Merkel y Hollande evocan la unión de Europa en Alemania

Aug 6, 2012
Primero) nunca tienes verguenza por el espanol de vos, usted esta practicando. Hay que hacer errores para apprender, mismo como yo. :obama:

Dos) En mi opinione humilde, lo que ellos tienen que hacer es sacar los paises que no se pude mantener los acuerdos financiales, y dejar esos paises fallar. Despues que se fallen, se puede construir una nueva sistema financiale. Imaginate, como se puede hacer una familia con un mujer que no se puede controllar sus gastos? Ella se van a destruir ella y vos junto. Una manzana mala se destruye el arbole enterro.

Tres) Si la misma problema ya llego a EE.UU., porque hay estados como California y Illinois que esta fallando porque no tiene tanto para pagar el sueldo mensual a los viejos, osea la gente que no trabajan, que se retiran. Pero como estamos un Unione, la problema de un estado es la problema de todos, entonces ya esta subiendo el costo de prestar dinero por todos los estados. Si no corregimos los estados que tienen muchas deudas, vamos a llegar a un punto donde los prestamos son demasiado caro, y nosotros no vamos a tener poder a pagar, y vamos a tener a vender nos cosas a extranjeros para seguir pagando :snoop:

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Classy X

Krispy Kreme Head
Sep 16, 2012
The bolded should be the proof that I'm really speaking, odds are you don't even use the word "cotorra" unless you been in DR (or should I say el 809) heavy :win: Ya es cloro mi pana linda? <<< good luck translating that last line online :smugfavre:

I don't even speak a lick of Espanol. I can pick up a lot of words though. I can pick up on some slang but, it's mainly Mexican slang.

I should really put in the effort to learn the language tbh.

Just tell me what the last line is. There is no point in my trying to translate online, most online translators are crap OR only translate by standard usage (like Google).
Aug 6, 2012
blackzeus una cosa mas, cual era mis errorers y cual son pocos mas cosas que ellos dicen en espanol similar a slang en ingles, entonces yo no sonido de cuadrado :shaq2:


May 19, 2012
I don't even speak a lick of Espanol. I can pick up a lot of words though. I can pick up on some slang but, it's mainly Mexican slang.

I should really put in the effort to learn the language tbh.

Just tell me what the last line is. There is no point in my trying to translate online, most online translators are crap OR only translate by standard usage (like Google).

In Spanish, claro is clear. In most latino countries (and USA), clorox is clear, like water. So it's a play on words, as clorox in spanish is "cloro". So instead of saying, "Soy claro?" you can say "Soy cloro?" Mi pana means more or less "my homeboy", it originated in Panama (Thus mi "pana") but is used in many latino countries. Lindo means pretty/cute, I used "linda" because you are a female, so it should end with an "a" instead of an "o" (e.g. bonito/bonita, hermoso/hermosa, feo/fea...) So more or less, I was saying "Now are we clear my pretty homegirl?"

blackzeus una cosa mas, cual era mis errorers y cual son pocos mas cosas que ellos dicen en espanol similar a slang en ingles, entonces yo no sonido de cuadrado :shaq2:

Ha, I never heard "cuadrado" (square) before used that way. In Spanish, you can say "chevere" for something that is cool, so if you don't want to sound uncool..."para despues no sonido como no soy chevere"

Slang REALLY depends on where you are. In some places, Spanish is actually very formal. The formal Spanish is called "castellano". I hate to say it this way, because I'm black, but generally, the lighter skinned the people, the more formal the Spanish. So like Chile and Argentina, they don't use much slang, where as Panama/DR/PR, they use heavy slang. Slang is region specific, but I'll give you a few:

PR (somewhat informal)
-Chavo = money (literally means goat, but in this case it can be understood as cash)
-Que lo que hay = What it do? What's the deal? (literally means "What is what's there?" it makes no sense if said in formal spanish)
- perrerro = grinding/dirty dancing :lolbron:

DR (VERY informal)
- Un "chin" = un poco = un poquito = a little bit
- Cotorra = b*llshytting/trashtalking
- mamajuevo = cocksucker
- liquido = money
- que lo que = what's up? (literally means "what's what?" again, pure slang)
- shorty = girlfriend same like NY
- heavy = cool e.g. "Esa bacchata es bien heavy"

Panama (somewhat informal)
- pana = homey
- reggae = dancehall in spanish (no lie Panama is basically a spanish speaking jamaica)
- man (e.g. esa man) = dude/cat/nikka (e.g. this dude or this nikka
- gyal (e.g. esa gyal) = girl/chick (e.g. this girl...)
- fritura = any kind of fried food, usually fried dough with some kind of meat

As far as your posts:

Acerca= around, sobre = about. For example, you said "algo acerca que paises..." you meant to say "Algo sobre que paises..."

The rest of your Spanish for the most part is ok, it's just the way you speak is a bit unconventional for common conversation, similar to an American saying "Let us go to the bazaar post haste", some of your Spanish is a bit antiquated, but the more you speak to people, the more you will pick up. :obama: but you good my man, you pretty much ready to start picking up chicks in Spanish :win:


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
blackzeus una cosa mas, cual era mis errorers y cual son pocos mas cosas que ellos dicen en espanol similar a slang en ingles, entonces yo no sonido de cuadrado :shaq2:

:laugh: so that's what he meant by cuadrado lol try to say square

also you dont say "sonindo" should have been "sueno"

ya slang in spanish is so crazy cause it really varies so much from country to country

as far as improving ur Spanish a bit more best advice i can give u is to turn on ur local spanish new station and just let it play that or get you a bad ass spanish chick :win: