
Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
I'm not gonna sit here and act like I know the full history of Zimbabwe & rhodesia before it. But anyone with half a brain can figure out that Mugabe, while not perfect was fighting against european interest.

It's obvious Europeans and Asiatics will capitalize, & native black folks will be allowed to hold another L being naive.


May 2, 2012
Cacs especially farmers are like :youngsabo: right now


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
The most important question anti-Mugabe people don't want to or can't answer...



@Diasporan Royalty

Zanu-PF is still in charge so I expect no policy changes which is bad. Aren't you the idiot who said he wasn't being forced out just last week?:mjlol:

But here is what SHOULD happen:

Anyways, here is my full take on this whole thing. The SADC, ANC and AU all three have been looking funny as fukk in this entire situation and showed their selves out. They showed why they can't be trusted and why they truly aren't for African progression, instead, they want to act as a bodyguard for these corrupt African leaders. Some Zimbabweans claimed that SA doesn't want a stable/developed Zimbabwe. Then we have Zuma caping hard for Mugabe when everyone knows Mugabe's time is up.

Moving on, all this talk of Zimbabweans being tricked by Whites or Whites using this as an advantage to take their land back needs to give up on that thoughts. Whites in Zimbabwe are WASHED. This is akin to saying the British are going to take back Hong Kong. It ain't happening. Because for one the Zimbabwean people(from what I noticed online. Gained some respect for them)seem to be among the most WOKE people on the continent and educated. They ain't being tricked. This isn't Rhodesia era Zimbabwe. Lastly, ZANU–PF are still in charge. So again ain't shyt happening and don't know why these Whites are celebrating or why people like those Blacks are thinking shyt is changing for Whites in Zimbabwe.

On to Mugabe. Yes, he liberated Zimbabwe from White rule and I respect him for that. And yes, the West did place sanctions on Zimbabwe. However, Mugabe was a dictator at the end of the day who stagnated the country every time he stayed in power. These are all facts. I know Cacs LOVE using Zimbabwe(and Haiti) as object examples for why Blacks can't rule the country. They be like, "SEE! SEE! Rhodesia was the BREADBASKET of Africa! But when that Black Hitler took over it went to shiet!" Because of statements like that certain Blacks like Pan-Africanist refuse to admit that Mugabe was bad for Zimbabwe. That he was a stealing BILLIONS from the country! I mean he was confirmed to be more than a billion. Yes, he took farms from the White but at the same damn time gave it to his cronies who then fukked up the agriculture sector. He could have distributed the farm lands to Black Zimbabweans who were educated in agriculture, but nope, that was too good to be true.

Next, he not only practiced nepotism(don't even get me started on the many expensive ass things he owned from ZIMBABWEAN MONEY which he took from GOVERNMENT diamond mines and those SAME farms), but then we have his wife Gucci Grace and his sons flashing their wealth. This all defeats any arguments in his defense of him being for African progression. Then we have the genocide of the Ndebele people which I don't even need to get into. The cons for Mugabe clearly outweigh the cons for him. People like Tariq on Twitter need to face this fact and stop arguing with actual Zimbabweans who faced what Mugabe did. Yeah, he was a brilliant against White rule in Zimbabwe and yeah I use to look up to him. But people need to understand that Anti-White=/=Pro-Black.

Moving on... Like I said the ZANU–PF are still in charge and so it his highly doubtful we will see big change in the Zimbabwean economy, but I am still hopeful. Maybe, we can get a John Magufuli who took the ruling party of Tanzania by surprise. Maybe, this new leader loves his country more than Mugabe did and is more ambitious in developing it than Mugabe was. I mean Emmerson Mnangagwa is said to be very ruthless, though he was said to be of a different wing of that party. But who knows?

Here is how I see things. The fact that this was a bloodless removal is very good, but getting to the bigger part, here is why I am excited. Zimbabwe's ONLY problem is that it was lead by a very BAD leader for 37 years. Under any competent leader Zimbabwe could easily be turned around in one big swoop and I REALLY mean that. Here's why:

Unlike Nigeria, DRC, Ethiopia and even Kenya, Zimbabwe is not in an unstable region, instead it is in the most stable and developed region in Africa i.e Southern Africa. Some can argue more stable than North Africa. In Southern Africa, you have countries like South Africa, Namibia and Botswana(most developed in Africa), if not for Mugabe, Zimbabwe should have ended up like Namibia or Botswana. Zimbabwe doesn't even have the crime rates that SA does for starters.

