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Apr 2, 2015
Shooting reported in San Bernardino, California, with as many as 20 victims

Police in San Bernardino, California, are responding to a shooting in the area that began around 11 a.m. local time, according to emergency officials.

Fire department officials reported up to 20 victims and as many as three shooters. Law-enforcement sources have also reported 12 fatalities so far, according to ABC 7 News.

The shooting apparently occurred at the Inland Regional Center, which provides services to the disabled. Witnesses on the scene told ABC 7 that some people are still locked in the building. Others have been evacuated from the scene, which is still active, according tothe San Bernardino county Sheriff.

"They [Inland Regional Center] had an event today, and during that event is when multiple shooters came in and just started shooting," Sergeant Vicki Cervantes, a San Bernardino Police Department spokeswoman, told ABC 7.

Police have reportedly entered the center and are evacuating the building room by room, according to CNN. SWAT officers and officials from the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms are also reportedly on the scene.

People who are in areas nearby, including a golf course, are reportedly on lockdown, according to The Los Angeles Times.

Corroborating witness statements, the LA Times reported that the suspects were heavily armed and wearing body armor and that they may have fled in a black SUV.

A spokeswoman for the Linda Medical Center, the closest hospital to the scene, told Reuters the center was on stanby to receive victims. Eight victims have reportedly been transported to the center already, CNN reported, and ABC7 counted 20 ambulances that left the scene.

The center has 670 employees, according to its Facebook page. San Bernardino is roughly 60 miles east of Los Angeles. Here is a map of the area:


Marcos Aguilera, whose wife was reportedly in the building when the shooting started, told ABC 7 that his wife saw emergency officials taking people out of the building on stretchers.

"They locked themselves in her office," he said. "They seen bodies on the floor."

The LA Timesinterviewed an unnamed man whose relative works at the Inland Regional Center: "It was a pretty horrifying phone call to get from a family member that is hiding in an office because there is an active shooting taking place," the man said. "This is wrong. Why would they target an agency that deals with helping handicapped people?"

A bomb squad is now on the scene following unconfirmed reports of a possible explosive device in the area.

President Barack Obama has been briefed by Homeland Security Adviser Lisa Monaco about the ongoing situation, a White House official said.

Here are some photos from the scene:

.@SanBernardinoPDSWAT on scene

— Doug Saunders (@crimeshutterbug) December 2, 2015
.@SanBernardinoPD and other Law Enforcement agencies are evacuating people from the Inland Regional Center

— Doug Saunders (@crimeshutterbug) December 2, 2015
Officers speed toward the scene of an active shooting in San Bernardo no. TOUT | Officers speea toward the scene of an active shooting in San Bernardo

— Beatriz Valenzuela (@BeatrizVNews) December 2, 2015

Shooting reported in San Bernardino, California, with as many as 20 victims

I'll try to update as new info comes in.j