Lyme Disease


⛩️ 18 Arhat ⛩️
Jun 15, 2012
Lyme disease is a hidden epidemic. For some reason, official authorities have greatly limited information or provided mis-information about this disease, which is now widespread in the U.S. and in Europe (and perhaps elsewhere). So few medical doctors are trained or informed about it. And many of those who know something about it, don't dare to say anything because of the possible (or probable) consequences on their career. I urge all of you to become informed.

Lyme disease is not easily diagnosed or treated. There are many false negative tests, as the most common test prescribed for it is totally useless. in addition, the disease itself has a host of diverse symptoms which mimic other diseases. So many people with Lyme in the States are treated for diseases that they don't have (to name a few, cardiac disorders, auto-immune disorders, psychiatric disorders, rheumatism, arthritis.) And when they cannot find Lyme, patients are often mis-treated in other ways, through denial of treatment, or by being characterized as delusional.

Here is a link to a trailer for the film "Under Our Skin," a feature length film speaking of the Lyme epidemic and the untold suffering associated with it: Under our Skin | An Infectious New Film

Here is a short video about Lyme which presents the work of the Turn the Corner Foundation which was organized to raise awareness about the disease:

Here's a link to a symptoms checklist put together by Dr. Burrascano, the doctor who founded the Foundation: Burrascano's Symptom Checklist for Lyme Disease. You will see from this list that the symptoms are quite varied, and can mimic many other diseases.

Here is the reference for a very well documented book that gives a lot of background information:

" by Stephen Harrod Buhner (Raven Press, 2005). Please note that he is not a 'fanatic' about the natural approach, but actually goes thoroughly over a number of the conventional and natural approaches possible.

Because the symptoms are so variable, most patients are usually not considered for testing or treatment. If testing is done, however, standard tests will miss over 90% of cases of chronic Lyme disease. The standard tests include an immunoassay test of IgG and IgM antibodies and a Western blot for confirmation. The problem with these tests is that they are designed to detect acute Lyme disease and are very poor at detecting chronic Lyme disease. In addition, doctors (infectious disease, internists, family practice, etc.) most often use the Center for Disease Control (CDC) criteria to define a positive test. This criterion was never meant to be used for diagnosis, but rather for epidemiological surveillance (tracking data).

Dr. John D. Bleiweiss was a doctor who worked to inform people about Lyme disease. The state of New Jersey went after his license for his "rogue" views about the disease. He committed suicide shortly thereafter in 1995. Here is a detailed article by him:

. The Amazon description of the book says,

Based on declassified government documents, in-depth interviews, and access to Plum Island itself, this is an eye-opening, suspenseful account of a federal government germ laboratory gone terribly wrong. For the first time, Lab 257 takes you deep inside this secret world and presents startling revelations on virus outbreaks, biological meltdowns, infected workers, the periodic flushing of contaminated raw sewage into area waters, and the insidious connections between Plum Island, Lyme disease, and the deadly West Nile virus.
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