Anyways, here is the potential. Zimbabwe has HUMAN capital with a growing population that is the most LITERATE in Africa! That there is already a good start. Educated human capital is a MUST! That is the most important resource that any country can have. Botswana, the most developed country in Southern Africa doesn't even have the Human Capital that Zimbabwe offers.

Next, if I remember correctly the country has very good land for agriculture and was once the "breadbasket" of Africa. Another good start. People who KNOW how to farm should be put back in that position and not Mugabe's cronies.

Moving on, Zimbabwe has an abundance of natural resources from gold, coal, iron ore, chromium ore, vanadium, asbestos, nickel, copper, lithium, tin, and platinum group metals which were badly managed under Mugabe's govt. Yet another good start.

Moving on, Zimbabwe has a good tourism sector that I have heard MANY good things from. From Safari(Zimbabwe has a large wildlife game that include the big 5), historical tourism((Great Zimbabwe) and Victoria Falls which is the BIGGEST waterfall on the planet if I remember correctly. That with a competent government that doesn't have Mugabe's name on it is a good start.

Finally, the area Zimbabwe has a long and rich history(was the home of the Zimbabwean empire) with a country that is largely monolithic with the Shona ethnic group. Because of this unlike most African nations, Zimbabwe has a STRONG national identity. Which is good for nation building.

Also, with Mugabe out of the way, the new leader of the country can advertise Zimbabwe to foreign investors who would LOVE to invest in the country. They already have Chinese investors. Zimbabwe just NEEDS a competent leader. The only draw back his human rights abuse and the country being landlocked. However, Botswana is landlocked too and one of the most developed countries in Africa. So we'll have to see.

You guy's thoughts?

Concerning VIolence

May 26, 2015
the belly of the empire
Zanu-PF is still in charge so I expect no policy changes which is bad. Aren't you the idiot who said he wasn't being forced out just last week?:mjlol:

But here is what SHOULD happen:

@Diasporan Royalty doesn't know shyt about politics or what's he rambling about.

"Next, if I remember correctly the country has very good land for agriculture and was once the "breadbasket" of Africa. Another good start "

"Now if I remember anything about ZImmybabweland, they had da... da GOOD land... yeah yeah... so that's a good start knawmean?"

You seriously quoted this man. :mjlol:

why does this clown write out full paragraphs of "what to do" as if he''s on the Zimbabwe Parliament or something? He does this for every country too. More than likely he's just some dumb ass 20 something sitting in his room.

Too bad whatever "should" happen in some imagnary fantasy is not even close to tangible reality.
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Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
I'm not gonna sit here and act like I know the full history of Zimbabwe & rhodesia before it. But anyone with half a brain can figure out that Mugabe, while not perfect was fighting against european interest.

It's obvious Europeans and Asiatics will capitalize, & native black folks will be allowed to hold another L being naive.
Another collective global L for the black resistance


Apr 16, 2015
On a queue
@Diasporan Royalty doesn't know shyt about politics or what's he rambling about.

"Next, if I remember correctly the country has very good land for agriculture and was once the "breadbasket" of Africa. Another good start "

"Now if I remember anything about ZImmybabweland, they had da... da GOOD land... yeah yeah... so that's a good start knawmean?"

You seriously quoted this man. :mjlol:

why does this clown write out full paragraphs of "what to do" as if he''s on the Zimbabwe Parliament or something? He does this for every country too. More than likely he's just some dumb ass 20 something sitting in his room.

Too bad whatever "should" happen in some imagnary fantasy is not even close to tangible reality.
nikkahs travel nowhere but want to set policies and advice based on what they think:mjlol:while having no clue of reality


All Star
Feb 13, 2017
I'm not gonna sit here and act like I know the full history of Zimbabwe & rhodesia before it. But anyone with half a brain can figure out that Mugabe, while not perfect was fighting against european interest.

It's obvious Europeans and Asiatics will capitalize, & native black folks will be allowed to hold another L being naive.


Explain to me why, one of the biggest companies in Zimbabwe was European company that mined for gold/platinum/ diamonds and had a networth of over 52 billion. The man was a con artist who committed war crimes against his people while he was talking tough to white people behind the scenes he was letting them use all of the country's resources. You have to be an idiot to support this man. I don't know what the future holds for Zimbabwe but Mugabe was trash and to say otherwise just shows how ignorant you are.

Concerning VIolence

May 26, 2015
the belly of the empire
They will blame the “all African leaders are corrupt and stealing from the people” bogey man while cacs return to the country to get fat and rich and throw crumbs of tourist money at the people
"“all African leaders are corrupt and stealing from the people” "

All of them either propped or supported by the west.

But no one wants to go to the roots.

Mugabe was knighted too. Cacs only hated him when he went against their interests.