. But now, he’s targeting her for her Jewish background. In a recent viral interview with Washington Post journalist Taylor Lorenz, Raichik endorsed the antisemitic conspiracy theory known as “The Great Replacement,” a favorite of Stew Peters as well as multiple white supremacist mass shooters.


But this interview seems to have only drawn the ire of Peters, who made several antisemitic posts targeting Raichik for her Jewish background soon after the interview went live. Peters ran a video segment on his web show titled “LIBS OF TiKTOK CHOKES” where he bashed Raichik repeatedly— emphasizing her poor performance and general inability to articulate ideas on camera.

In fact, Peters was so infuriated by how Raichik presented herself and her ideas in that interview particularly, that he created a new deranged antisemitic conspiracy theory just for her: accusing her of being a plant sent to intentionally make the anti-LGBTQ+ movement look stupid.

He went as far as to call her a “Jewish-run psyop meant to pacify conservatives, much like every other CIA operation” on Instagram. Here’s the exact quote from his neo-Nazi video program (warning, contains antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ+ hate and disinformation):

Stew Peters (February 28th, 2024): So we agree with Chaya Raichik and her Libs of TikTok account on a few issues, you know, yet we're able to recognize she's been propped up by the Zionist media, the Jewish-funded, BlackRock-funded, Rothschild-funded media. So of course, while we agree with her on opposing bioweapon mandates and child mutilation, after that, the rift starts. Raichik is an ardent supporter of Israel, because she's a Jew. She's even traveled to that country to produce pro-Israel propaganda videos for her American subscribers. These are facts. But if that wasn't enough to give you pause, this recent interview that she did with The Washington Post's Taylor Lorenz probably will be. Raichik was unable to defend her basic positions in this interview. She's being massively mocked and ridiculed for it online right now by those on both sides of the fake aisle.

So instead of taking it as a serious opportunity to publicly defend kids, which is the sole premise of this entire platform here, the Stew Peters network; defending kids. Instead of publicly defending kids or basic sanity from predators, she turned this whole interview into a joke. She's clowned herself. Even worse than Lorenz did when she showed up in a mask. Because that's exactly what we'd expect morons like this to do. But Raichik showed up to this interview dressed like an adult caricature of a middle school girl. It was actually highly creepy, given this is a grown woman. And even weirder, she wore Taylor Loren’z crying face on her T-shirt. She was going out of her way to be a spectacle and not a serious interview subject, and it showed throughout the entire interview.

Peters drones on and on, recycling various conspiracy theories into his fervent rant against Raichik in the interview video. But he wasn’t done yet. On March 3, 2024: Stew Peters made another viciously antisemitic and transphobic conspiracy theory post about Chaya Raichik. The post garnered hundreds of comments from neo-Nazi trolls who joined in lambasting Raichik.

Raichik has risen fast in the far-right media ecosystem— from the January 6th Capitol riot to building a discriminatory social media empire built out of a tactic of stochastic terrorism. She has caused demonstrable pain and suffering to LGBTQ+ youth and families and reshared a post calling to eradicate transgender and non-binary people (who she consistently claims do not even exist). Raichik is aware of what kind of characters she teamed up with when she stepped into a world of fascist extremism and violent incitement. And she’s hardly a benign observer here. When it comes to Raichik and her ties to neo-Nazis: the most important— and tragic, example comes from the real world rather than social media.

Mauricio Garcia​

On May 6, 2023: a man with Nazi tattoos and a patch that said R.W.D.S. (Right Wing Death Squad) opened fire in a mall in Texas, killing eight people— three of them children. Mauricio Garcia, the mass shooter, was a neo-Nazi militant whose uncovered online posts included essays in admiration of Adolf Hitler, furious rants against LGBTQ+ existence, and one post which opened by declaring: “This post was inspired by LibsOfTikTok."

Whether it’s Peters or Raichik: these far-right online media influencers have tapped into a mechanism of terror that is linked to real-world atrocities by normalizing hate, disinformation, and a conspiracy theory vision of the Earth. But the “rift” Peters referred to, as well as his own troll army, are a reminder that this mechanism can turn on these bad faith actors at any time— provided the adequate catalyst.

It’s easy to get lost in the web of social media: but these provocateurs are in the business of terrorism and it’s important not to forget the human toll linked to their hate and neo-Nazi conspiracy theories.


Nov 1, 2015



I guess Chaya’s plan to give the leopard a fresh plate of trans people did not prevent them from preparing to have her face for dinner

I guess Chaya’s plan to give the leopard a fresh plate of trans people did not prevent them from preparing to have her face for dinner

Nobody should receive antisemitic harassment. Not even racist anti-LGBTQ+ stochastic terrorists. I do want to emphasize that Chaya Raichik has been knowingly siding with antisemites, neo-Nazis, and Holocaust deniers for her anti-LGBTQ+ culture war, though.

Chaya Raichik AKA Libs of TikTok responds favorably to a Stonetoss account and comic. Stonetoss is a known Holocaust denier and pro-Nazi cartoonist. This is the company Chaya Raichik keeps.

Stonetoss background: Archived Tweet:…

Chaya Raichik (LibsofTikTok) has collaborated with Nazis and Holocaust deniers in her campaign against LGBTQ+ people, inspired a post by a Nazi mass shooter, endorsed a Nazi conspiracy theory— and still: Nazis targeted her for being Jewish. My latest:





Dorian Breh

Jan 14, 2016